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Small and Medium Enterprises

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This chapter outlines some of the main CSO statistics available on SMEs. Chapter 4, which deals with Business Performance in Ireland, also contains data on these enterprises.

SMEs are defined as enterprises with less than 250 persons engaged. In this chapter, SMEs are further split into micro enterprises with less than 10 persons engaged, other small enterprises with between 10 and 49 persons engaged and medium sized enterprises with between 50 and 249 persons engaged. See Appendix 3.

See Tables 3.1 and 3.2 in this chapter for more detail on the data used in graphs.

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X-axis labelLarge (250+ persons engaged)SMEs (<250 persons engaged)
Active enterprises0.399.7
Persons engaged33.666.4
  • SMEs (<250 persons engaged) accounted for 99.7% of the total number of enterprises in 2019 and 66.4% of all persons engaged
  • SMEs generated 43.6% of total turnover in the Business Economy and 36.9% of gross value added (GVA) was attributed to these enterprises
  • Large enterprises (250+ persons engaged) generated 56.4% of total turnover and 63.1% of total GVA in the Business Economy in 2019
  • Micro enterprises (<10 persons engaged) accounted for 91.4% of all enterprises in 2019
  • Small (10-49 persons engaged) and medium (50-249 persons engaged) enterprises combined accounted for 8.3% of the total number of enterprises, while large enterprises accounted for the remaining 0.3%
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Active enterprises
Micro (<10)91.4
Small (10-49)7
Medium (50-249)1.31984985194345
Large (250+)0.260520821484528
  • Micro enterprises accounted for 24.4% of persons engaged and had the highest number of enterprises (91.4%)
  • Small and medium enterprises combined accounted for 42.0% of total persons engaged in 2019 and 8.3% of the total number of enterprises
  • Large enterprises accounted for the greatest percentage of persons engaged in 2019 at 33.6% despite having the lowest number of enterprises (0.3%)
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Persons engaged
Micro (<10)24.4
Small (10-49)21.7
Medium (50-249)20.3467702048533
Large (250+)33.5858024467962
  • Small and medium enterprises combined generated 19.0% of gross value added (GVA)
  • Micro enterprises contributed 17.8% of total GVA while representing 91.4% of all enterprises
  • Large enterprises accounted for 63.1% of GVA in the Business Economy in 2019
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Micro (<10)17.8
Small (10-49)8.5
Medium (50-249)10.5
Large (250+)63.1
X-axis labelLarge (250+ persons engaged)SMEs (<250 persons engaged)
Financial and Insurance65.439058938303834.5609410616962
  • The Construction sector had the largest share of its persons engaged in SMEs in 2019, at 92.2%
  • Both the Distribution sector (71.0%) and the Services sector (68.5%) reported that close to 7 in 10 of all persons engaged were in SMEs
  • The Financial and Insurance sector was the only sector in the Business Economy to report a higher proportion of employment in large enterprises than in SMEs with 65.4% persons engaged
Large (250+ persons engaged)SMEs (<250 persons engaged)
  • The Construction sector reported that 87.0% of their total gross value added (GVA) was in SMEs in 2019
  • SMEs in the Distribution sector recorded a figure of 69.4% for GVA, compared to the Services sector at 50.2% 
  • Industry SMEs accounted for 12.9% of GVA in the sector
IndustryConstruction DistributionServicesFinancial and Insurance
Percentage of active enterprises6.8245447306911921.817.16722134362751.27233232182763.0227753906895
  • The Services sector had the highest percentage of SMEs in the Business Economy with 51.3% of all SMEs in 2019
  • The Construction sector had the second highest percentage of SMEs at 21.8%
  • The Financial and Insurance sector accounted for just 3.0% of all SMEs
IndustryConstruction DistributionServicesFinancial and Insurance
Percentage of persons engaged11.612.62448.63.2
  • The Services sector accounted for the largest proportion of persons engaged in SMEs in 2019 (48.6%). The lowest proportion was in the Financial and Insurance sector with just 3.2% of persons engaged
  • Having accounted for 21.8% of all active SMEs, the Construction sector accounted for just 12.6% of persons engaged in SMEs
  • SMEs in the Distribution sector accounted for 24.0% of all persons engaged in SMEs and 17.2% of all active SMEs in 2019
  • The Industry sector reported that 11.6% of all persons engaged and 6.8% of all active enterprises were in SMEs
IndustryConstruction DistributionServices
Percentage of Gross Value Added15.910.419.254.4
  • Enterprises in the Services sector accounted for 54.4% of all SMEs' gross value added (GVA)
  • The Distribution and Industry sectors accounted for 19.2% and 15.9% of all SMEs' GVA respectively
  • SMEs in the Construction sector recorded the lowest rate of all SMEs' gross value added at 10.4%
IndustryConstructionDistributionServicesFinancial and InsuranceTotal Business Economy
  • All sectors experienced an overall increase in persons engaged in SMEs between the base year 2014 and 2019
  • The Construction sector reported the largest increase in persons engaged during the period 2014-2019 at 58.0%, with Services next at 28.2%
  • The total Business Economy showed an overall increase in persons engaged of 25.7% for the same period
IndustryConstructionDistributionServicesFinancial and InsuranceTotal Business Economy
  • All sectors experienced an overall increase in persons engaged in large enterprises between the base year 2014 and 2019
  • Services showed the largest overall increase in persons engaged in large enterprises in the period 2014 to 2019 with an increase of 70.3%, followed by the Construction sector at 64.0%
  • With respect to large enterprises, the total Business Economy employment showed an overall increase of 41.1% between 2014 and 2019
3.1 Number of active enterprises and persons engaged by sector and size class, 2019

3.2 Turnover and gross value added by sector and size class, 2019

3.3 Number of persons engaged in SMEs by sector, 2014 - 2019

3.4 Number of persons engaged in large enterprises by sector, 2014 - 2019

Go to next chapter >>> Business Performance in Ireland