Small Area Population Statistics are Census 2016 statistics produced for a range of geographical levels from state to small areas. A brief description for each of the levels for which information is published can be found here Census 2016 Boundary files description. There are two ways to access SAPS information - through our Interactive Mapping Tool (SAPMAP) or by downloading tables and shapefiles.
The mapping tool facilitates access to SAPS through an interactive map search tool called SAPMAP. This allows users to navigate to their location of interest by using the address search facility or by pinpointing a location on the map. Users can then select their chosen geographic boundary and access all of the 2016 census tables that have been produced for that area. There are options to download the tables in pdf or excel format. A guide for using SAPMAP can be found here Census 2016 User Guide (PDF 4,851KB) .
There are 45 Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS) tables organised in the following themes.
In the table below, SAPS tables are available to download in CSV format for any of the geographies listed. Links to the corresponding boundary files, generalised and ungeneralised are provided for users' convenience. Please note that the CSO does not maintain official boundaries in Ireland, this is done by Ordnance Survey Ireland.
A glossary of table variables is available here SAPS 2016 Glossary (XLS 38KB)
A complete set of SAPS for all of the above Geography levels is also available to download here Complete set of Census 2016 SAPS (ZIP 18,368KB) .
For details of Census 2016 population for 50,117 Townlands click here Townlands (XLS 5,282KB) . A value of -1 indicates that the value has been suppressed. This occurred in the following cases:
101 Townlands in Limerick City and County and Waterford City and County have no 2011 equivalent.
For the dissemination of Census 2016 Small Area Statistics, the Dublin Parish boundaries have been approximated to the nearest whole Small Areas. The Dublin Parish boundary shapefile is available here Dublin Parishes 2016 (ZIP 1,151KB) . Full SAPs for Dublin Parishes are available here Dublin Parishes (CSV).
Following discussion with Ordnance Survey Ireland it was felt that a number of changes were needed in certain small areas to accommodate the publication of Census 2016 data. The changes consist of the following:
Census 2016 identified 183,312 vacant dwellings. This dataset provides the following details for these dwellings:
82,437 of the 183,312 vacant dwellings were occupied during Census 2011. This dataset also includes the following Census 2011 data for these dwellings:
The data is presented for the 2017 version of the Small Areas (18,641 areas). Statistical disclosure control has been applied to some areas, resulting in total figures being present for these areas but no further information provided in the breakdown.
Download Small Area Vacancy Data (CSV)
A glossary file is also available and provides a description of what each variable name in the dataset represents.