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Publication of the Growing up in Ireland (1998 cohort) is one of the highlights of the CSO's 2024 Statistical Work Plan

CSO statistical publication, , 11am


Welcome to the 2024 Central Statistics Office (CSO) Annual Statistical Work Plan which contains details of both the official statistics that the CSO intends to produce this year and the statistical work plans for several other producers of national and European statistics across the Irish Statistical System (ISS). This coordination of all the planned outputs in one place shows how the CSO is moving more proactively into our coordination and quality role across the ISS.

This statistical work plan is intended to serve as a useful mechanism for improving transparency and external visibility on the broad range of official statistics produced by the CSO and more broadly across the ISS. It is also hoped that it will stimulate collaboration and coordination between the various producers of statistics within the broader system. In 2024 the work plan includes 447 planned releases from 26 organisations across the ISS, 37 of which are new products.

There are many interesting and insightful outputs planned for 2024 but some of the new outputs will address identified data gaps and emerging areas of interest concerning the environment, the economy, and Irish society. Highlights include:

  • The CSO will release a publication celebrating its 75th Anniversary, a milestone in our history.
  • An all-Ireland Census publication is planned to be released in the second quarter.
  • Growing up in Ireland will publish results from the Cohort ‘98. This cohort started in 2008 with 8,500 children aged 9 years. The members of Cohort ’98 are now 25-26 years old.
  • The publication by the Department of Education on Early Leavers and School Completers, Entry Cohorts 2010-2016 seeks to record post-primary students after schooling through three main activities; social welfare, education, and employment, as well as more detailed analysis. 
  • In the Environmental sphere, new outputs planned include Economic Accounts for Forestry and Vehicle Odometer Readings.
  • People and society make up a large proportion of the new outputs given the strong demand for data and insight in this area including new outputs on Differential Mortalities by Poverty Status and SUSI Outcomes Analysis.

The CSO will continue to deliver on the existing wide range of outputs to inform Irish people about developments in the environment, the economy, and society. Details of these regular outputs are also included in the plan. Responding to user demand and emerging themes is a crucial part of the work of the CSO and new outputs will be added as additional demands and data gaps are identified throughout 2024 and as additional data sources become available.

In delivering the statistical work plan, the CSO will continue to provide independent statistical information to support understanding, effective debate, and decision-making across government, businesses, and society. The CSO intends to publish more than 300 statistical products in 2024. The CSO uses a variety of methods of communicating our statistics, including infographics, electronic releases, and social media posts as an essential part of contributing to an informed society for the people of Ireland.