The Life Tables are produced every 5 years. They take population figures from the most recent census, and number of deaths at each age from the most recent Vital Statistics annual reports. We combine this data to calculate current life expectancy at birth for men and women. The last life tables were for the years 2010-2012. They showed a life expectancy at birth of 78.4 years for men, and 82.8 years for women.
The 100 most popular boys' names and 100 most popular girls' names are compiled each year from the previous years' registered births. The winning names so far have been Conor and Chloe (1998, 1999), Jack and Aoife (2000), Jack and Sarah (2001, 2002), Sean and Emma (2003, 2004), Jack and Emma (2005), Jack and Sarah (2006, 2007), Jack and Ava (2008), Jack and Sophie (2009, 2010) and Jack and Emily (2011 - 2014).