Foreign-owned MNE dominated | Other | |
2013 | 50.5556308743638 | 144.274274898316 |
2014 | 56.9668251148286 | 152.956805584194 |
2015 | 101.161194391482 | 161.904635573029 |
2016 | 101.551264576134 | 165.239984757414 |
2017 | 112.125385935946 | 172.669167435065 |
2018 | 130.548537955217 | 183.078065422929 |
2019 | 139.476567532825 | 190.82580731919 |
2020 | 174.156331614946 | 177.898982313472 |
2021 | 210.147295876868 | 186.35717746606 |
Get the data: PxStat NA018
Gross Value Added (GVA) at constant (2020) basic prices for the MNE dominated sectors of the economy expanded by 20.7% between 2020 and 2021. The non-MNE dominant sectors grew by 4.8% over the same period, resulting in an overall growth rate of 12.6%.
Real GVA for the total economy was almost €400 billion for the first time in the 2021 reference period (€396,504m), with GVA for MNE dominated sectors exceeding €210 billion while GVA for the non-MNE dominated sectors was €186 billion.
Of the larger non-MNE dominated sectors, there were increases in the Wholesale & Retail sector incl. the Sale & Repair of Motor Vehicles (+8.2%), Real Estate Activities (+6.6%), Financial & Insurance Activities sector (+17.8%), Legal, Accounting; Management Consultancy, Architecture & Engineering Activities (+8.7%), Human Health & Social Work Activities (+2.9%) and the Industrial Manufacturing sector Furniture; Other Manufacturing; Repair & Installation of Machinery & Equipment which is largely driven by the Medical Devices constituent element (+36.7%). The Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing sector showed a year-on-year increase of +13.3% in 2021 compared with 2020. Administrative & Support Service Activities declined by -6.3% in the period while Construction recorded a fall of -3.1% in 2021 compared with 2020.
Amongst the larger MNE dominated sectors, there was growth in Publishing, Audio-visual & Broadcasting Activities (+17.7%) and Computer Programming & Information Service Activities (+16.1%). The manufacturing of Chemicals & Chemical Products, Solid Fuel, Coke & Refined Petroleum Products declined -18.8% in the year compared with 2020.
Foreign-owned MNE dominated | Other | |
2013 | -0.408080293286267 | 1.7090032836174 |
2014 | 3.24805270698791 | 4.39876195292567 |
2015 | 19.8396385272515 | 4.01684005196484 |
2016 | 0.143179607480313 | 1.22427708094856 |
2017 | 4.03183023267665 | 2.83268957340227 |
2018 | 6.57244678221287 | 3.71336718142273 |
2019 | 2.86875078359205 | 2.48950123235632 |
2020 | 11.7858275095842 | -4.39314781390103 |
2021 | 10.2230992795751 | 2.40251881393484 |
Get the data: PxStat NA018
Foreign-owned MNE dominated | Other | Total | |
1995 | 14.8972867394093 | 87.1655458876937 | 99.5536278530218 |
1996 | 16.0743848934618 | 91.9884346205009 | 105.533036953432 |
1997 | 20.0451627479846 | 98.3028286272079 | 116.572586572317 |
1998 | 23.9332512952675 | 104.017069726386 | 126.960817496117 |
1999 | 28.0866438302433 | 109.684959981348 | 137.593525351596 |
2000 | 31.834567584548 | 116.610469901159 | 148.824674667188 |
2001 | 33.6917437330766 | 120.22933516681 | 154.494271362251 |
2002 | 38.8401686425401 | 123.404100951546 | 163.906630761978 |
2003 | 37.1986426072838 | 127.727063619013 | 166.03299270373 |
2004 | 38.331959928416 | 135.252290589731 | 174.665141340383 |
2005 | 41.9736845241369 | 142.126483710721 | 185.30490166625 |
2006 | 44.208619059617 | 148.364736824585 | 193.811363576485 |
2007 | 49.041971361896 | 158.811662860272 | 208.965754027453 |
2008 | 47.3184887171558 | 155.732627181697 | 204.274872763876 |
2009 | 48.7612023911082 | 142.05750576718 | 191.254811960606 |
2010 | 51.7021951669795 | 142.641300086694 | 194.694014656995 |
2011 | 51.7456066724289 | 145.396997523229 | 197.581593647992 |
2012 | 51.3083167749502 | 141.122094563226 | 192.833557114747 |
2013 | 50.5556308743638 | 144.274274898316 | 195.342173192326 |
2014 | 56.9668251148286 | 152.956805584194 | 210.279627128991 |
2015 | 101.161194391482 | 161.904635573029 | 260.444941331475 |
2016 | 101.551264576134 | 165.239984757414 | 264.006413101387 |
2017 | 112.125385935946 | 172.669167435065 | 282.12918561805 |
2018 | 130.548537955217 | 183.078065422929 | 311.148468787843 |
2019 | 139.476567532825 | 190.82580731919 | 327.82058788926 |
2020 | 174.156331614946 | 177.898982313472 | 352.055313928418 |
2021 | 210.147295876868 | 186.35717746606 | 396.504473342928 |
Get the data: PxStat NA018
The share of total GVA at constant prices accounted for by the foreign-owned MNE dominated sectors stood at 53.0% in 2021, a significant increase from 49.5% in 2020 (see Table 5.3).
Table 5.4 provides gross value added (GVA) at basic prices in current terms for 37 sectors of the economy according to the Nace Rev. 2 classification system. It provides more detail than that of the 10 economic sectors shown in Table 3.4. Table 5.4 provides valuations of GVA for the sectors at 'basic prices', in line with the valuation used in Tables 3.3 and 3.4. 'Basic prices' is the valuation used in EU publications and differs from 'factor cost' in that overhead taxes (such as rates) are included in the basic prices valuations while overhead subsidies are excluded.
Table 5.5 provides gross value added at constant prices (chain linked and referenced to 2020) for 37 sectors of the economy. The same sectors are used as in Table 5.4 which is at current prices. The table provides a detailed breakdown of real growth in the constituent sectors of the economy. It aligns with Table 3.6 (the 10 sector breakdown) but provides a greater level of detail. The valuation used in Table 5.5 (as in Table 5.4) is 'basic prices'.
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