Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart
Date Last Updated: 30-05-2023
Collection of information relating to persons and households and dissemination of Census of Population statistics through a range of specialised publications, releases and other media.
S.I. No. 637/2020 - Statistics (Census of Population) Order 2020
Not applicable
Five years
All persons and households
Not applicable
State, Region, County, Electoral Division
1926 to 2022
Not applicable
Not applicable
Approximately 5 million persons and 1.8 million private occupied households
Person variables - sex, age, household composition, marital status, place of birth, citizenship, ethnic group/background, religion, Irish language, disability, health, education, smoking, volunteering, economic status, occupation, industry and place of work. Household variables - accommodation type, year built, nature of occupancy, rent paid, heating/water/sewerage facilities, cars, renewable energy sources, smoke alarms, internet connection and devices.
Government, international bodies, general public and specialist users of Census of Population statistics.
Central Statistics Office
Social & Demographic Statistics
Deirdre Lynch
Bernie Casey