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Census Volumes 1926 to 1991
Historical Reports
Census 1946 Reports
Census 1946 Volume 3 - Religion and Birthplaces
Census 1946 Volume 3 - Religion and Birthplaces
Volume 3 - Religion and Birthplaces - Entire Volume (PDF 8592KB)
Table of Contents and Explanatory Notes (PDF 373KB)
Tables in PDF format
Part I -
01A. Number of persons of each religion at each census year from 1871 (PDF 54KB)
01B. Percentage increase or decrease from census to census of persons or each religion (PDF 54KB)
01C. Number of persons of each religion at each census per 1,000 of total persons at that census (PDF 54KB)
02A. Number of males and of females of each religion at each census year from 1871 (PDF 977KB)
02B. Percentage increase or decrease from census to census of males and of females of each religion (PDF 977KB)
02C. Number of males and of females of each religion per 1,000 of the total of that sex (PDF 977KB)
03A. Number of persons of each religion in each province on 12th May, 1946 (PDF 50KB)
03B. Percentage increase or decrease from 1936 to 1946 of persons of each religion in each province (PDF 50KB)
03C. Number of persons in 1946 of each religion in each province per 1,000 of total persons in that province (PDF 50KB)
04A. Number of males and of females of each religion in each province on 12th May, 1946 (PDF 64KB)
04B. Percentage increase or decrease from 1936 to 1946 of males and females of each religion in each province (PDF 64KB)
04C. Number of persons of each sex in 1946 of each religion in each province per 1,000 of the total of that sex in that province (PDF 64KB)
05A. Number of persons of each religion residing in towns and in rural area in each province. (PDF 74KB)
05B. Percentage increase or decrease from 1936 to 1946 of persons of each religion residing in the towns and in the rural areas of each province (PDF 74KB)
05C. Number of persons in 1946 of each religion residing in the towns of each province per 1,000 of the total persons in the towns of that province with corresponding figures for the rural areas (PDF 74KB)
06A. Number of persons of each religion in different types of towns on 12th May, 1946 (PDF 62KB)
06B. Percentage increase or decrease from 1936 to 1946 of persons of each religion in different types of towns (PDF 62KB)
06C. Number of persons of each religion in each type of town per 1,000 of total persons in that type of town (PDF 62KB)
07. Number of persons of each religion in each town of 1,500 or more inhabitants (and smaller towns possessing local government) showing percentage changes from 1936-1946 (PDF 165KB)
08A. Number of persons of each religion in each county and county borough on 12th May, 1946 (PDF 71KB)
08B. Percentage increase or decrease from 1936-1946 of persons in each county and county borough (PDF 53KB)
08C. Number of persons of each religion in each county and county borough per 1,000 of total persons (PDF 45KB)
09. Number of persons of each religion in each county and county borough at each census year from 1881 (PDF 360KB)
10. Number of males and of females of each religion in each urban and rural district showing particulars for towns (not being urban being urban districts)of 1,500 or more inhabitants and for smaller towns possessing local government (PDF 911KB)
11A. Number of persons, of males and of females of each religion, classified by age groups and conjugal condition (PDF 194KB)
11B. Number of persons of each religion in each age group per 10,000 of total persons in that religion, showing also particulars for males and for females (PDF 65KB)
11C. Number of persons of each religion in each age group per 10,000 of total persons of all religions in that age group (PDF 58KB)
11D. Single males and single females of 15 years of age and over, expressed as a percentage of the total in each age group (PDF 43KB)
12. Showing for each county and county borough the number of Catholics, of Protestant Episcopalians, and of other religious denominations classified by sex, age and conjugal condition (PDF 1655KB)
13A. Showing for the aggregate town areas in each province the number of Catholics, of Protestant Episcopalians, and of other religious denominations, classified by sex, age and conjugal condition (PDF 260KB)
13B. Showing for the aggregate rural areas in each province the number of Catholics, of Protestants Episcopalians, and of other religious denominations classified by sex, age and conjugal condition (PDF 277KB)
Part II - Birthplaces
01. Birthplaces of persons, males and females residing in Ireland on 12th May, 1946 (PDF 186KB)
02A. Birthplaces of persons residing in each province at each census year from 1871 (PDF 79KB)
02B. Percentage change from census to census in the number of residents in each province who were born in each country (PDF 60KB)
02C. Showing for each census the proportion of persons in each province born in each country (PDF 57KB)
03A. Showing by provinces the birthplaces of each persons residing in towns and of persons residing in rural areas. (The 'towns' include all towns of 1,500 or more inhabitants and smaller towns possessing local government) (PDF 63KB)
03B. Showing the proportion of persons residing in the town areas and rural areas of each province who were born in the different countries (PDF 63KB)
04A. Birthplaces of total persons residing in the different types of towns on 12th May, 1946 (PDF 52KB)
04B. Showing the proportion of persons residing in the different types of towns who were born in the different countries (PDF 52KB)
05. Birthplaces of persons residing in each city or town of 1,500 or more inhabitants (and smaller towns possessing local government) (PDF 154KB)
06A. Birthplaces of persons residing in each county and county borough (PDF 70KB)
06B. Showing the proportion of persons residing in each county and county borough who were born in the different countries (PDF 62KB)
07. Birthplaces, in detail, of males and of females residing in each county and county borough (PDF 549KB)
08. Birthplace table indicating migration within Ireland of males and of females born in each County (PDF 66KB)
09. Birthplaces of persons residing in each county and county borough at each census year from 1871 (PDF 371KB)
10. Birthplaces of males and of females residing in each province classified according to age groups (PDF 153KB)
11. Birthplaces of males and of females residing in each county classified according to age groups (PDF 779KB)
12. Birthplaces of males and females, classified by age groups, residing in town areas and in rural areas in each Province on 12th May, 1946 (PDF 485KB)
13A. Persons, males and females, who were born outside all Ireland classified according to country of birth and number of years resident in this country (PDF 60KB)
13B. Number per thousand of persons, males and females residing in Ireland on 12th May, 1946, who were born outside all Ireland, classified according to country of birth and number of years resident in this country (PDF 57KB)
14. Persons, males and females residing in the town areas who were born outside all Ireland classified according to country of birth and number of years resident in this country (PDF 58KB)
15. Persons, males and females residing in the rural areas who were born outside all Ireland classified according to country of birth and number of years resident in this country (PDF 57KB)
16. Persons, males and females residing in Dublin County Borough and Dun Laoghaire Borough who were born outside all Ireland classified according to country of birth and number of years resident in this country (PDF 59KB)
17. Persons, males and females residing in each county and county borough who were born outside all Ireland (PDF 54KB)
18. Males and females residing in each county and county borough who were born outside all Ireland classified by the number of years resident in this country (PDF 117KB)