Family Business in Ireland - Services Sectors 2005
The report Family Business in Ireland - Services Sectors 2005, is being published by the CSO today. This is the first time official statistics for Family Businesses have been published for Ireland.
The report presents a comprehensive picture of the contribution of family businesses to the traded services sectors in Ireland for 2005, highlighting their contribution to the economy and employment. The performance of family and non-family businesses are compared for the key economic variables across a number of classifications – sectors, regions, size classes, legal forms and nationality of ownership.
Family Business in Ireland - Services Sectors 2005 is available on the CSO web site (
A summary of the key results from this report will be presented this afternoon, at the CSO Business Statistics Seminar at the Park Inn, Smithfield Village. See CSO website for details.
For copies of the publication contact:
The Central Statistics Office, Information Section, Skehard Road, Cork
Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2
Price: €10
For further information:
Contact Caitríona O'Brien at (021) 453 5201
26 February 2008
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