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Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS)

Small Area Population Statistics are Census 2016 statistics produced for a range of geographical levels from state to small areas.  A brief description for each of the levels for which information is published can be found here Census 2016 Boundary files description.  There are two ways to access SAPS information - through our Interactive Mapping Tool (SAPMAP) or by downloading tables and shapefiles.

Interactive Mapping Tool (SAPMAP)

The mapping tool facilitates access to SAPS through an interactive map search tool called SAPMAP.  This allows users to navigate to their location of interest by using the address search facility or by pinpointing a location on the map. Users can then select their chosen geographic boundary and access all of the 2016 census tables that have been produced for that area. There are options to download the tables in pdf or excel format.  A guide for using SAPMAP can be found here Census 2016 User Guide (PDF 4,851KB) .

There are 45 Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS) tables organised in the following themes.

  • Theme 1: Sex, age and marital status
  • Theme 2: Migration, ethnicity, religion and foreign languages
  • Theme 3: Irish language
  • Theme 4: Families
  • Theme 5: Private households
  • Theme 6: Housing
  • Theme 7: Communal establishments
  • Theme 8: Principal status
  • Theme 9: Social class and socio-economic group
  • Theme 10: Education
  • Theme 11: Commuting
  • Theme 12: Disability, carers and general health
  • Theme 13: Occupations
  • Theme 14: Industries
  • Theme 15: Motor car availability, PC ownership and internet Access


Saps Tables and Shapefiles

In the table below, SAPS tables are available to download in CSV format for any of the geographies listed. Links to the corresponding boundary files, generalised and ungeneralised are provided for users' convenience.  Please note that the CSO does not maintain official boundaries in Ireland, this is done by Ordnance Survey Ireland.

A glossary of table variables is available here SAPS 2016 Glossary (XLS 38KB)


CSV DownloadUngeneralised Boundaries(UG)Generalised 20MGeneralised 50MGeneralised 100M
Constituencies 2013 (40)  Constituencies UG Constituencies 20M Not available Not available 
Constituencies 2017 (39) Constituencies UG Constituencies 20M Constituencies 50M Constituencies 100M
Administrative Areas 2015 (31) Counties (31) UG Counties (31) 20M Counties (31) 50M  Counties (31) 100M
Electoral Divisions 2015 (3,409) Electoral Divisions UG Electoral Divisions 20M Electoral Divisions 50M Electoral Divisions 100M
Gaeltachts 2015 (7) Gaeltachts UG Gaeltachts 20M Gaeltachts 50M  Gaeltachts 100M
Limistéir Pleanála Teanga 2015 (26) Limistéir Pleanála Teanga UG Limistéir Pleanála Teanga 20M Limistéir Pleanála Teanga 50M Limistéir Pleanála Teanga 100M
Local Electoral Areas 2015 (137) Local Electoral Areas UG Local Electoral Areas 20M Local Electoral Areas 50M Local Electoral Areas 100M
Local Electoral Areas 2019 (166) Not available Local Electoral Areas 20M Not available Not available
Municipal Districts 2015 (95) Municipal Districts UG Municipal Districts 20M Municipal District 50M Municipal District 100M
Provinces 2015 (4) Provinces UG Provinces 20M Provinces 50M Provinces 100M
NUTS3 Regions 2015 (8) NUTS3 UG NUTS3 20M NUTS3 50M NUTS3 100M 
Settlements 2015 (846) Settlements UG Settlements 20M Settlements 50M Settlements 100M
Small Areas 2015 (18,641) - Small Areas UG Small Areas 20M Small Areas 50M Small Areas 100M
Former Legal Towns & Cities (85) Not available Not available Not available  Not available
 Townlands 2015 (50,117) Not available Townlands 20M Townlands 50M Townlands 100M

A complete set of SAPS for all of the above Geography levels is also available to download here Complete set of Census 2016 SAPS (ZIP 18,368KB) .


For details of Census 2016 population for 50,117 Townlands click here Townlands (XLS 5,282KB) . A value of -1 indicates that the value has been suppressed. This occurred in the following cases:

  • The number of permanent, private households in the Townland is 1 or 2.
  • All the population in the Townland is male or all the population is female.
  • No permanent private households and the population is greater than 0.

101 Townlands in Limerick City and County and Waterford City and County have no 2011 equivalent.

Dublin Parishes

For the dissemination of Census 2016 Small Area Statistics, the Dublin Parish boundaries have been approximated to the nearest whole Small Areas. The Dublin Parish boundary shapefile is available here Dublin Parishes 2016 (ZIP 1,151KB) .  Full SAPs for Dublin Parishes are available here Dublin Parishes (CSV).

Changes to small area boundaries for Census 2016

Following discussion with Ordnance Survey Ireland it was felt that a number of changes were needed in certain small areas to accommodate the publication of Census 2016 data. The changes consist of the following:

  • A total of 37 small areas in 2011 were amalgamated in 2016 due to low household numbers
  • 309 small areas were created in 2016 arising from the splitting of 151 small areas in 2011 due to high household numbers and residential development.
  • A further 41 small areas had their boundaries adjusted, which resulted in a change of small area for some dwellings.

Small area housing vacancy data

Census 2016 identified 183,312 vacant dwellings. This dataset provides the following details for these dwellings:

  • The type of dwelling.
  • The status of these dwellings in Census 2011 (where available).
  • The reason why these dwellings were vacant (where available) in Census 2016.

82,437 of the 183,312 vacant dwellings were occupied during Census 2011. This dataset also includes the following Census 2011 data for these dwellings: 

  • Age of the head of the household
  • Number of usual residents
  • Household composition
  • Period built
  • Nature of occupancy
  • Number of rooms
  • Number of persons per room

The data is presented for the 2017 version of the Small Areas (18,641 areas).  Statistical disclosure control has been applied to some areas, resulting in total figures being present for these areas but no further information provided in the breakdown.

Download Small Area Vacancy Data (CSV)

A glossary file is also available and provides a description of what each variable name in the dataset represents.

Download Small Area Vacancy Glossary (XLS 11KB)

Census 2016 Vacant Housing Statistics FAQ's
