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Last updated: 01 October 2020

General Statement

This statement relates to the privacy practices of the Central Statistics Office (CSO) in connection with its website. For more information about Data Protection at the CSO, read our Data Protection and Transparency notice for the Central Statistics Office as an organisation and our CSO Telecommunications Privacy Policy.

The CSO fully respects your personal privacy rights and does not, as a general rule, collect personal information of any kind, without your clear permission. Any personal information which we collect will be treated with the highest standard of security and confidentiality, strictly in accordance with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Our web site contains links to other sites. The CSO is not responsible for the privacy practices within any of these other sites. We encourage you to be aware of this when you leave our site and to read the privacy statements on other web sites you visit which may collect personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected on our web site.

Your personal data

When you use our visualisation tools, even if you enter your name, date of birth or other personally identifiable information, no personal data is transmitted to our servers. The nature of our visualisation tools is that the form data you enter is processed in your own browser and is not retained by us.

If you email us or phone us using the contact details given on this site, the personal data you supply will be processed as per our Telecommunications Privacy Policy. We will hold these details for the length of time required for processing and we will only use the details for the purpose for which they were received.

Cookie data

This website uses essential cookies to support some of its core functions

The essential cookies that we use are

  • Highcharts - (__cfduid) This cookie is set by CloudFare to prevent DDOS attacks.  Please refer to Highcharts for further information.
  • Cookie Consent - (cookieconsent_status) This allows us to remember your cookie preference/choice.  This preference/choice applies everytime you visit our website for 1 year.

Google Analytics are the only non-essential cookies that we use,  You may Accept or Reject the usage of this non-essential cookie. You can do so at anytime via the collapsable cookie banner or by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. We use Google Analytics to monitor the site traffic.  Please refer to Google's privacy policy for further information.

Please note no Cookies are set to personally identify users.

These Non-Essential Cookies are automatically rejected by default.  Please click on the toggle button to manage your cookie preference.



Web browser

A web browser is software that allows a user to access and view web pages. Examples are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Firefox and Opera.

Domain name

A domain name is the text name corresponding to the numeric IP address of a computer on the Internet. For example, is a domain name. A domain name is unique.

IP Address

IP Address stands for Internet Protocol Address. Each machine connected to the Internet has a unique address. The IP address takes the form of a series of four one- to three-digit numbers separated by dots, for example, is an IP address.


Cookies are small pieces of information, stored in simple text files in your browser by a web site. Each cookie has an expiry date and persistent cookies can be read by the web site on your subsequent visits. Our website requests your consent to use cookies on your initial visit and we do not use cookies to store personally identifiable information.


This policy will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and may be updated from time to time.