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Learning Guidance

Learning Guidance

CSO statistical publication, , 11am

This chapter explores the demand for lifelong learning, the availability and effectiveness of guidance, and the difficulties individuals face when pursuing continuous education.

Education or training institutions the most popular source of guidance on learning activities

  • Nearly two in ten (17%) of adults aged 25-69 received guidance on learning from some institutions/organisations during the reference period.
  • The most popular type of guidance received was counselling or advice on learning opportunities at 79%. See Table 6.1.
Table 6.1 Persons aged 25-69, classified by whether they received guidance on educational possibilities, 2022

Demand for lifelong learning

  • Examining the demand for lifelong learning, we can see that 31% of persons aged 25-69 had some form of unmet demand, where they either participated in lifelong learning and wanted to participate more (21%) or did not participate but wanted to (10%).
  • Females are more likely to report some form of unmet demand with 34% of females aged 25-69 reporting this compared with 29% of males. See Table 6.2.
Table 6.2 Persons aged 25-69 classified by their demand for lifelong learning and sex, 2022

Difficulties accessing lifelong learning

  • The main difficulties experienced by persons aged 25-69 to accessing lifelong learning were the schedule and family responsibilities both at 25%.
  • Nearly three in ten females (29%) reported Did not have time due to family responsibilities as the main difficulty compared to 18% of males.
  • The main difficulty for males was Training conflicted with work schedule/was organised at inconvenient time reported by three in ten males (30%). In females aged 25-69 this was reported by just over two in ten females (21%). See Figure 6.1 & Table 6.3.
X-axis labelMaleFemale
Family responsibilities1829
No suitable education or training activity offer66
Table 6.3 Persons aged 25-69 who stated that they wanted to participate more in educational activities, classified by the main difficulty identified and sex, 2022


  • English was reported as the most popular mother tongue language for adults aged 25-69 (84%) with Polish (3%) coming second.
  • Overall, 62% of adults reported knowing at least one other language (other than their mother tongue).
  • Looking at the citizenship of the respondent, 85% of those who are non-Irish report knowing at least one other language compared to 60% of adults with Irish citizenship. See Figures 6.2, 6.3, Tables 6.4 & 6.5.
X-axis label% who reported it as their mother tongue
All other languages10
Table 6.4 The top five mother tongues as reported, 2022

X-axis labelIrishNon-Irish
No other language4115
One language3344
Two languages2027
Three languages or more714
Table 6.5 Number of languages other than mother tongue, 2022