Irish Language
- A0901. Percentage of Irish Speakers of all Ages by Province, CensusYear 1926 - 1996 and Statistic
- A0902. Percentage of Irish Speakers Aged 3 Years and Over by Province, CensusYear 1926 - 1996 and Statistic
- A0903. Population Aged 3 Years and Over by Sex, Ability to Speak Irish and Regional Authority
- A0904. Population Aged 3 Years and Over by Sex, Ability to Speak Irish and Province County or City
- A0905. Population Aged 3 Years and Over by Sex, Ability to Speak Irish and Towns with a Population of over 1,500
- A0906. Population Aged 3 Years and Over by Age Group, Sex and Ability to Speak Irish
- A0907. Population Aged 3 Years and Over by Sex, Gaeltacht Areas, Ability to Speak Irish and Age Group
- A0908. Population Aged 15 Years and Over in the Labour Force by Sex, Ability to Speak Irish, Gaeltacht, State and Intermediate Occupational Group
- A0909. Persons Aged 3 Years and Over by Ability to Speak Irish, Gaeltacht, State and Socio Economic Group
- A0910. Persons Aged 3 Years and Over by Social Class, Ability to Speak Irish, Gaeltacht and State
- A0911. Persons Aged 15 Years and Over by Ability to Speak Irish, Sex, Gaeltacht and State and Highest Level of Education Completed
- A0912. Persons Aged 15 Years and Over by Ability to Speak Irish, Sex, Gaeltacht and State and Age at which Full Time Education Ceased
- A0913. Private Households with Irish Speakers by Province County or City and Persons in Household aged 3 Years and Over
- A0914. Irish Speakers in Private Households by Province County or City and Persons in Household aged 3 Years and Over
- A0915. Private Households with Irish Speakers by Gaeltacht Areas and Persons in Household aged 3 Years and Over
- A0916. Irish Speakers in Private Households by Gaeltacht Areas and Persons in Household aged 3 Years and Over
- A0917. Private Households where Reference Person Speaks Irish by Province County or City and Persons in Household aged 3 Years and Over
- A0918. Irish Speakers in Private Households where Reference Person Speaks Irish by Province County or City and Persons in Household aged 3 Years and Over
- A0919. Private Households where Reference Person Speaks Irish by Gaeltacht Areas and Persons in Household aged 3 Years and Over
- A0920. Irish Speakers in Private Households where Reference Person Speaks Irish by Gaeltacht Areas and Persons in Household aged 3 Years and Over
- A0921. Private Households with Irish Speakers Aged 3 Years and Over by Gaeltacht and State, Number of Irish Speakers and Persons in Household aged 3 Years and Over
- A0922. Population Aged 3 Years and Over in Families by Ability to Speak Irish, Type of Family Unit, Sex, Gaeltacht, State and Age Group
- A0923. Irish Speakers Aged 3 Years and Over by Frequency of Speaking Irish outside the Education System, Regional Authority and Sex
- A0924. Irish Speakers Aged 3 Years and Over by Frequency of Speaking Irish, Province County or City and Sex
- A0925. Irish Speakers Aged 3 Years and Over by Frequency of Speaking Irish outside the Education System, Towns with a Population of over 1,500 and Sex
- A0926. Irish Speakers Aged 3 Years and Over by Age Group, Sex and Frequency of Speaking Irish
- A0927. Irish Speakers Aged 3 Years and Over by Sex, Gaeltacht Areas, Age Group and Frequency of Speaking Irish
- A0928. Irish Speakers in Private Households by Persons in Household aged 3 Years and Over, Gaeltacht, State and Number of Irish Speakers