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Quarterly National Household Survey Quarter 1 2011


Summary of headline results - Q1 2011

Main Results Q1 2011
January-March 2011
Annual Change
Unemployment rate
In labour force
Not in labour force
Labour force participation rate

pp=percentage points

Number of Persons Unemployed

  • The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate decreased from 14.8% to 14.0% between the fourth quarter of 2010 and the first quarter of 2011 with the seasonally adjusted number of persons unemployed decreasing by 21,900 (-6.9%) from 317,900 to 296,000 over the same period. This partially reverses the increase in unemployment recorded on a seasonally adjusted basis between the third and fourth quarters of 2010 when the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate had increased from 13.5% to 14.8%. The movements in the seasonally adjusted series are discussed in more detail within the release.
  • Male unemployment increased by 6,900 (+3.5%) to 201,800 over the year while female unemployment increased by 13,600 (+17.0%) to 93,800.
  • The long-term unemployment rate increased from 5.3% to 7.8% over the year to Q1 2011. Long-term unemployment accounted for 55.1% of total unemployment in Q1 2011 compared with 40.9% a year earlier and 22.0% in the first quarter of 2009.

Number of Persons in Employment

  • The number of employed persons in the first quarter of 2011 was 1,804,200, an annual decrease of 53,400 or 2.9%. This compares with an annual decrease of 3.4% in the previous quarter and a decrease of 5.5% in the year to Q1 2010.
  • On a seasonally adjusted basis, employment fell by 9,300 (-0.5%) in the quarter. This follows on from a seasonally adjusted fall in employment of 12,600 (-0.7%) in Q4 2010.

Labour Force

  • The total number of persons in the labour force in the first quarter of 2011 was 2,099,900, representing a decrease of 32,800 (-1.5%) over the year. This compares with an annual labour force decrease of 55,700 (-2.5%) in Q1 2010.

For further information contact

Brian Ring on 021 453 5747, Tara Davis on 021 453 5093 or Martina O'Callaghan on 021 453 5491
Fax 021 453 5492


Central Statistics Office                                                                    16 June 2011

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