Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart
Since 2020;
Overall, there was increased production across certain crops such as wheat, oats and barley.
The yield of wheat increased by 2.3 tonnes per hectare (+27.1%), barley by 1.1 tonnes (+14.3%) and oats by 0.9 tonnes (12.5%).
The production of wheat increased by 269,400 tonnes (+68.5%), barley by 126,100 tonnes (+8.8%) and oats by 48,400 tonnes (+25.5%).
Production of beans and peas decreased from 65,700 tonnes in 2020 to 54,400 tonnes in 2021 (-17.2%).
The yield of potatoes increased from 33.8 tonnes per hectare to 45.6 tonnes (+35.0%).
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Statistician's Comment
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (27 April 2022) released the Area, Yield and Production of Crops 2021.
Commenting on the release, Sophie Emerson, Statistician in Agriculture Surveys, said, "In Figure 1, we can see that the yields of selected crops have increased since 2020. Overall, this has resulted in a production increase across the total wheat, oats and barley crops, despite a fall in the production of spring cereals. There was a rise in the production of total winter cereals in comparison to 2020. When compared to 2020, the area of spring wheat, spring oats and spring barley has decreased while the yield increased.
The area of beans and peas sown decreased by 4,000 hectares (-29.2%) in 2020. Production of beans and peas fell from 65,700 tonnes to 54,400 tonnes in 2021 (-17.2%) despite the yield having rose from 4.8 tonnes per hectare to 5.6 tonnes.
The production of potatoes increased from 300,100 tonnes in 2020 to 407,500 tonnes in 2021 (+35.8%)."