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CSO statistical release, , 11am

Tourism and Travel

Quarter 3 2016

  Overseas trips to Ireland Trips by Irish residents overseas
‘000 ‘000
Reason for journeyJul - Sep 2015Jul - Sep 2016 Jul - Sep 2015Jul - Sep 2016
Business332363 202157
Visits to Friends/Relatives640730 419430
Holiday/Leisure/Recreation1,4851,574 1,5151,589
Other315394 5077
Total2,7713,062 2,1862,253

Overseas trips to Ireland increased by 10.5% for the period July to September 2016

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The main results for Quarter 3 2016 are as follows:

Overseas trips to Ireland:

  • The number of overseas trips to Ireland by non-residents increased from 2.771 million in Quarter 3 2015 to 3.062 million trips in Quarter 3 2016 (+10.5%). See table 1.
  • The number of nights spent in Ireland by overseas travellers increased by 7.8% in Quarter 3 2016 compared with the same period of the previous year, up from 22.0 million to 23.7 million. See table 4.
  • The average duration of overseas trips to Ireland fell  from  7.9 nights in Quarter 3 2015 to 7.7 nights in Quarter 3 2016. See table 6.
  • Total tourism and travel earnings from overseas travellers to Ireland increased by 10.0% between Quarter 3 2015 and Quarter 3 2016, increasing from €2,037 million to €2,241 million. When fares are excluded, total expenditure increased from €1,551 million to €1,693 million, an increase of 9.2% over the period. See table 7.


Trips by Irish residents overseas:

  • In Quarter 3 2016, the number of trips made by Irish residents overseas increased by 3.0%, from 2.186 million trips in Quarter 3 2015 to 2.253 million. See table 8.
  • The average duration of overseas trips made by Irish residents decreased from 9.5 nights in Quarter 3 2015 to 9.4 nights in Quarter 3 2016. See table 9.
  • Total tourism and travel expenditure by Irish residents overseas increased by 5.4%, up from €1,680 million in Quarter 3 2015 to €1,771 million in Quarter 3 2016. When all fares are included, total expenditure on overseas trips increased by 6.4%, from €2,096 million to €2,231 million. See table 10.


Table 1 Number of overseas trips to Ireland by non-residents classified by mode of travel, type of trip, route of travel, area of residence and reason for journey, 2013 - Quarter 3 2016
 201320142015 2015 2016
Total overseas trips to the Republic of Ireland6,9867,6048,643 1,5312,3452,7711,996 1,7852,5993,062
Trips by mode of travel             
    Air6,1496,7457,782 1,4322,0952,4101,845 1,6662,3722,708
    Sea837860861 99250361151 118227354
Trips by type            
    Same-day trips 590776894 154225278236 190301372
    Overnight trips 6,3966,8287,749 1,3782,1202,4931,760 1,5942,2982,689
Trips by route of travel            
    Cross channel3,7253,9314,379 9001,1291,3181,033 1,0031,2601,426
    Continental2,5342,7803,076 500897998680 6119681,102
    Transatlantic & Other Routes7278941,188 131319455283 171371534
Trips by area of residence            
    Great Britain2,9293,1643,547 7268861,050884 8511,0141,148
    France434456505 88160156101 98165171
    Germany483557629 86196214133 104192223
    Italy234258321 608111665 6296129
    Other Europe1,3121,3681,588 292415501380 336476562
    USA & Canada1,1581,3291,514 191468550305 238520638
    Australia & New Zealand187190207 31557646 315173
    All other areas248284331 578510882 6486117
Trips by reason for journey            
    Business1,2421,2821,441 364344332400 364434363
    Visit to Friends/Relatives2,0152,2092,297 488588640582 555632730
    Holiday/Leisure/Recreation3,0593,3244,001 5381,1841,485795 6911,2571,574
    Other 670789904 141229315220 175276394
Table 2 Percentage distribution of overseas trips to Ireland by non-residents with at least one overnight in Ireland, cross classified by area of residence and reason for journey, Quarter 3 2015 and Quarter 3 2016
TripsReason for journey  
BusinessVisit to Friends/RelativesHoliday/Leisure/ RecreationOther Total
 Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016 Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016
Total trips with at least one overnight in Ireland ('000s)2903076237091,4501,531129142 2,4932,689
Area of residence (%)           
Great Britain5146616126261511 3737
France552377106 66
Germany5632121157 88
Italy2222551920 45
Other Europe2223131320203434 1919
USA & Canada811111125251114 1919
All other areas (incl. Australia & New Zealand)67876677 76
All residencies100100100100100100100100 100100
Table 2a Percentage distribution of overseas trips to Ireland by non-residents with at least one overnight in Ireland, cross classified by area of residence and reason for journey, Years 2014 and 2015
TripsReason for journey  
BusinessVisit to Friends/RelativesHoliday/Leisure/ RecreationOther Total
 20142015201420152014201520142015 20142015
Total trips with at least one overnight in Ireland ('000s)1,0891,2522,1622,2383,2613,908316352 6,8287,749
Area of residence (%)           
Great Britain4848585830301417 4140
France544488911 66
Germany66441111107 88
Italy3322451212 44
Other Europe2424161717183130 1919
USA & Canada999924231415 1616
All other areas (incl. Australia & New Zealand)56776699 66
All residencies100100100100100100100100 100100
Table 3 Percentage distribution of overseas same-day trips to Ireland by non-residents cross classified by area of residence and reason for journey, Quarter 3 2015 and Quarter 3 2016
TripsReason for journey1  
BusinessVisit to Friends/RelativesHoliday/Leisure/ RecreationOtherTotal
 Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016
Total same-day trips (i.e. no overnight in Ireland) ('000s)425617213443185252278372
Area of residence (%)          
Great Britain85775047414239344742
Other Europe10151921132022251922
All other areas573132463839413435
All residencies100100100100100100100100100100
1 The contents of this table should be interpreted with caution due to small sample sizes.
Table 3a Percentage distribution of overseas same-day trips to Ireland by non-residents cross classified by area of residence and reason for journey, Years 2014 and 2015
TripsReason for journey1  
BusinessVisit to Friends/RelativesHoliday/Leisure/ RecreationOtherTotal
Total same-day trips (i.e. no overnight in Ireland) ('000s)19318947596493473552776894
Area of residence (%)     
Great Britain82835952444334364848
Other Europe12121620151526242120
All other areas652529414240403132
All residencies100100100100100100100100100100
1 The contents of this table should be interpreted with caution due to small sample sizes.
Table 4 Number of bednights spent in Ireland by non-residents on overseas trips cross classified by type of accommodation used and area of residence, Quarter 3 2015 and Quarter 3 2016
BednightsArea of Residence   
Great BritainOther EuropeUSA & CanadaAll Other AreasTotal
 Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016 Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016
Type of accommodation used           
    Hotel1,4111,2782,6032,6582,0071,960501555 6,5226,452
    Guest House/B&B3624341,7431,977693919242272 3,0403,602
    Rented House/Apartment5694681,4431,466320447359601 2,6902,983
    Friends/Relatives2,0922,3931,6281,6447108001,000879 5,4305,716
    Other8831,1122,3532,882536582513349 4,2854,926
    Total5,3185,6859,76910,6274,2664,7082,6142,657 21,96823,678
Table 4a Number of bednights spent in Ireland by non-residents on overseas trips cross classified by type of accommodation used and area of residence, Years 2014 and 2015
BednightsArea of Residence   
Great BritainOther EuropeUSA & CanadaAll Other AreasTotal
 20142015201420152014201520142015 20142015
Type of accommodation used           
    Hotel3,6474,3455,5636,5874,3555,0441,1431,397 14,70717,375
    Guest House/B&B6828842,7833,6291,2421,589464627 5,1716,729
    Rented House/Apartment1,1741,2994,4495,0451,0861,6051,1441,478 7,8529,429
    Friends/Relatives6,4176,1455,4045,2901,7221,7792,5542,581 16,09615,794
    Other2,4232,4975,9256,3031,4311,6401,2721,460 11,05111,900
    Total14,34215,17124,12326,8559,83411,6586,5777,543 54,87761,228
Table 5 Number of bednights spent in Ireland by non-residents on overseas trips cross classified by type of accommodation used and reason for journey, Quarter 3 2015 and Quarter 3 2016
BednightsReason for journey   
BusinessVisit to Friends/RelativesHoliday/Leisure/ RecreationOther Total
 Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016 Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016
Type of accommodation used           
    Hotel8189155725755,0034,784129177 6,5226,452
    Guest House/B&B931842552992,3492,723342395 3,0403,602
    Rented House/Apartment4856223153231,0711,115819923 2,6902,983
    Friends/Relatives2752623,7143,9781,1491,244292233 5,4305,716
    Other3193846938291,9742,2711,2991,442 4,2854,926
    Total1,9912,3665,5506,00411,54612,1372,8813,171 21,96823,678
Table 5a Number of bednights spent in Ireland by non-residents on overseas trips cross classified by type of accommodation used and reason for journey, Years 2014 and 2015
BednightsReason for journey   
BusinessVisit to Friends/RelativesHoliday/Leisure/ RecreationOther Total
 20142015201420152014201520142015 20142015
Type of accommodation used           
    Hotel3,0743,4711,6061,7949,60311,676424433 14,70717,375
    Guest House/B&B3474015786633,4454,6458011,021 5,1716,729
    Rented House/Apartment1,6911,8116508631,8052,2173,7054,538 7,8529,429
    Friends/Relatives84985111,54511,5582,6352,6211,068764 16,09615,794
    Other1,1821,1092,0581,9594,2904,8123,5214,020 11,05111,900
    Total7,1437,64416,43716,83721,77925,9709,51910,776 54,87761,228
Table 6 Estimated average length of stay (nights) by non-residents on all overseas trips to Ireland classified by area of residence and reason for journey, 2013 - Quarter 3 2016
 201320142015 2015 2016
Average length of stay
All overseas trips to Ireland
Trips by area of residence        
    Great Britain4.74.54.3
    France8.98.88.6 8.39.910.6
    Italy9.09.58.6 6.66.910.78.5
    Other Europe8.89.08.7
    USA & Canada8.27.47.7
    Australia & New Zealand11.812.512.3 14.010.712.912.2 14.212.511.9
    All other areas14.114.815.1 14.814.315.215.9 18.015.315.2
Trips by reason for journey        
    Visit to Friends/Relatives7.37.47.3
    Other14.012.111.9 14.913.49.212.5
Table 6a Estimated average length of stay (nights) by non-residents on all overseas trips to Ireland cross classified by area of residence and reason for journey, Quarter 3 2015 and Quarter 3 2016
Average length of stayReason for journey  
 BusinessVisit to Friends/Relatives Holiday/Leisure/ RecreationOther Total
 Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016 Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016
Area of Residence           
Great Britain2. 5.15.0
France10. 9.810.6
Germany7. 9.19.5
Italy17.310.910. 10.79.9
Other Europe10.312.111.410. 10.19.7
USA & Canada7.17.110.810. 7.87.4
All other areas (incl. Australia & New Zealand)12.111.920. 14.314.0
Total6. 7.97.7
Table 6b Estimated average length of stay (nights) by non-residents on all overseas trips to Ireland cross classified by area of residence and reason for journey, Years 2014 and 2015
Average length of stayReason for journey  
 BusinessVisit to Friends/Relatives Holiday/Leisure/ RecreationOther Total
 20142015201420152014201520142015 20142015
Area of Residence           
Great Britain2. 4.54.3
France7. 8.88.6
Germany8. 9.59.5
Italy8. 9.58.6
Other Europe9. 9.08.7
USA & Canada6. 7.47.7
All other areas (incl. Australia & New Zealand)9.411.516.716. 13.914.0
Total5. 7.27.1
Table 7 Expenditure by non-residents on overseas trips to Ireland classified by type of trip, area of residence, reason for journey and total overseas tourism and travel earnings, 2013 - Quarter 3 2016
        € million
 201320142015 2015 2016
Estimated expenditure
Total expenditure in Ireland (excluding fares) (1)3,2623,5484,208 5901,1941,551873 6931,2611,693
Fare receipts of Irish carriers from overseas travellers to Ireland (2)976 11,166 11,322 190372486275 233394548
Total overseas tourism and travel earnings (1) + (2) 4,238 14,714 15,530 7801,5662,0371,148 9261,6552,241
Total expenditure in Ireland (excluding fares) by trip type           
    Same-day trips354138 991010 91412
    Overnight trips3,2273,5074,169 5821,1851,541862 6841,2471,680
Total expenditure in Ireland (excluding fares) by area of residence            
    Great Britain847885971 181246309236 214269337
    France200202236 33788441 4292103
    Germany286334397 4114614466 44122159
    Italy119132153 24327026 224488
    Other Europe629639771 117192301161 137208324
    USA & Canada8229351,197 125375470226 144394494
    Australia & New Zealand168177200 27527942 315276
    All other areas191244283 43729275 6079112
Total expenditure in Ireland (excluding            
 fares) by reason for journey           
    Business580587675 151172163189 148198186
    Visit to Friends/Relatives 670784803 151198256197 191199270
    Holiday/Leisure/Recreation1,6871,8232,330 2197171,002392 2827381,073
    Other324353400 6910612996 72127163
1 The total tourism and travel earnings for 2013 and 2014 were revised due to a change in the methodology used to calculate fare receipts of Irish Carriers.
Table 7a Total expenditure (excl fares) by non-residents on overseas trips to Ireland cross classified by area of residence and reason for journey, Quarter 3 2015 and Quarter 3 2016
€ million
Estimated expenditureReason for journey   
BusinessVisit to Friends/RelativesHoliday/Leisure/ RecreationOther Total
 Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016 Jul-Sep 2015Jul-Sep 2016
Area of Residence
Great Britain595710111114116078 309337
France8957647888 84103
Germany796612513569 144159
Italy445838452430 7088
Other Europe404432341751865460 301324
USA & Canada243350543843881219 470494
All other areas (incl. Australia & New Zealand)2128575175791829 171188
Total1631862562701,0021,073129163 1,5511,693
Table 7b Total expenditure (excl fares) by non-residents on overseas trips to Ireland cross classified by area of residence and reason for journey, Years 2014 and 2015
€ million
Estimated expenditureReason for journey   
BusinessVisit to Friends/RelativesHoliday/Leisure/ RecreationOther Total
 20142015201420152014201520142015 20142015
Area of Residence           
Great Britain2072263163163384032525 885971
France282625241181493037 202236
Germany363832272322953338 334397
Italy1920111651775140 132153
Other Europe145170132124259353103125 639771
USA & Canada921121231366658695579 9351,197
All other areas (incl. Australia & New Zealand)61811451601611855556 421482
Total5876757848031,8232,330353400 3,5484,208
Table 8 Number of overseas trips by Irish residents classified by mode of travel, type of trip, route of travel and reason for journey, 2013 - Quarter 3 2016
 201320142015 2015 2016
    Jan-MarApr-JunJul-SepOct-Dec Jan-MarApr-JunJul-Sep
Total overseas trips by Irish residents6,3236,5146,965 1,3061,9282,1861,5451,4781,9752,253
Trips by mode of travel           
     Air5,8746,0596,561 1,2451,8242,0101,4821,4251,8782,085
     Sea449456404 61104176635297168
Trips by type           
    Same-day trips 138189184 32534850424531
    Overnight trips 6,1856,3266,781 1,2741,8752,1381,4951,4361,9312,222
Trips by route of travel           
    Cross channel2,5602,5962,617 574661736646617665716
    Continental3,4373,5153,772 6201,1261,2687587441,1671,362
    Transatlantic & Other Routes327404577 112141183140116143175
Trips by reason for journey           
    Business862790890 172284202232188236157
    Visit to Friends/Relatives1,4581,5651,684 436400419429468394430
    Holiday/Leisure/Recreation3,9314,0044,209 6711,1941,5158287981,2741,589
    Other 72156182 27495056 237177
Table 9 Estimated average length of stay (nights) by Irish residents on all overseas trips classified by route of travel and reason for journey, 2013 - Quarter 3 2016
 201320142015 2015 2016
Average length of stay
All overseas trips by Irish residents8.18.17.6
Trips by route of travel       
    Cross channel6.15.95.0
    Continental9.49.48.4 7.87.510.
    Transatlantic & Other Routes9.911.013.6 14.612.
Trips by reason for journey          
    Visit to Friends/Relatives6.87.26.8
    Holiday/Leisure/Recreation9.39.18.6 7.17.810.
    Other 13.711.18.4 12.310.66.66.3
Table 10 Estimated expenditure by Irish residents on overseas trips classified by reason for journey and total overseas tourism and travel expenditure, 2013 - Quarter 3 2016
        € million
 201320142015 2015 2016
Estimated expenditure
Total expenditure (including fares) (1)5,2655,4425,8439801,4752,0961,2921,1811,5532,231
Fare payments by Irish travellers abroad to Irish carriers (2)969 11,074 11,148186305416242210310460
Total overseas tourism and travel expenditure (1) - (2) 4,296 14,368 14,6957941,1701,6801,0509711,2431,771
Total expenditure (including fares) by reason for journey         
    Visit to Friends/Relatives784907968266214253236250190244
    Other 63114136 21343843 135171
1 The total tourism and travel expenditure for 2013 and 2014 were revised due to a change in the methodology used to calculate fare payments to Irish Carriers.
Table 11 Tourism and travel estimated earnings from non-residents on overseas trips to Ireland and expenditure by Irish residents on overseas trips, 2013 - Quarter 3 2016
        € million
Estimated earnings and expenditure2013 12014 12015 2015 2016
Overseas tourism and travel earnings from trips to Ireland4,2384,7145,530 7801,5662,0371,1489261,6552,241
Overseas tourism and travel expenditure by Irish travellers abroad 4,2964,3684,695 7941,1701,6801,0509711,2431,771
Tourism and travel balance-58346835 -1439635798 -45412470
1 The total tourism and travel earnings and expenditure for 2013 and 2014 were revised due to a change in the methodology used to calculate fare payments to Irish Carriers.

Background Notes


The data in this release gives details on the number of overseas trips to Ireland and Irish trips abroad. It provides data on country of residence, reason for journey, the average length of stay (nights) and expenditure of overseas travellers to Ireland and by Irish residents on trips abroad.


For the purposes of this release, Ireland refers to the Republic of Ireland.

Data Sources                               

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) carries out two sample surveys of passengers at airports and seaports. These are the Country of Residence Survey (CRS) and the Passenger Card Inquiry (PCI). Data from these surveys are used in conjunction with passenger movement figures supplied by the air and sea transport companies to provide the estimates for overseas tourism and travel in this release. The Country of Residence Survey is a continuous sample survey of passengers (both inward and outward) which provides an estimated country of residence breakdown for passengers entering and leaving Ireland. This distribution is applied to the total passenger movement figures to provide estimates of Irish trips abroad and trips to Ireland by non-residents. Trips to Ireland are categorised into the areas of residence shown in this release.

The Passenger Card Inquiry is a continuous sample survey of incoming and departing passengers. This survey provides information on the reason for journey, length of stay, expenditure and fare costs, in addition to residency. The results are combined with the overall residency estimates from the Country of Residence Survey to provide the overseas tourism and travel details shown in this release.




The length of stay, residency, reason for journey, accommodation type (inbound travellers only) expenditure and fare costs for overseas travel into and out of Ireland.


This release provides information on overseas travel into and out of Ireland. The results for overseas travel to Ireland are based on the travel and expenditure patterns of departing non-resident passengers while results for overseas travel by Irish residents are based on departing and incoming Irish passengers.

Travel by residents of Northern Ireland into or out of Ireland or travel within Ireland by Irish residents is excluded from this publication.

Data Collection                          

This release is based on the results of the Passenger Card Inquiry. The PCI surveys passengers at Dublin, Cork, Shannon and Knock airports and at Rosslare, Ringaskiddy and Dublin seaports.  Data on the country of residence, length of stay, reason for journey, expenditure and fare costs is collected from passengers who complete a questionnaire provided by one of a team of Central Statistics Office (CSO) interviewers.  This data is also collected by the Office of National Statistics staff on behalf of the CSO at Holyhead seaport covering passengers coming into the Republic of Ireland from Holyhead.

Sample Design         

A sample of flights and sailings is selected to facilitate proper representation of airport/seaport pairings (e.g. Dublin-London Heathrow), day, night, weekday and weekend flights/sailings. The PCI card is then distributed by CSO interviewers to all passengers on these flights and sailings.

Where expenditure or fare data is missing, results are imputed using the ‘nearest neighbour’ imputation methodology. In other words, these expenditures and fares are estimated using the average fares of other observations in the sample with similar characteristics.            

Sample Size                                 

The effective sample size for the PCI in Quarter 3 2016 was 56,000 passengers.



In this release, a trip is defined as a journey (usually including a return) from one place to another, for any purpose (i.e. both tourism and non-tourism). The number of trips is calculated as the sum of both outward journeys and inward journeys divided by two.

Same Day Traveller                 

A traveller is classified as a same day traveller if his/her trip does not include an overnight stay.

Transit/Transfer Passengers

Transit passengers are defined as those who make a stop at an airport without any particular purpose other than being en route to another destination. These passengers generally do not disembark from their aircraft and are therefore not covered by the Passenger Card Inquiry.

Transfer passengers or ‘connecting passengers’ are also defined as those who make a stop at an airport without any particular purpose other than being en route to another destination. However, unlike transits, transfer passengers disembark the aircraft and pass through the airport en route to their connecting flight.  Such passengers are included in the estimates of trips and expenditure for the Tourism and Travel release and are treated in the same manner as same-day visits. They are surveyed for the Passenger Card Inquiry.

Country of Residence                    

Country of Residence is defined as the country in which the person has resided for 12 months prior to interview.

Total Expenditure              

Total expenditure refers to the amount paid for the acquisition or consumption of goods and services for one’s own use or for use by others, for and during trips. It includes expenditure by travellers themselves, as well as expenses that are paid for or reimbursed by others. For example, expenses paid by another person (e.g. gift) or expenses paid directly by the employer for employees on business travel are included.

Total expenditure does not include purchases of land, real estate or motor vehicles.

Overseas Tourism & Travel Earnings                       

Overseas tourism and travel earnings refers to the total expenditure by overseas travellers while in Ireland plus fares paid by them to Irish air and sea carriers.

Overseas Tourism & Travel Expenditure                                        

Overseas tourism and travel expenditure refers to the total expenditure of Irish residents on overseas trips (including all fares) less fares paid by them to Irish air and sea carriers.

Tourism & Travel Balance        

This refers to the difference between tourism and travel earnings from overseas trips to Ireland and tourism and travel expenditure on trips abroad by Irish residents.


Individual figures have been rounded independently and the sum of component items therefore may not necessarily add to the totals shown.




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