Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart
Date Last Updated: 02-09-2024
Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources
This release presents earnings statistics based on administrative data sources. The primary data source is the Revenue Commissioner’s employee tax data, P35 (2011-2018) and PMOD (2019-2023), which is linked to CSO and other data to provide demographic breakdowns of earnings similar to those previously provided by the National Employment Survey (NES). This release does not replicate all the tables available from the former NES; it does not contain any breakdown of hours worked or hourly earnings.
Not applicable
Not applicable
All employments except as detailed below: employees earning less than €500 per annum, employments where the duration was less than two weeks in the year, secondary employments earning less than €4,000 per annum, extremely high earnings values, observations with missing employer and employee reference numbers employment activity in NACE sectors A, T and U.
All employments except as detailed below: employees earning less than €500 per annum, employments where the duration was less than two weeks in the year, secondary employments earning less than €4,000 per annum, extremely high earnings values, observations with missing employer and employee reference numbers employment activity in NACE sectors A, T and U.
State, Region.
2011 - 2023
NACE Rev2 B - S
Mean and Median Weekly earnings by: Gender, NACE Principal Activity, Public/Private Sector status, Age Group, Nationality, Region
EU and all national users
Central Statistics Office
Social & Demographic Statistics
Eimear Heffernan
Tricia Brew