Date Last Updated: 27-11-2023
Environmental Subsidies and Similar Transfers
To collect annual data on environmental subsidies and similar transfers and to classify the environmental transfers by environmental protection or resource management domain, by type of transfer, by benefitting institutional sector and by benefitting NACE Rev. 2 Section.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Environmental subsidies and similar transfers paid by the Irish government from 2000-2022 to all sectors of the Irish economy and to international organisations, and environmental subsidies and similar transfers paid by the EU from 2000-2022 to all sectors of the Irish economy.
Not applicable.
Not applicable
Institutional sectors and NACE Rev. 2
Not applicable
Environmental subsidies and similar transfers paid by the Irish government to all sectors of the Irish economy and to international organisations, and environmental transfers paid by the EU to all sectors of the Irish economy, from 2000-2022. These are classified by environmental protection or resource management domain, type of transfer, and institutional sector and NACE of beneficiary.
Government, policy-makers, environment sector, Eurostat, business, national media, general public.
Central Statistics Office
Environment Statistics
Clare O'Hara
Berna Lawlor