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Date Last Updated: 06-06-2019

Survey Name:

Employer Identification Inquiry

Survey purpose:

To compile statistics on the Structure of Earnings including economic sector of activity, occupation, educational attainment, age group and other factors that influence earnings from administrative data.

Legislative Basis National:

SI 497 of 2017

Legislative Basis European:

Council Regulation 530 of 1999



Statistical Population:

Individual enterprises in NACE sectors B-S with 3 or more employees.

Sampling Frame:

Annual sampling frame from the Central Business Register is synchronised with a local register towards the end of each year. The local register is also updated on an on-going basis using data received in the EHECS survey and other CSO sources.

Reference Area:


Time Coverage:


Base Period:

Sector Coverage:


Survey Size:


Principal Variables:

Personal Public Service Number (PPSN)

Principal External Users:

This survey assists the CSO in compiling Structure of Earnings Statistics from survey and administrative data sources. The principal external users of Structure of Earnings Statistics are other Government Departments, economists and research bodies. International users also access data from Eurostat and the ILO.

Contact Organisation:

Central Statistics Office

Business Area:

Business Statistics

Contact Person:

Liam McGrath

Contact Person Function:


Other Business Area Specialists:

Karen Buckley

Contact email:

Contact phone number:

(+353) 21 453 5000