All information collected in the census is treated as strictly confidential by the CSO and will be used only for statistical purposes.
The names of individuals will not be entered onto any computer database.
No other Government Department or Agency will have access to identifiable information relating to individuals or households.
The confidentiality of all information collected by the CSO from individuals, households or business is guaranteed by law.
The CSO operates as a "one way street" in the sense that identifiable data comes in but does not leave the Office.
The need for confidentiality is stressed in the training of CSO headquarters and field staff.
The penalty for any breaches by staff can be as high as €25,000. All staff are made fully aware of their legal obligations in this respect.
The CSO is justifiably proud of its unblemished record in protecting the confidentiality of data. It is one of our top priorities to maintain this record.