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The CSO is committed to the research and development of new products.  During the year CSO launched 29 new products.

New Products

Though 20 products were listed as new on the Statistical Work Programme, the following 10 were published in 2021:

  1. Business Impact of COVID Structural Survey & Modules
  2. Trade by Invoicing Currency
  3. Administrative Census Publication
  4. Social Impact of Covid-19 February 2021
  5. Socio-Economic Analysis of Domestic Building Energy Ratings
  6. Higher Education Outcomes – Early Learning Graduates
  7. Housing in Ireland: Rental Analysis
  8. Remote Working Analysis
  9. Migration Estimates for Ireland from Administrative Data Sources 2014-2020
  10. Characteristics of Residential Property Purchasers

During 2021 the CSO published 19 new products which were not originally listed on the Work Programme:

Social Housing in Ireland 2019 - Analysis of Housing Assistance Payment

The circumstances of households before, during and after participation in HAP are explored in this new publication – ‘Social Housing in Ireland 2019 – Analysis of Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Scheme’. Housing, employment, benefits and earnings are all explored as well as details on landlords and the rented properties.

COVID-19 Income supports - an analysis of recipients

Since March 2020, the Government has introduced a range of measures to provide financial support to individuals and businesses who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This new report, ‘COVID-19 Income Supports: An Analysis of Recipients’, presents an analysis of the recipients on the main COVID-19 income supports that have been made available.
The aim of this Frontier Series is to provide insight into the recipients of the different COVID-19 income supports by demonstrating how the levels of recipients have changed over time and presenting the characteristics of the recipients of the different schemes. This is an example of the policy-relevant research projects the CSO are developing as part of its leadership role in the Irish Statistical System.

Brexit in SME’s

This release is based on data collected during the Business Impact of COVID-19 on SMEs in 2020 Survey (BICS). The data was collected to measure and report on key features of the impact of both the COVID-19 crisis and impact of Brexit on small and medium enterprises in Ireland in 2020. A Small or Medium Enterprise (SME) is an enterprise having 1-249 persons engaged. This release focuses on the impact of Brexit on SMEs in 2020. Respondents were asked their biggest Brexit concerns and actions they were taking in 2020 in preparation for Brexit.

GVC on Agriculture and Food

This publication presents a Value Chain analysis of Agriculture and Food activities in the Irish economy. This has been done using the National Accounts as an integrating framework to present a detailed and consistent analysis of the sectors. In fact, this frontier series leverages a combination of new and existing methodology found in the Supply and Use Tables and the Institutional Sector Accounts to produce much more detailed estimates of production and consumption of agricultural, food and beverage products in the economy.

Electric Vehicle transition indicators

This publication, the data for which was collected as part of the National Travel Survey, provides an overview on electric vehicles in Ireland. It includes information on street charging of electric vehicles, purchases of electric vehicles, grants etc. Respondents were asked various questions around electric vehicles, including if they would consider buying an electric vehicle and what would influence them to buy an electric vehicle.

Economic Life and COVID-19 in Ireland, 2020-2021

This new CSO report, ‘Economic Life and COVID-19 in Ireland, 2020-2021’ provides an economic overview of the impacts of the pandemic on citizens and enterprises up to the first half of 2021, compared with the time period immediately before the pandemic. During a time when many people faced numerous challenges in their daily lives, this report ties together the immediate economic changes brought about by the pandemic by examining a range of indicators.

Go to next chapter >>> 2021 Work Programme by Theme and Sub-theme

  • Progress Report on the CSO Annual Statistical Work Programme 2021
  • Highlights of the 2021 Work Programme
  • Innovation
  • 2021 Work Programme by Theme and Sub-theme