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2002 Saps Themes - Enumeration Areas of Cities

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Theme 1 Sex, age and marital status 

Persons aged 18 and under by sex and single year of age, persons aged 19 and over by sex (XLS 479KB)

Persons by sex, age and marital status (XLS 2,011KB)


Theme 2 Migration, Ethnicity and Religion 

Usually resident and present population by place of birth (XLS 62KB)

Usually resident and present population by nationality (XLS 62KB)

Number of Irish Travellers (XLS 33KB)

Population whose usual residence one year before Census Day is different to current usual residence (XLS 37KB)

Number of persons by religion (XLS 143KB)


Theme 3 Irish language

Number of persons aged 3 or over by ability to speak Irish (XLS 63KB)

Irish speakers aged 3 or over by frequency of speaking Irish (XLS 76KB)


Theme 4 Families

Size of family units (number of persons)

Number of family units by size of family unit (XLS 88KB)

Number of members/persons in family units by size of family unit (XLS 93KB)

Number of children in family units by size of family unit (XLS 89KB)


Size of family units (number of children)

Number of family units where all children are aged under 15 years (XLS 85KB)

Number of family units where all children are aged 15 years and over (XLS 80KB)

Number of family units where children are aged both over and under 15 years (XLS 75KB)

Number of family units by size of family unit (number of children) (XLS 84KB)


Type of family unit

Couples with no children (XLS 36KB)

Family units comprising couples with children by age group of children (XLS 60KB)

Children in family units comprising couples with children by age group of children (XLS 61KB)

Family units comprising fathers with children by age group of children (XLS 53KB)

Children in family units comprising fathers with children by age group of children (XLS 55KB)

Family units comprising mothers with children by age group of children (XLS 58KB)

Children in family units comprising mothers with children by age group of children (XLS 60KB)

All family units (XLS 46KB)


By age of youngest child

Number of family units by age of youngest child (XLS 74KB)

Number of members of family units by age of youngest child (XLS 77KB)


Family cycles

Number of couples with no children by family cycle (XLS 59KB)

Number of family units with children by family cycle (couples or lone parents with children) (XLS 74KB)

Persons in family units with children by family cycle (couples or lone parents with children) (XLS 77KB)


Theme 5 Private households

Number of private households classified by compositon (XLS 133KB)

Number of persons in private households classified by composition (XLS 138KB)

Number of households by size of household (XLS 96KB)

Number of persons in households by size of household (XLS 98KB)

Persons living alone (XLS 95KB)

Two person households, both aged 65 or over, by age of youngest member (XLS 67KB)

Number of private households by age and sex of reference person (XLS 287KB)


Theme 6 Housing

Number of private households by type of accommodation (XLS 73KB)

Number of persons in private households by type of accommodation (XLS 76KB)

Number of permanent private households by year house built (XLS 104KB)

Number of persons in permanent private households by year house built (XLS 104KB)

Number of permanent private households by type of occupancy (XLS 95KB)

Number of persons in permanent private households by type of occupancy (XLS 100KB)

Number of permanent private households by number of rooms in the household (XLS 102KB)

Number of persons in permanent private households by number of rooms in the household (XLS 106KB)

Number of permanent private households by whether or not they have central heating (XLS 61KB)

Number of permanent private households by type of water supply (XLS 78KB)

Number of permanent private households by type of sewerage facilities (XLS 72KB)

Weekly rent of permanent private household units on Census night (XLS 247KB)

Average weekly rent of private housing units (XLS 74KB)


Theme 7 Communal establishments

Number of communal establishments (XLS 33KB)

Number of persons in communal establishments (XLS 34KB)


Theme 8 Economic Status

Persons aged 15 years and over by principal economic status and sex (XLS 228KB)

Persons aged 15 years and over in the labour force by marital status and sex (XLS 142KB)

Persons aged 15 years and over in the labour force by age group and sex (XLS 184KB)

Persons aged 15 years and over employed, unemployed and not in the labour force (ILO definition) (XLS 62KB)

Persons aged 15 years or over, employed (ILO definition) by number of hours worked (XLS 95KB)


Theme 9 Social Class and Socio-Economic Group

Population by sex, age group and social class (XLS 1,132KB)

Population by socio-economic group and sex (XLS 296KB)

Population by socio-economic group of reference person (XLS 119KB)

Households by socio-economic group of reference person (XLS 114KB)


Theme 10 Education

Persons aged 15 years and over by age education ceased and sex (XLS 247KB)

Persons aged 15 years and over whose education has not ceased and sex (XLS 73KB)

Persons aged 15 years and over by third level qualification and sex (XLS 345KB)

Persons aged 15 or over by sex, principal economic status and highest level of education completed (XLS 1,510KB)


Theme 11 Commuting

Persons aged 5 years and over by means of travel to work, school or college (XLS 105KB)

Persons aged 5 years and over by time of leaving home to travel to work, school or college (XLS 99KB)

Persons aged 5 years and over by distance travelled to work, school or college (XLS 104KB)

Persons aged 5 years and over by journey time to work, school or college (XLS 85KB)


Theme 12 Disability, carers and voluntary work

Persons with a disability by age group (XLS 73KB)

Carers by sex and number of unpaid hours per week (XLS 128KB)


Theme 13 Occupations

Persons aged 15 years and over by sex at work or unemployed by sex and occupation (XLS 872KB)


Theme 14 Industries

Persons at work by sex, employment status and industry (XLS 736KB)


Theme 15 Car and PC Ownership

Number of motor cars available to permanent private households (XLS 67KB)

Number of permanent private households with a personal computer (XLS 59KB)

Number of permanent private households with internet access (XLS 59KB)