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Census Volumes 1926 to 1991
Historical Reports
Census 1981 Reports
Census 1981 Volume 8 - Housing
Census 1981 Volume 8 - Housing
Volume 8 - Housing - Entire volume (PDF 21610KB)
Table of Contents and General Details (PDF 1313KB)
Tables in PDF format
Tables 1 - 32 Housing
01. Persons in private and non-private households in each Province, County and County Borough (PDF 71KB)
02. Persons in private households in permanent housing units, number of private households and number of rooms occupied in each Province, County and County Borough and in the Aggregate Town and Aggregate Rural Areas (PDF 89KB)
03. Average number of persons per private households in permanent housing units in each Province, County and County Borough in the Aggregate Town and Aggregate Rural areas 1936 to 1981 (PDF 144KB)
04. Average number of persons per room in private households in permanent housing units in each Province, County and County Borough in the Aggregate Town and Aggregate Rural areas 1936 to 1981 (PDF 135KB)
05. Percentage of persons in private households in permanent housing units having more than two persons per room in each Province, County and County Borough in the Aggregate Town and Aggregate Rural areas 1936 to 1981 (PDF 125KB)
06. Private households in permanent housing units in each Province and County classified by number of rooms occupied 1936 - 1981 (PDF 311KB)
07. Private households in permanent housing units classified by size, occupying one roomed dwellings in each province and County 1936 - 1981 (PDF 182KB)
08A. Number and percentage distribution of persons in private households in permanent housing units in each Province, County and County Borough classified by number of persons per room (PDF 151KB)
08B. Number and percentage distribution of persons in private households in permanent housing units in the Aggregate Town Areas of each Province, County and County borough classified by number of persons per room (PDF 146KB)
08C. Number and percentage distribution of persons in private households in permanent housing units in the Aggregate Rural Areas of each Province and County classified by numbers of persons per room(PDF 142KB)
09. Number and percentage distribution of persons in private households in permanent housing units in each ward of the County Boroughs of Dublin and Cork classified by number of persons per room (PDF 584KB)
10. Private households in permanent housing units in each Province, County and County Borough and in the Aggregate Town and Aggregate Rural Areas classified by number of persons in household and number of rooms occupied (PDF 2360KB)
11. Private dwellings classified by water supply, sanitary facilities, type of building in which situated and distinguishing number of persons in these dwellings (PDF 56KB)
12. Private dwellings classified by nature of occupancy, period in which built, type of building in which situated and distinguishing number of persons in these dwellings (PDF 60KB)
13A. Private dwellings in each Province, County and County Borough classified by nature of occupancy (PDF 69KB)
13B. Private dwellings in the Aggregate Town Areas of each Province, County and county borough classified by nature of occupancy (PDF 66KB)
13C. Private dwellings in the Aggregate Rural Areas of each Province and County classified by nature of occupancy (PDF 62KB)
13D. Private dwellings in Urban and Rural districts, in towns with legally defined boundaries, in environs of towns with legally defined boundaries and in towns without legally defined boundaries having 1,500 inhabitants or more in 1981 classified by nature of occupancy (PDF 656KB)
13E. Private dwellings in each ward of the County Boroughs of Dublin and Cork classified by nature of occupancy (PDF 226KB)
14A. Rented private dwellings in each Province, County and County Borough classified by weekly rent (PDF 425KB)
14B. Rented private dwellings in Aggregate Town Areas of each Province, County and county borough classified by weekly rent (PDF 418KB)
14C. Rented private dwellings in Aggregate Rural Areas of each Province and County classified by weekly rent (PDF 320KB)
14D. Rented private dwellings in Urban and Rural districts, in towns with legally defined boundaries, in environs of towns with legally defined boundaries and in towns without legally defined boundaries having 1,500 inhabitants or more in 1981 classified by weekly rent (PDF 1039KB)
14E. Rented private dwellings in each ward of the County Boroughs of Dublin and Cork classified by weekly rent (PDF 1413KB)
15. Rented private dwellings in each Planning Region classified by weekly rent and number of rooms occupied (PDF 170KB)
16. Rented private dwellings in each Planning Region classified by weekly rent and period which built (PDF 165KB)
17. Private dwellings in each Province, County and County Borough classified by principal fuel used to heat the dwelling and availability and usage of central heating(PDF 525KB)
18. Private dwellings in each Planning Region classified by period in which built, showing principal fuel used to heat the dwelling and usage of central heating (PDF 208KB)
19. Private dwellings in each Planning Region classified by nature of occupancy and principal fuel used to heat the dwelling (PDF 153KB)
20. Private dwellings in each Planning Region classified by nature of occupancy and availability and usage of central heating (PDF 162KB)
21A. Farm dwellings in each Province, County and County Borough classified by period in which built (PDF 61KB)
21B. Farm dwellings in each Province, County and County Borough classified by water supply and showing number having fixed bath or shower (PDF 65KB)
21C. Farm dwellings in each Province, County and County Borough classified by sanitary facilities and showing number having indoor toilet (PDF 57KB)
22A. Housing units, private households, persons and rooms by type of building in each County and County Borough and in the Aggregate Rural Areas (PDF 775KB)
22B. Average densities in permanent housing units in each County and County Borough and in the Aggregate Town and Aggregate rural Areas (PDF 136KB)
23. Permanent housing units classified by water supply, use of fixed bath or shower, sanitary facilities type of building in which situated and distinguishing number of persons in these housing units (PDF 55KB)
24. Permanent housing units classified by nature of occupancy, period in which built, type of building in which situated and distinguishing number of persons in these housing units (PDF 56KB)
25. Permanent housing units classified by number of rooms, number of persons and occupancy by one or more households (PDF 156KB)
26A. Permanent housing units in each Province, County and County Borough classified by nature of occupancy (PDF 69KB)
26B. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Town Areas of each Province, County and County Borough classified by nature of occupancy (PDF 65KB)
26C. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Rural Areas of each Province and County classified by nature of occupancy (PDF 62KB)
26D. Permanent housing units in Urban and Rural districts, in towns with legally defined boundaries, in environs of towns with legally defined boundaries and in towns without legally defined boundaries having 1,500 inhabitants or more in 1981 classified by nature of occupancy (PDF 654KB)
26E. Permanent housing units in each ward of the County Boroughs of Dublin and Cork classified by nature of occupancy (PDF 227KB)
27A. Rented permanent housing units in each Province, County and County Borough classified by weekly rent (PDF 111KB)
27B. Rented permanent housing units in the Aggregate Town Areas of each Province, County and County Borough classified by weekly rent (PDF 107KB)
27C. Rented permanent housing units in the Aggregate Rural Areas of each Province and County classified by weekly rent (PDF 97KB)
27D. Rented permanent housing units in Urban and Rural districts, in towns with legally defined boundaries, in environs of towns with legally defined boundaries and in towns without legally defined boundaries having 1,500 inhabitants or more in 1981 classified by weekly rent (PDF 1068KB)
27E. Rented permanent housing units in each ward of the County Boroughs of Dublin and Cork classified by weekly rent (PDF 389KB)
28A. Permanent housing units in each Province, County and County Borough classified by period in which built (PDF 69KB)
28B. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Town Areas of each Province, County and County Borough classified by period in which built (PDF 65KB)
28C. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Rural Areas of each Province and County classified by period in which built (PDF 62KB)
28D. Permanent housing units in Urban and Rural districts, in towns with legally defined boundaries, in environs of towns with legally defined boundaries and in towns without legally defined boundaries having 1,500 inhabitants or more in 1981 classified by period which built (PDF 662KB)
28E. Permanent housing units in each ward of the County Boroughs of Dublin and Cork classified by period in which built (PDF 217KB)
29A. Permanent housing units in each Province, County and County Borough classified by water supply, use of a fixed bath or shower and of hot water tap (PDF 76KB)
29B. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Town Areas of each Province, County and County Borough classified by water supply, use of a fixed bath or shower and of hot water tap (PDF 67KB)
29C. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Rural Areas of each Province and County classified by water supply, use of a fixed bath or shower and of hot water tap (PDF 72KB)
29D. Permanent housing units in Urban and Rural districts, in towns with legally defined boundaries, in environs of towns with legally defined boundaries and in towns without legally defined boundaries having 1,500 inhabitants or more in 1981 classified by water supply, use of a fixed bath or shower and of hot water tap (PDF 748KB)
30A. Permanent housing units in each Province, County and County Borough classified by sanitary facilities and number having indoor toilet (PDF 62KB)
30B. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Town Areas of each Province, County and County Borough classified by sanitary facilities and number having indoor toilet (PDF 55KB)
30C. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Rural Areas of each Province and County classified by sanitary facilities and number having indoor toilet (PDF 59KB)
30D. Permanent housing units in Urban and Rural districts, in towns with legally defined boundaries, in environs of towns with legally defined boundaries and in towns without legally defined boundaries having 1,500 inhabitants or more in 1981 classified by sanitary facilities and number having indoor toilet (PDF 626KB)
31A. Permanent housing units in each Province, County and County Borough classified by period in which built and sanitary facilities (PDF 315KB)
31B. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Town Areas of each Province, County and County Borough classified by period in which built and sanitary facilities (PDF 283KB)
31C. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Rural Areas of each Province and County classified by period in which built and sanitary facilities (PDF 252KB)
32A. Permanent housing units in each Province, County and County Borough classified by period in which built, water supply use of fixed bath or shower and of hot water tap (PDF 664KB)
32B. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Town Areas of each Province, County and County Borough classified by period in which built, water supply use of fixed bath or shower and of hot water tap (PDF 623KB)
32C. Permanent housing units in the Aggregate Rural Areas of each Province and County classified by period in which built, water supply use of fixed bath or shower and of hot water tap (PDF 532KB)