Principal Economic Status |
- CD301. Population aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status at each census since 1986
- CD302. Population aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status, marital status and age group
- CD303. Population aged 15 years and over in each province, county and city classified by principal economic status, 2006 and 2011
- CD304. Population aged 15 years and over in each regional authority area classified by principal economic status and age group
- CD305. Population aged 15 years and over in each town with a population of over 1,500, classified by principal economic status
- CD306. Population aged 15 years and over, usually resident and present in the State on census night, classified by principal economic status and nationality
- CD307. Percentage rates showing participation in the labour force and unemployment for population aged 15 years and over, in each province, county and city, classified by marital status
- CD308. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force, classified by broad industrial group in each regional authority area, 2006 and 2011
- CD309. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force, usually resident and present in the State on census night, classified by broad industrial group and nationality
- CD310. Population aged 15 years and over at work and unemployed (excluding first time job seekers), classified by intermediate occupational group, 2006 and 2011
- CD311. Population aged 15 years and over at work, usually resident and present in the State on Census Night, classified by broad occupational group and nationality
- CD312. Population in each province, county and city classified by socio-economic group
- CD370. Population aged 15 years and over, classified by socio-economic group and principal economic status
- CD313. Population usually resident and present in the State on census night, in each regional authority area, classified by socio-economic group and nationality
- CD314. Population in each province, county and city classified by social class
- CD369. Population aged 15 years and over, classified by social class, age group and principal economic status
- CD315. Population usually resident and present in the State on census night, in each regional authority area, classified by social class and nationality
- CD354. Labour force participation rate and unemployment rate of population aged 15 years and over, classified by nationality
- CD358. Unemployed population aged 15 years and over usually resident and present in the State, including first time job seekers in each province, county and city, classified by nationality
- CD363. Population aged 15 years and over, usually resident and present in the State on census night, that were living outside Ireland one year ago, classified by principal economic status and nationality
- CD365. Population aged 15 years and over, usually resident and present in the State on census night, who speak a language other than English or Irish at home, classified by principal economic status and how well English is spoken
- CD366. Females aged 15 years and over, classified by age group, principal economic status and whether they have had children
- CD367. Population aged 15 years and over, seeking their first regular job, classified by age group and highest level of education completed
- CD368. Population aged 15 years and over whose education has ceased, classified by those with a secondary or third level education, field of study and principal economic status
- CD371. Population aged 15 - 24 years, classified by highest level of education completed, nationality and principal economic status, 2006 and 2011
- CD316. Population at work, school or college usually resident and present in the State on census night, classified by time taken to travel and means of travel
- CD317. Population at work, school or college usually resident in the State, classified by time leaving home and time taken to travel
- CD318. Population aged 15 years and over in private households, classified by principal economic status and status in family nucleus
- CD326. Population aged 15 years and over in private households, enumerated as husbands and wives (or couples) and lone parents, classified by principal economic status
Industry |
- CD359. Population aged 15 years and over at work, in each county and city classified by broad industrial group
- CD319. Population aged 15 years and over at work, in each province, county and city classified by broad industrial group, 2006 and 2011
- CD320. Population aged 15 years and over at work, in each town with a population of over 1,500, classified by broad industrial group
- CD321. Population aged 15 years and over at work, in each regional authority area, classified by broad industrial group and age group
- CD322. Population aged 15 years and over at work, in each regional authority area, classified by detailed industrial group
- CD323. Population aged 15 years and over at work, classified by broad industrial group and employment status, 2006 and 2011
- CD360. Population aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status and detailed industrial group, 2006 and 2011
- CD324. Population aged 15 years and over at work or unemployed (excluding first time job seekers) in each regional authority area, classified by broad industrial group
- CD325. Unemployed population aged 15 years and over (excluding first time job seekers) in each regional authority area, classified by broad industrial group and age group, 2006 and 2011
- CD328. Population aged 15 years and over classified by broad industrial group and highest level of education completed
- CD329. Population aged 15 years and over, in the labour force, usually resident and present in the State on Census Night, classified by broad industrial group and birthplace
- CD330. Population aged 15 years and over, in the labour force, usually resident and present in the State on Census Night, classified by broad industrial group and religion
- CD364. Population aged 15 years and over, usually resident and present in the State on census night, that were living outside Ireland one year ago, classified by broad industrial group and nationality
- CD331. Population aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status and birthplace
- CD332. Population aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status and religion
- CD333. Population aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status and highest level of education completed
Occupations |
- CD334. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force, classified by broad occupational group in each regional authority area, 2006 and 2011
- CD335. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force, in each province, county and city classified by intermediate occupational group
- CD336. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force, classified by intermediate occupational group in each town with a population of over 1,500
- CD337. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force, classified by intermediate occupational group and age group
- CD338. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force, classified by intermediate occupational group, 2006 and 2011
- CD339. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force, classified by intermediate occupational group and age group in each regional authority area
- CD341. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force, classified by detailed occupational group, 2006 and 2011
- CD361. Population aged 15 years and over at work and unemployed, classified by detailed occupational group, 2006 and 2011
- CD342. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force, usually resident and present in the State on census night, classified by intermediate occupational group and birthplace
- CD343. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force, usually resident and present in the State on census night, classified by intermediate occupational group and nationality
- CD344. Population aged 15 years and over (excluding first time job seekers), classified by intermediate occupational group and age group, 2006 and 2011
- CD345. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force and not in the labour force in each regional authority area, classified by socio-economic group and age group, 2006 and 2011
- CD346. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force and not in the labour force in each province, county and city classified by socio-economic group
- CD347. Population aged 15 years and over in each town with a population of over 1,500, classified by socio-economic group
- CD348. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force and not in the labour force, in each regional authority area, classified by social class, 2006 and 2011
- CD349. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force and not in the labour force, in each province, county and city, classified by social class and age group
- CD350. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force and not in the labour force, in each town with a population of over 1,500, classified by social class
- CD351. Population aged 15 years and over with a third level qualification, classified by subject in which qualification is held and principal economic status
- CD352. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force with a third level qualification classified by, subject in which qualification is held and intermediate occupational group
- CD353. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force (excluding unemployed looking for first regular job) with a third level qualification classified by, subject in which qualification is held and broad industrial group
- CD372. Population Aged 15 Years and Over, classified by Detailed Occupation and gender
- CD373. Population Aged 15 Years and Over, Employed or Self-employed, classified by Detailed Occupation and gender
- CD374. Population Aged 15 Years and Over At Work classified by Detailed Occupation and Broad Industry (NACE.2)