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Census Volumes 1926 to 1991
Historical Reports
Census 1981 Reports
Census 1981 Volume 4 - Principal Economic Status and Industries
Census 1981 Volume 4 - Principal Economic Status and Industries
Volume 4 - Principal Economic Status and Industries - Entire Volume (PDF 14085KB)
Table of Contents, General Details and Commentary (PDF 1158KB)
Appendices (PDF 767KB)
Tables in PDF format
Tables 1 - 22 Principal Economic Status and Industries
01. Persons aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status, sex and marital status (PDF 34KB)
02. Persons, males and females aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status, age group and marital status (PDF 103KB)
03. Rates of participation in the labour force for persons classified by age group, sex and marital status (PDF 46KB)
04. Persons aged 15 years or over classified by principal economic status and sex in each Planning Region (PDF 106KB)
05. Persons aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status and sex in each Province, County and County Borough (PDF 364KB)
06. Persons, males and females at work classified by industrial group with numbers in each group per 10,000 in all industries (PDF 56KB)
07. Persons, males and females at work classified by industry in 1971 and 1981 (PDF 232KB)
08. Persons, males and females at work in each Province, County and County Borough classified by industrial group (PDF 254KB)
09. Persons, males and females at work in each Planning region classified by industrial group (PDF 317KB)
10. Males and females at work in each Province, County, County Borough and Planning region classified by industry (PDF 900KB)
11. Males and females at work enumerated in Urban and Rural districts, in towns with legally defined boundaries, in environs of towns with legally defined boundaries and in towns without legally defined boundaries having 1,500 inhabitants or more in 1981 classified by industrial group (PDF 1418KB)
12. Males and females at work in each city or town (including suburbs or environs, if any) having a population of 1,500 or over classified by industrial group (PDF 718KB)
13. Males and females at work in each industrial group classified by major occupational group in 1971 and 1981 (PDF 153KB)
14. Males and females at work in each industry, distinguishing the principal occupations within that industry (PDF 1714KB)
15. Males and females at work in each industrial group classified by age group (PDF 142KB)
16A. Males classified by employment status and age group (PDF 81KB)
16B. Males in each age group as a percentage of the total in each employment status (PDF 81KB)
16C. Males in each employment status as a percentage of the total labour force in each age group (PDF 81KB)
17A. Females classified by employment status and age group (PDF 79KB)
17B. Females in each age group as a percentage of the total in each employment status (PDF 79KB)
17C. Females in each employment status as a percentage of the total labour force in each age group (PDF 79KB)
18. Males and females in each employment status classified by age group and marital status (PDF 218KB)
19. Persons, males and females at work classified by industrial group and employment status showing also the number out of work in each industrial group (PDF 181KB)
20. Males and females classified by industry and employment status showing also the numbers out of work in each industry (PDF 370KB)
21. The male and female labour force in each Province, County, County Borough and Planning Region classifying those at work by employment status (PDF 164KB)
21. The male and female labour force in each Province, County, County Borough and Planning Region classifying those at work by employment status (PDF 164KB)
22. Males and females unemployed, having lost or given up previous job, classified by industrial group and age group (PDF 128KB)