IF DIR = 1 AND AGE > 14 and wave = 2-5
AND IF (paidwork = 1 OR [jobabs = 1 AND whyabs = 2..14 ] OR unpaidwk = 1)
OR (xpaidwork = 1 OR [ xjobabs = 1 AND xwhyabs = 2..14 ] OR xunpaidwk 1)
If the respondent is in employment or worked in the previous 12 months, is direct and is aged 15 and over and in waves 2 to 5.
I would now like to ask you a couple of questions on work related accidents and illness.
Press any key to continue
If 9 pressed then skip all questions
THEN ASK injury
How many, if any, injuries did you incur at work (excluding commuting) during the period January 2010 to December 2010?
_ _ (2 digit)
IF injury > 0
If respondent has experienced a work-related injury
Now thinking about the time(s) when you were in employment during January to December, how many days were you absent from your job as a result of your most recent injury at work?
_ _ _ (3 digit, Range 000-231) (52 x 5) – 29 (annual leave and 9 bank holidays)
Note 1: Days lost here must relate to days lost while the respondent was in paid employment. [On screen]
Note 2: 000 means time taken off was less than one day. [On screen]
Note 3: If respondent has retired, count working days up to point when retirement commenced. [On screen]
Note 4: 231 days = (52 weeks x 5 days) – 29 annual leave and bank holidays[On Screen]
IF injury > 0
If respondent has experienced a work-related injury
Which of the following best describes your most recent injury at work?
1. Wound or superficial injury
2. Bone fracture
3. Dislocation, sprain or strain
4. Amputation
5. Concussion or internal injury
6. Burn, scald or frostbite
7. Poisoning or infection
8. Suffocation (Asphyxiation)
9. Other type of injury
10. Not applicable
Note: If more than one injury, then select the most recent. [On screen]
IF injury > 0
If respondent has experienced a work-related injury
When you had your most recent injury were you in your current job?
If INJOB = 2
What was your occupation in this job (where you had your most recent injury) (what did you mainly do in the business / organisation)?
PLEASE enter as full a description as possible [ NOTE on Screen]
Occupation when Injury occurred [NOTE on Screen]
If INJOB = 2
(i) Press the Backspace key to code this occupation [NOTE ON SCREEN]
(i) You must enter a complete description of the respondent’s occupation at the time of the injury [NOTE ON SCREEN]
If INJOB = 2
What was the main activity of the business / organisation where you worked at the time of your injury? (What did the business mainly make or do?)
Please enter a full description [Note on screen]
Industry at time of injury [Note on Screen]
If INJOB = 2
(i) Press the Backspace key to code this Industry [NOTE ON SCREEN]
(i) You must enter a complete description of the respondent’s industry at the time of the injury [NOTE ON SCREEN]
Opening Filter
AND IF (paidwork = 1 OR [jobabs = 1 AND whyabs = 2..14 ] OR unpaidwk = 1)
OR (xpaidwork = 1 OR [ xjobabs = 1 AND xwhyabs = 2..14 ] OR xunpaidwk 1)
If the respondent is in employment, is direct and is aged 15 and over.
How many, if any, illnesses or disabilities have you experienced during the 12 months January 2010 to December 2010, that you believe were caused or made worse by your work?
_ _ (2 digit)
NOTE: Illness or disability must have been experienced during the period January 2010 to December 2010. [On screen]
If respondent has had an illness and has worked in the past 12 months
Now thinking about the time(s) when you were in employment during the 12 month, period January 2010 to December 2010 how many days were you absent from your job as a result of your most recent work-related illness?
_ _ _ (3 digit, Range 000-231) (52 x 5) – 29 (annual leave and 9 bank holidays)
Note 1: Days lost here must relate to days lost while the respondent was in paid employment. [On screen]
Note 2: 000 means time taken off was less than one day. [On screen]
Note 3: If respondent has retired, count working days up to point when retirement commenced. [On screen]
Note 4: 231 days = (52 weeks x 5 days) – 29 annual leave and bank holidays[On Screen]
IF illness > 0
If respondent has had an illness
Which of the following best describes your most recent work related illness?
1. Bone, joint or muscle problem
2. Breathing or lung problem
3. Skin problem
4. Hearing problem
5. Stress, depression or anxiety
6. Headache and/or eyestrain
7. Heart disease or attack, or other problems in the circulatory system
8. Disease (virus, bacteria, cancer or other type of disease)
9. Other types of complaint
10. Not applicable
IF illness > 0
If respondent has experienced a work-related illness
When you had your most recent work related illness were you in your current job?
What was your occupation in this job (when you suffered your most recent work related illness) (what did you mainly do in the business / organisation)?
PLEASE enter as full a description as possible [NOTE on Screen]
Occupation when Illness occurred [NOTE on Screen]
(i) Press the Backspace key to code this occupation [NOTE ON SCREEN]
(i) You must enter a complete description of the respondent’s occupation at the time of the illness [NOTE ON SCREEN]
What was the main activity of the business / organisation where you worked at the time of your most recent work related illness? (What did the business mainly make or do?)
Please enter a full description [Note on screen]
Industry at time of Illness [Note on Screen]
If ILLOB = 2
(i) Press the Backspace key to code this Industry [NOTE ON SCREEN]
(i) You must enter a complete description of the respondent’s industry at the time of the injury [NOTE ON SCREEN]