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Census Volumes 1926 to 1991
Historical Reports
Census 1961 Reports
Census 1961 Volume 2 - Ages and Conjugal conditions classified by areas only
Census 1961 Volume 2 - Ages and Conjugal conditions classified by areas only
Volume 2 - Ages and Conjugal conditions, classified by areas only - Entire Volume (PDF 15272KB)
Table of Contents (PDF 71KB)
Explanatory Notes (PDF 161KB)
Tables in PDF format
Tables 1 - 16 Ages and Conjugal conditions classified by areas only
01. Number of persons, males and females in each age group, classified by conjugal condition, at each Census 1926 to 1961 (PDF 211KB)
02. Single males and females as a percentage of the total in each age group at each Census 1926 to 1961 (PDF 41KB)
03. Percentage change in number of persons, males and females in each age group in the intercensal periods 1936 - 1946, 1946 - 1951 and 1951 -1961 (PDF 65KB)
04. Average annual rate of change in number of persons, males and females per 1,000 average population in each age group in the intercensal periods 1936 - 1946, 1946 - 1951 and 1951 - 19611 (PDF 65KB)
05. Number of males and females in each age group per 10,000 males in each county and county borough (PDF 145KB)
06A. Single males in each age group as a percentage of the total in that age group in each County and County Borough (PDF 28KB)
06B. Single males in each age group as a percentage of the total in that age group in the aggregate town areas in each County and County Borough (PDF 29KB)
06C. Single males in each age group as a percentage of the total in that age group in the aggregate rural areas in each County (PDF 25KB)
07A. Single females in each age group as a percentage of the total in that age group in each County and County Borough (PDF 29KB)
07B. Single females in each age group as a percentage of the total in that age group in the aggregate town areas in each County and County Borough (PDF 27KB)
07C. Single females in each age group as a percentage of the total in that age group in the aggregate rural areas in each County (PDF 26KB)
08A. Females per 1,000 males in each age group in each County and County Borough (PDF 34KB)
08B. Females per 1,000 males in each age group in the aggregate town area in each County and County Borough (PDF 37KB)
08C. Females per 1,000 males in each age group in the aggregate rural area in each County(PDF 30KB)
09. Population classified by sex, year of age and conjugal condition (PDF 140KB)
10. Total population at or over each year of age (PDF 71KB)
11. Males and females in each Province, County and County Borough, classified by year of age 0 - 69 years (PDF 631KB)
12. Population of each Province, County and County Borough, classified by sex, age group and conjugal condition (PDF 1216KB)
13. Males and females classified by age group and conjugal condition in Urban Districts, other towns with legally defined boundaries, environs of towns with legally defined boundaries, towns without legally defined boundaries having 1,500 inhabitants or over Rural Districts (PDF 6059KB)
14. Males and females in each Ward in Dublin County Borough classified by age group and conjugal condition (PDF 670KB)
15. Males and females in each Superintendent Registrar's District and each Register's District classified by age group (PDF 4373KB)
16. Population of aggregate town areas and aggregate rural areas classified by sex, age group and conjugal condition (PDF 77KB)