Cash and bank deposits | Debtors | Loans | Tangible fixed assets | Other | Tangible Fixed Assets and Other | |
2007 | 555 | 2265 | 1100 | 27385 | 2191 | * |
2008 | 418 | 1810 | 4399 | 28625 | 4475 | * |
2009 | 521 | 1810 | 4360 | 31475 | 5042 | * |
2010 | 290 | 1404 | 6733 | 35621 | 4035 | * |
2011 | 446 | 3242 | 7073 | 38726 | 6394 | * |
2012 | 1445 | 3209 | 8816 | 43980 | 8362 | * |
2013 | 1899 | 3847 | 8765 | 47073 | 6464 | * |
2014 | 3193 | 17013 | 8560 | 77480 | 10862 | * |
2015 | 4691 | 18943 | 5563 | * | * | 99370 |
2016 | 4887 | 19399 | 11352 | * | * | 105994 |
The stock of leased aircraft (tangible fixed assets) has grown by almost 12% per annum over a 7-year period from €27.4bn in 2007 to €77.5bn in 2014*. The largest growth occurred in 2014, when tangible fixed assets grew by over €30bn (65%) due to new entrants in the sector. While aircraft made up 82% of assets at the beginning of the period, this had fallen to 66% in 2014, reflecting some diversification in the industry. Cash and bank deposits have grown around 27% per annum from more than €0.5bn to just under €5bn. Other growth has been seen in Debtors and Loans, which collectively have grown by €27.3bn from €3.4bn (10% of assets) in 2007 to €30.8bn (22% of assets) in 2016.
Table 3.1 Assets | €million | |||||||||
2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | |
Cash and Bank Deposits | 555 | 418 | 521 | 290 | 446 | 1,445 | 1,899 | 3,193 | 4,691 | 4,887 |
Debtors | 2,265 | 1,810 | 1,810 | 1,404 | 3,242 | 3,209 | 3,847 | 17,013 | 18,943 | 19,399 |
Loans | 1,100 | 4,399 | 4,360 | 6,733 | 7,073 | 8,816 | 8,765 | 8,560 | 5,563 | 11,352 |
Tangible Fixed Assets | 27,385 | 28,625 | 31,475 | 35,621 | 38,726 | 43,980 | 47,073 | 77,480 | * | * |
Other | 2,191 | 4,475 | 5,042 | 4,035 | 6,394 | 8,362 | 6,464 | 10,862 | * | * |
Total Assets | 33,496 | 39,727 | 43,209 | 48,083 | 55,881 | 65,812 | 68,048 | 117,108 | 128,567 | 141,633 |
*Tangible Fixed Assets have been suppressed in 2015 and 2016 due to confidentiality. |
Bonds and Notes | Creditors | Equity Investments | Loans | Other | |
2007 | 2399 | 8704 | 13588 | 12920 | 1658 |
2008 | 2408 | 1589 | 14071 | 17750 | 4915 |
2009 | 2201 | 1518 | 14951 | 17882 | 6526 |
2010 | 3953 | 1251 | 16435 | 19244 | 5637 |
2011 | 3451 | 1392 | 16406 | 22862 | 9621 |
2012 | 3231 | 1620 | 16843 | 28723 | 10215 |
2013 | 3410 | 1828 | 18335 | 33681 | 9242 |
2014 | 3753 | 5020 | 29059 | 75696 | 9849 |
2015 | 4134 | 6087 | 34601 | 71943 | 11294 |
2016 | 5300 | 6567 | 40571 | 81287 | 7406 |
In 2007, the industry was financed primarily through creditors (22%), loans (33%) and equity (35%). The most dramatic change visible in 2016 is the decrease in creditors (5%). Equity funding has fallen to 29% while loans have increased to 58%. Bonds, Notes and Other funding have fallen from a combined 10% to 9%.
Equity funding fell to its lowest, less than 24%, in 2014.
Table 3.2 Liabilities | €million | |||||||||
2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | |
Bonds and Notes | 2,399 | 2,408 | 2,201 | 3,953 | 3,451 | 3,231 | 3,410 | 3,753 | 4,134 | 5,300 |
Creditors | 8,704 | 1,589 | 1,518 | 1,251 | 1,392 | 1,620 | 1,828 | 5,020 | 6,087 | 6,567 |
Equity Investments | 13,588 | 14,071 | 14,951 | 16,435 | 16,406 | 16,843 | 18,335 | 29,059 | 34,601 | 40,571 |
Loans | 12,920 | 17,750 | 17,882 | 19,244 | 22,862 | 28,723 | 33,681 | 75,696 | 71,943 | 81,287 |
Other | 1,658 | 4,915 | 6,526 | 5,637 | 9,621 | 10,215 | 9,242 | 9,849 | 11,294 | 7,406 |
Total Liabilities | 39,269 | 40,733 | 43,077 | 46,520 | 53,732 | 60,633 | 66,496 | 123,376 | 128,060 | 141,130 |
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