- A0701.Population Aged 15 Years and Over in the Labour Force by Sex, Regional Authority, Broad Occupational Group and CensusYear 1991 - 1996
- A0702. Population Aged 15 Years and Over in the Labour Force by Sex, Province County or City and Broad Occupational Group
- A0703. Population aged 15 years and over in the labour force in each town with a population of 1,500 or more, classified by broad occupational group and sex
- A0704. Population Aged 15 Years and Over in the Labour Force by Age Group, Broad Occupational Group and Sex
- A0705. Population Aged 15 Years and Over in the Labour Force by Sex, Intermediate Occupational Group and CensusYear 1991 - 1996
- A0706.Population Aged 15 years and Over in the Labour Force by Intermediate Occupational Group, Sex and Regional Authority
- A0707. Population Aged 15 years and Over in the Labour Force by Sex, Intermediate Occupational Group and Age Group
- A0708. Population Aged 15 years and Over in the Labour Force by Sex, Detailed Occupational Group and CensusYear 1991 - 1996
- A0709. Population Aged 15 Years and Over at Work by Sex, Intermediate Occupational Group and Employment Status
- A0710. Population Aged 15 Years and Over at Work, distinguishing full-time and part-time workers by Sex and Intermediate Occupational Group
- A0711.Unemployed population aged 15 years and over (excluding first time job seekers), classified by intermediate occupational group, Sex and Census Year 1991 - 1996
- A0712. Unemployed population aged 15 years and over (excluding first time job seekers) in each intermediate occupational group, classified by age group and sex
- A0713. Unemployed Population Aged 15 Years and Over (Excluding First Time Job Seekers) by Sex and Intermediate Occupational Group
- A0714. Population Aged 15 Years and Over by Regional Authority, Socio Economic Group and Labour Force
- A0715. Population by Socio Economic Group, Principal Economic Status and Province County or City
- A0716. Population Aged 15 Years and Over by Principal Economic Status, Socio Economic Group and Towns with a Population of over 1,500
- A0717. Population Aged 15 Years and Over by Age Group, Socio Economic Group and Labour Force
- A0718. Population Aged 15 Years and Over by Social Class, Regional Authority and Labour Force
- A0719. Population Aged 15 Years and Over by Principal Economic Status, Province County or City and Social Class
- A0720. Population Aged 15 Years and Over by Social Class, Towns with a Population of 1,500 or more and Labour Force
- A0721. Population Aged 15 Years and Over by Age Group, Social Class and Labour Force