Births are classified by sex, by age of mother, by area of occurrence, by area of residence, period of gestation, birthweight, number of previous children, and marital status of mother.
Deaths are classified by age, by sex, by area of occurrence, by area of residence, and by cause of death.
The underlying cause of death is assigned using the International Classification of Diseases , Tenth Revision (ICD-10) system devised by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Using this system ensures that Ireland's death rates for all causes can be compared with those of other countries using the ICD classifications.
Marriages are classified by form of ceremony, and by age, area of residence, socio-economic group and previous marital status of the bride and groom. The CSO produce tables classified by future area of residence of partners, previous civil status of partners and partners age. Civil Partnership legislation was introduced on the 1st January 2011. Same-sex marriage legislation became effective from the 16th November 2015, enablling same-sex couples to obtain legal recognition of their relationship.
The annual report has statistics on stillbirths, classified by sex, by age of mother, by area of occurrence, by area of residence, period of gestation, birthweight, number of previous children, and by cause of death.