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Date Last Updated: 27-02-2025

Survey Name:

Inbound Tourism
Inbound Tourism Annual

Survey purpose:

The purpose of the Inbound Tourism statistical series is to measure the travel patterns (trips, nights, purpose of trip, type of accommodation, expenditure, etc.) of foreign resident visitors to Ireland.

Legislative Basis National:

Not applicable

Legislative Basis European:

Regulation (EU) No 692/2011



Statistical Population:

All foreign resident visitors departing Ireland on overseas air and sea routes. Foreign resident visitors who depart Ireland via Northern Ireland are not covered. Foreign resident cruise excursionists who visit Ireland are also not covered.

Sampling Frame:

A hybrid sample of sailings and flights is selected and a systematic sample of passengers on each is surveyed and their country of residence recorded. On selected flights, a 1 in 5 systematic sample of passengers is selected. On sailings, as many passengers as possible are interviewed. Sample results are grossed up to total passenger numbers provided by the airports and ferry companies.

Reference Area:


Time Coverage:

January 2023 to present (Monthly). 2023 (Annual).

Base Period:

Not applicable

Sector Coverage:

Not applicable

Survey Size:

The overall sample size of the Survey in respect of the January 2025 Inbound Tourism release was 13,988. The overall usable sample size of the Passenger Survey in 2023 was 125,459 passengers. Passenger Survey sample numbers by year and month is are tabulated in the sample design section of the Background Notes.

Principal Variables:

The travel patterns (trips, nights, purpose of trip, type of accommodation, expenditure, etc.) of foreign resident visitors to Ireland.

Principal External Users:

Failte Ireland, Tourism Ireland, National Accounts, Balance of Payments, Eurostat, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), Government, Economists, Academics.

Contact Organisation:

Central Statistics Office

Business Area:

Business Statistics

Contact Person:

Gregg Patrick

Contact Person Function:


Other Business Area Specialists:

James Mahon

Contact email:

Contact phone number:

(+353) 21 453 5000