Industrial local units with three or more persons engaged had a gross output of € 98,702m in 2001 and a net output of € 56,407m, the detailed Census of Industrial production 2001 released by the Central Statistics Office today reveals. The gross output was up 4% on the 2000 figure and the net output increased by 3%.
Employment in industrial local units decreased by 4,157 to 268,433. A total of € 7,504m was paid in wages and salaries in the year. Early estimates for 2001 were published in April 2003 while summary information for 2001 was published in a provisional release in July 2003.
Other results for Industrial Local Units
Main results for Industrial Enterprises
The Census of Industrial Production 2001 report presents a detailed picture (for both local units and enterprises) of the structure and activity of industry in 2001. Short-term indicators of trends in industrial production, turnover, employment and earnings, stocks and capital assets are published regularly to monitor current developments.
The publication can be purchased from:
The Central Statistics Office, Information Section, Skehard Road, Cork.
The Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.
Price: € 20.00
For further information contact:
Patsy King (021) 453 5502 or
Gerry Brett (021) 453 5541
Results, Analysis and Publications Section
Industry Division
Phone: LoCall 1890 313 414,(021) 453 5000 or (01) 498 4000
Fax: (021) 453 5553
28 May 2004