Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart
Date Last Updated: 08-08-2024
Irish Industrial Production by Sector
This is an annual survey of the value and volume of products manufactured by industrial enterprises in Ireland and sold during the reference year.
S.I. No.87 of 2022 Statistics (Industrial Commodities Production Survey) Order 2022
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197
Enterprises and local units in NACE Rev. 2: NACE 07-08, 10-18, 20-33, and 38.
Central register of all businesses in Ireland.
2003 - 2023
Not Applicable
Enterprises whose activity is coded to NACE Rev. 2: NACE 07-08, 10-18, 20-33 and 38.
Value and volume of production sold and commission work done in year.
Eurostat, Government, Economists, internal users etc.
Central Statistics Office
Business Statistics
Tommy Allen
Deirdre O'Connor, Noel Ryan