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General Description

Sexual orientation includes the following concepts:

  • Sexual identity
  • Sexual attraction
  • Sexual behaviour


Sexual orientation refers to how a person describes their sexuality. For example, a person may describe their sexuality as heterosexual, gay, bisexual or pansexual.

Why do we want to harmonise the collection of sexual orientation data?

This harmonised standard presents guidance on how sexual orientation can be defined, measured and presented in a more consistent manner.

Data on sexual orientation is important to accurately represent the diversity of our population. The definition of sexual orientation is a complex and evolving subject for which there is no universally accepted definition. The terms used to define sexuality are influenced by ongoing social change, making the concept of sexual orientation difficult to define.

Data Collection

Standard Question

Some data collections require information on the sexual orientation of individuals. When collecting data on this topic, the following question is recommended:

Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?

The standard question on this topic is designed to collect information, for use in majority of surveys or data collections. However, it is not intended to replace questions already in use for specialist surveys where more detailed analysis is required.

Standard Response Options

The following list of response options represents the basic level of detail that the CSO recommends should be gathered in data collection. 

Standard Response Options and Codes for Sexual Orientation
10 Straight or heterosexual
20 Gay or lesbian
30 Bisexual
40 Or please specify
50 Prefer not to say

The standard response options and standard reference classification provided are based on recommended categories derived by the Census Advisory Group for the 2024 Census Pilot.

Description of Standard Response Options of Sexual Orientation
Straight or heterosexual   Persons whose sexual orientation is towards persons of a different sex.
Gay or lesbian Persons whose sexual orientation is towards persons of the same sex.
Bisexual Persons whose sexual orientation is towards persons of the same sex and persons of a different sex.
Or please specify Persons who use a different term for their sexual orientation than those provided.
Prefer not to say Persons who do not wish to state their sexual orientation.

Standard Reference Classification for Sexual Orientation

The standard reference classification for sexual orientation will be constructed based on responses received through the use of the standard question and standard response options. The CSO will explore user requirements in the development of the standard reference classification for sexual orientation. For further clarifications, please consult

Technical Details

Concept name   Sexual Orientation
Variable name   SEXOR_CSO
Format type   Character code
Guideline Version   1.0
Guideline Release date   22 November 2024
Valid to   22 May 2026
Owner   Central Statistics Office (CSO) Classification Standardisation Team
Audience  Policy makers, system developers and producers or users of statistics


This data standard will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it remains current and aligned with any changes in regulations or best practices. The validation period for this standard is 18 months.