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Press Statement

CSO Launches Transport Statistics Hub and Transport Dashboard

CSO press statement,

CSO launches two new platforms delivering comprehensive and timely data on the transport sector

  • In 2022, 101,349 new private cars were licensed for the first time, a decrease of 504 vehicles compared with 2021 (101,853).

  • The number of new electric cars licensed increased by 81% from 8,554 in 2021 to 15,462 in 2022.

  • The number of vessels arriving in Irish ports and the gross tonnage of all arriving vessels in 2022 both increased by 6% compared with 2021.

  • In 2022, 155 people were killed on Irish roads, an increase of 19 fatalities when compared with 2021.

  • In 2022, Irish licensed vehicles travelled a total 47.6 billion kilometres, compared with 41.9 billion kilometres in 2021 and 36.2 billion in 2020.

  • Wheelchair accessible taxis and hackneys represented 17% (3,347) of the total of small public service vehicles in 2022.

  • Speeding accounted for three-quarters (76%) of all penalty point endorsement notices issued in 2022.

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (04 December 2023) launched two new platforms for information on the transport sector. The Transport Statistics Hub has been developed by the CSO to serve as a one-stop shop for transport data in Ireland, while the Transport Dashboard provides the most up-to-date data available on a small set of transport indicators providing users with faster access to key information for the transport sector.

The main difference between the Transport Statistics Hub and the Transport Dashboard is that the Dashboard covers a small set of key transport indicators that will be updated monthly, while the Transport Statistics Hub uses the full range of the latest data from the CSO and a number of public sector agencies to provide a more comprehensive overview of the transport sector in Ireland.

Transport Dashboard

The Transport Dashboard provides users with faster access to transport data using a small set of indicators. These include the timeliest data on new private cars licensed, fuel excise clearances, road fatalities, public transport journeys, traffic volumes, the number of ship arrivals, and the number of passengers handled by the main airports. Each indicator on the Transport Dashboard will be updated as soon as new data is available, providing users with the fastest access to transport statistics.

Statistician's comment

Commenting on the launch of the Transport Dashboard, Dr Nele van der Wielen, Statistician in the Transport Section, said: “The Transport Dashboard is an innovative response to the need for timelier statistics. This Dashboard showcases the latest available transport indicators in a new, accessible format.

Traffic volumes and the number of ship arrivals as published in our Frontier Series form part of the Dashboard, both of which use big data sources. This means the CSO can generate new and more timely statistics. More information on these new indicators can be found on the Transport Methodology page.“

Please note that this new Transport Dashboard replaces our monthly Transport Bulletin.

There is a short YouTube video of Dr Nele van der Wielen speaking about today's launch: YouTube Short

Transport Statistics Hub

The Transport Statistics Hub has been developed by the CSO using the latest data from the CSO and a number of public sector agencies to provide a comprehensive one-stop shop for transport data in Ireland. The Hub provides a wide range of transportation-related information such as the number and type of licensed vehicles, how many driving tests or vehicle tests were conducted, the length of our roads, and also tracks road fatalities. You will also be able to find information about the type of goods we transport around the country by land, air, and sea, more detailed data on public and private transportation, and even the number of kilometres travelled by vehicles each year. Many of these indicators will be presented as part of a snapshot graphic for ease of comparison.

Statistician's comment

Commenting on the Transport Statistics Hub, Dr Nele van der Wielen, Statistician in the Transport Section, said: “Following consultation with our users, we identified the need for a single online platform that collates the latest available transport data and offers a comprehensive overview of the transport sector. To address this need, the CSO has worked with the Department of Transport (DoT) and other public sector agencies to develop the Transport Hub: a platform designed to serve as the one-stop location for Irish transport data.

The purpose of the hub is to gather transport statistics from the CSO and other public sector organisations, including the DoT, the Road Safety Authority (RSA), the National Transport Authority (NTA), the Revenue Commissioners, and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). The hub is designed to simplify the process of accessing transportation-related information from a single, accessible source.

This Hub will be extended when new data becomes available and will be updated on a regular basis with the latest transport data. We are grateful to all our data providers for their support in creating this key service.”

Commenting on the Transport Statistics Hub, Sorcha O’Callaghan, Senior Statistician in the Department of Transport, said: “The DoT established a new Data and Analytics unit in January of this year. The division was created to ensure optimal use of the Department’s data holdings, those of its agencies and other relevant data to inform and evaluate policy. The division is also responsible for ensuring the Department contributes to the National Data Infrastructure (NDI) and to public sector open data initiatives. DoT plans to increase the amount of open data we produce and welcomes this initiative from the CSO to provide a centralised hub where we can publish our open data with those generated by others in the transport ecosystem to provide a consolidated view of transport statistics for users.

Please note that this new Transport Statistics Hub replaces the annual Transport Omnibus publication.

Some Highlights from the Transport Hub

Driving Tests 

Compared with 2021, the number of driving tests conducted in 2022 rose by 14%.

Penalty Points 

During 2022, a total of 193,706 penalty point endorsement notices were issued, down 11% on the previous year. Slightly more than three-quarters (76%) of all penalty point endorsement notices issued in 2022 were for speeding.

Road Fatalities

In 2022, 155 people were killed on Irish roads, an increase of 19 fatalities when compared with 2021.

Average Kilometres Driven

Irish licensed vehicles travelled, on average, 16,261 kilometres in 2022, which was up by 13% on 2021. However, it is interesting to note that the average vehicle kilometres travelled in 2022 was down by 3.6% when compared with 2019 (pre-COVID-19).


Irish ports handled 53 million tonnes of goods in 2022. This represents a decline of 1.5% when compared with 2021.

Road Freight

In 2022, a total of 164.3 million tonnes of goods was transported by road, which represents growth of 6% on the 2021 total, and an increase of 16% when compared with 2020.

Vehicles Licensed for the first time

In 2022, 101,349 new private cars were licensed for the first time, which was 504 fewer vehicles compared with 2021. The number of new electric cars licensed increased by 81% from 8,554 in 2021 to 15,462 in 2022. At the same time, the number of new diesel cars decreased. In 2022, 27,188 new cars licensed were diesel cars compared with 34,396 in 2021.


Dr Nele van der Wielen (+353) 21 453 5379
Noreen Dorgan (+353) 21 453 5260
Barry Kelly (+353) 21 453 5588

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