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Environmental Accounts published today show that:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions in 2002 were 29% higher than the 1990 levels which is a slight improvement on the 2001 level of 31% above.
Activity % Sectoral Distribution of Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2002
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 28.5
Fuel, Water, Power (FPW) 2.1
Industry (excl. FPW) 21.3
Transport * 18.2
Services (excl. Transport) 14.4
Residential 15.0
* Includes both the Transport Sector and road transport activities carried out in all other sectors

In 2002 the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing sectors were the highest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions with 28.5% (29.2% in 2001) of the total followed by the Industrial sector at 21.3% (20.5% in 2001) and Transport at 18.2% (17.9% in 2001).

  • Acid rain precursor emissions fell by 13.6% in the period 1995 to 2002.

This fifth set of accounts contain minor revisions to the previous publication, which gave details for 1994-2001.

The publication can be purchased from:

Central Statistics Office, Information Section, Skehard Road, Cork or
Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.
Price € 10.00
CSO on the Web – 151KB) (entire text including tables)

For further information contact:
Jim Dunne
Central Statistics Office, Ardee Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6.
Phone: 01-498 4209 or 021-453 5000
Fax: 01-498 4362
LoCall: 1890 313 414

August 2004

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