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Press Statement


28 September 2017

Population and Migration Estimates April 2017

Population growth of 52,900 in the year to April 2017, the largest annual increase since 2008
  • Ireland's usually resident population was estimated to be 4,792,500 in April 2017. The population is estimated to have grown by 52,900 persons in the year to April 2017.
  • 84,600 persons immigrated to Ireland in the year to April 2017, of these, 27,400 (32.4%) were returning Irish nationals.
  • Of the 64,800 people who emigrated from Ireland in the year to April 2017, 30,800 (47.5%) are estimated to be Irish nationals.
  • Net outward migration of Irish nationals was estimated to be -3,400 in 2017, a decrease of 88.5% on 2012 when net outward migration of Irish nationals peaked at -29,600.
  • Net inward migration among non-Irish nationals remained strong and was estimated to be +23,200 in 2017.
  • In April 2017, 42,100 (55.5%) immigrants aged 15+ were in employment.
  • Go to release: Population and Migration Estimates April 2017

    The Central Statistics Office (CSO) today (28th September 2017) publishes the annual Population and Migration Estimates for April 2017.

    Commenting, James Hegarty, Statistician said:  “The number of immigrants to the State in the year to April 2017 is estimated to be 84,600 while the number of emigrants from the State over the same period is estimated at 64,800. These combined flows resulted in net inward migration for Ireland in the year to April 2017 of +19,800, the highest level of net inward migration since 2008.  The number of births in the same period was 63,900 while the number of deaths was 30,800, resulting in a natural increase of 33,100.  The effect of this natural increase and positive net migration resulted in an overall increase in the population of 52,900.  This is the largest annual increase in the population since 2008, bringing the population estimate to 4.79 million in April 2017.

    Of the 84,600 people who immigrated to Ireland in the year to April 2017, some 27,400 (32.4%) of these were estimated to be Irish nationals. Of the 64,800 people who emigrated from Ireland in the year to April 2017, 30,800 (47.5%) were estimated to be Irish nationals.  Consequently, net outward migration of Irish nationals in 2017 was -3,400.  

    In the year to April 2017, 57,200 non-Irish nationals arrived to live in Ireland and 34,000 non-Irish nationals emigrated abroad.  Therefore net inward migration among non-Irish nationals remained strong and was estimated to be +23,200 in 2017."


    Further details:

    Commenting on the revised population and migration estimates as a result of Census 2016, Mr. Hegarty said:

    "This release also includes revisions to the Population and Migration Estimates for the years 2012 - 2016 inclusive.  The estimates for these years have been revised in line with the Census 2016 usually resident population, which became available in April of this year.  As a result of these revisions, the usually resident population estimate for 2016 has been increased by 65,900.  Details of the revisions are contained in the background notes of the Population and Migration Estimates April 2017 release."

    For further information contact:

    James Hegarty (+353) 21 453 5429 or Caroline Barrett (+353) 21 453 5485

    or email

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