11 October 2017
Go to release: Vehicles licensed for the first time September 2017
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) today (Wednesday 11th October 2017) published Vehicles licensed for the first time for September 2017 that included seasonally adjusted data which allows monthly comparisons. Additional analysis on used (imported) private cars was also provided.
Brendan Curtin, Statistician commented: "Since 2010, one third (33.9%) of all private cars licensed for the first time were secondhand (imported) vehicles, and of these, three to five year old vehicles were the most popular.
In the first nine months of 2017, just one percent were less than one year old, while over five percent were ten years or older (vehicles first registered outside of Ireland before 2008). Eight out of ten (79.1%) imported private cars were diesel, while electric vehicles made up just half of one percent."
Seasonally adjusted and trend data can be found in the new StatBank interactive table TEM21.
Brendan Curtin (+353) 21 453 5120 or Noreen Dorgan (+353) 21 453 5260
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