Interactive Tables
Population, Marital Status and Age
Living Arrangements and Family Units
- BDR11. Private households, persons in private households and average number of persons per private household in each Province, County and City
- BDR12. Population enumerated in communal establishments by type of establishment and sex
- BDR13. Private households classified by composition and size
- BDR14. Private households and number of persons in private households in each Province, County and City, classified by type of household
- BDR15. Private households and persons in private households classified by sex, marital status and age group of reference person
- BDR16. Persons aged 65 years and over, living in private households, distinguishing the number and percentage living alone, classified by age group and sex
- BDR17. Family units in private households classified by type of family unit and number of children
- BDR18. Family units with one child only in private households, classified by type of family unit and age group of child
- BDR19. Family units with two or more children in private households, classified by type of family unit, age group of youngest child and age group of eldest child
Usual Residence, Place of Birth and Nationality
- BDR20. Enumerated population classified by usual residence and sex
- BDR21. Population, usually resident and present in the State, classified by place of birth and sex
- BDR22. Population, usually resident and present in the State, classified by place of birth and age group
- BDR23. Population aged one year and over, usually resident and present in the State, classified by usual residence one year ago
- BDR24. Population aged one year and over, usually resident and present in the State, who lived outside the State for one year or more, classified by age group, country of previous residence and sex
- BDR25. Population aged one year and over, usually resident and present in the State, who lived outside the State for one year or more, classified by year of taking up residence in Ireland (Republic), country of previous residence and sex
- BDR26. Population usually resident and present in the State, classified by nationality and sex
- BDR27. Population usually resident and present in the State, classified by nationality and age group
Tables Irish Language, Religion and Irish Travellers
- BDR28. Population aged 3 years and over, classified by age group, ability to speak Irish and sex
- BDR29. Irish speakers aged 3 years and over, classified by frequency of speaking Irish, age group and sex
- BDR30. Population aged 3 years and over who speak Irish daily within the education system, classified by sex, age group and frequency of speaking Irish outside the education system
- BDR31. Population aged 3 years and over, in each province, county and city, classified by sex, age group and frequency of speaking Irish
- BDR32. Population aged 3 years and over in each County and City within the Gaeltacht, classified by ability to speak Irish and age group
- BDR33. Irish speakers aged 3 years and over in each County and City within the Gaeltacht, classified by frequency of speaking Irish and age group
- BDR34. Percentage change in population classified by religion, 1996 - 2002
- BDR35. Population, in each province, county and city, classified by religion
- BDR36. Irish Travellers in each Province, County and City classified by sex
- BDR37. Irish Travellers classified by sex, age group and marital status
- BDR38. Irish Travellers in private households in each Province, County and City classified by household type