14 September 2017
During the course of the Census 2016 field campaign, which took place over 10 weeks between March and May 2016, over 4,600 enumerators delivered and collected Census data from every house in the country.
As part of this work, they recorded vacant dwellings in their area, using detailed methodology and definitions applied consistently over the past three consecutive Censuses. The CSO is confident that it's vacant dwelling figures are a robust point-in-time record around the 24th April 2016.
In relation to the recent sample survey work on vacant dwellings conducted by Fingal County Council, the CSO did not provide a list of vacant dwellings to the Council as the CSO only ever disseminates aggregate statistics.
The CSO is in the process of contacting Fingal County Council to seek information on a number of issues, including the methodology and definitions applied by the council in compiling their numbers.
information@cso.ie (+353) 21 453 5000
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