Tables 1 - 12 Population, area and valuation of each DED and each larger unit of area
- 01. Population of Saorstát Éireann and of each Province at each Census since 1881 and the Numbers of Marriages, Births and Deaths Registered in each Intercensal Period since 1871 (PDF 414KB)
- 02. Population of Saorstát Éireann and of each Province and County as constituted at each of the eleven Censuses from 1821 to 1926 (PDF 342KB)
- 03. Marriage Rate, Birth Rate, Death Rate, etc., in each Intercensal Period since 1871 in Saorstát Éireann and in each Province (PDF 342KB)
- 04. Increase or decrease per cent in population of Saorstát Éireann and of each Province or County as constituted at each of the eleven Censuses from 1821 to 1926 (PDF 86KB)
- 05. Population, etc., of each Constituency for election to the Oireachtas, showing the number of persons over 21 years of age and over 30 years of age respectively (PDF 80KB)
- 06. Population, etc., of each County Electoral Area, each Borough Electoral Area and of each Rural District of County Dublin (PDF 418KB)
- 07. Population, etc., of Boroughs, Urban Districts and other Towns possessing Local Government (PDF 172KB)
- 08. Population of every town in Saorstát Éireann having 200 inhabitants or over (PDF 242KB)
- 09. Population, Area and Valuation of urban and rural districts and of all towns with a population of 1,500 inhabitants or over, showing particulars of town and village population and of the number of persons per 100 acres(PDF 865KB)
- 10. Population of Dispensary Districts, Registrars Districts and Super-intendent Registrars Districts (PDF 1678KB)
- 11. Population, Area and valuation of each District Electoral Divisions, Urban District and Rural District including particulars for each Census Town down to the smallest clusters of 20 houses or more (PDF 7087KB)
- 12. Marriages, Births and Deaths registered in Saorstát Éireann classified according to Superintendent Registrars' districts showing particulars of Annual Average Rates per 1,000 of Population (PDF 309KB)