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Census of Industrial Production 2006

Industrial local units with three or more persons engaged had a gross output of €115,025m in 2006 and a net output of €68,256m, the detailed Census of Industrial Production 2006 released by the Central Statistics Office today reveals. The gross output was up 5% on the 2005 figure and the net output increased by 1%.

Employment in industrial local units increased by about 1.0% to 237,875. A total of €8,872m was paid in wages and salaries in the year.

Early estimates for 2006 were published in December 2007.

Other results for Industrial Local Units

  • Almost 34% of the output of Irish owned manufacturing firms was exported compared to 93% for foreign owned firms; 34.6% of the value of materials purchased by Irish owned firms was imported compared to 87.1% for foreign owned firms.
  • The gross output of Irish owned manufacturing firms increased to €21,531m - this represents 20% of total gross output, up slightly on the previous year. The numbers employed in the Irish owned manufacturing firms increased by 3,838 to 114,744.

Main results for Industrial Enterprises

  • Total turnover of the 4,620 enterprises covered was €125,270m.
  • Purchases of goods and services amounted to €87,872m.
  • Persons engaged totalled 233,298.
  • Labour costs in the year amounted to €10,651m, of which wages and salaries accounted for €8,705m.

The Census of Industrial Production 2006 report presents a detailed picture (for both local units and enterprises) of the structure and activity of industry in 2006. Short-term indicators of trends in industrial production, turnover, employment and earnings, stocks and capital assets are published regularly to monitor current developments.


The publication (Price: €20.00) can be purchased from:

The Central Statistics Office, Information Section, Skehard Road, Cork.

The Government Publications Sales Office,

Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.
The results are available on the CSO website

For further information contact:

Kevin Phelan (021) 453 5208 or                                    Phone LoCall 1890 313 414
Mary Duggan (021) 453 5584                                       (021) 453 5000 or (01) 498 4000
Results, Analysis and Publications Section                      Fax (021) 453 5553
Industry Division                                                         Internet
Central Statistics Office                                                E-mail:

10 December 2008