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CSO statistical release, , 11am

National Income and Expenditure Annual Results


 GDP and GNP
20122013% change
GDP at current prices €172,755m€174,791m1.2%
GDP at constant (2012) prices €172,755m€173,055m0.2%
GNP at current prices €141,229m€147,505m4.4%
GNP at constant (2012) prices €141,229m€145,929m3.3%

Increase of 3.3% in GNP in 2013

Figure1 Growth Rates
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Detailed annual national accounts show that Gross National Product (GNP) increased by 3.3% in constant prices between 2012 and 2013.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by 0.2% over the same period. The present release is based on more complete and up to date data than that which was available when the Q4 2013 estimates were published in March 2014. The 2012/2013 volume changes indicated at that stage were GDP (-0.3%) and GNP (+3.4%).

The results are compiled for the first time in accordance with the latest EU standard framework, ESA 2010.

Growth by sector in 2013

Two of the five main sectors distinguished in Table 4 showed positive growth in 2013. The Agriculture, forestry and fishing sector advanced by 5.5% and Other services by 2.4%. Industry (including building) decreased in aggregate by 1.4% while the distribution, transport, software and communication sectors fell by 5.2%. Public administration and defence shrank, for the fifth year in succession, in 2013 by 2.2%.

Exports up 1.1% in 2013 on the expenditure side

On the expenditure side of the accounts exports grew by 1.1% between 2012 and 2013 (Table 6, at constant prices). Imports increased also, by 0.6%, over the same period. The results for gross fixed capital formation are higher for all years; under ESA2010, research & development (R&D) expenditure is now recognised as capital investment. Its growth rate in 2013 from the higher level was –2.4%. Personal consumption expenditure declined by 0.8% while the value of stocks increased for the third year in a row. Government net current expenditure rose by 1.4%, the first increase for five years.

The data in tables 1-7 in the previously released “National Income and Expenditure Annual Results 2013” has been revised.  The principal items affected are Net Factor Income from the rest of the world, Gross and Net National Product, Gross National Income, Gross National Disposable Income and Gross and Net National Savings. The data inconsistencies relate to the incorrect classification of the newly termed Primary and Secondary Income from the rest of the World.  Theses inconsistencies were discovered  in the follow- up analysis of the NIE data for the compilation of the Institutional Sector Accounts.  There were substantial methodological changes arising from the implementation of the European System of Accounts 2010 and the Balance of Payments 6th Manual in the accounts for 2013.  CSO regrets any inconvenience caused to our users.

Table A Main Aggregates, 2008-2013
Description 200820092010201120122013 1
      € million
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current market prices 186,870168,114164,928171,042172,755174,791
Gross National Product (GNP) at current market prices161,033139,597138,503138,915141,229147,505
Gross National Income (GNI) at current market prices162,583141,107139,768140,376142,619148,709
Gross National Disposable Income at current market prices159,879138,174137,089137,732140,027146,067
Chain linked volume measures     € million
Gross Domestic Product at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 180,593169,088168,622173,297172,755173,055
Gross National Product at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 152,149138,784140,781139,717141,229145,929
Gross National Income at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 153,709140,291142,016141,207142,619147,127
Per head of population (€)     
GDP at current market prices41,66537,08336,21037,38737,67538,055
GNP at current market prices35,90430,79330,40830,36530,80032,115
GNI at current market prices36,25031,12630,68630,68431,10332,377
GDP at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 40,26537,29837,02137,88037,67537,677
GNP at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 33,92330,61430,90830,54030,80031,771
GNI at constant market prices (referenced to 2012)34,27130,94631,17930,86631,10332,032
Per person in employment (€)2      
GDP at current market prices87,02685,16487,09891,89494,08393,476
GNP at current market prices74,99370,71873,14374,63476,91478,884
GNI at current market prices75,71571,48373,81175,41877,67179,528
GDP at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 84,10285,65789,04893,10694,08392,548
GNP at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 70,85670,30674,34675,06476,91478,041
GNI at constant market prices (referenced to 2012)71,58371,06974,99875,86577,67178,682
2Persons in employment on an ILO basis as in the QNHS (April-June) for 2008 to 2013  
Table B Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Aggregates 2008-2013      
Description 2008-20132008-20092009-20102010-20112011-20122012-2013
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current market prices -1.3-10.0-      
Gross National Product (GNP) at current market prices -1.7-13.3-   
Gross National Income (GNI) at current market prices -1.8-13.2-      
Gross National Disposable Income at current market prices-1.8-13.6-   
Chained linked volume measures            
Gross Domestic Product at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) -0.8-6.4-0.32.8-0.30.2   
Gross National Product at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) -0.8-8.81.4-      
Gross National Income at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) -0.9-8.71.2-      
Table 1 Net Value Added at Factor Cost and Net National Income at Market Prices   
                                                                                                                       € million
Description ESA Code200820092010201120122013 1
Value added from agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt2,7542,0642,5863,2023,0193,027
  1. Income from self-employment and other trading income B.3 (Pt) 2,1881,4941,9872,5912,4022,398
Remuneration of employees:D.1 (Pt)      
   2. Wages and salaries (D.11+D.12) Pt518523549560566576
   3. Employers' contribution to social insuranceD.12 (Pt)474850515253
Non-agricultural value added (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt141,768127,569127,321133,110133,166133,561
Profits and self employed earnings:       
   4. Domestic trading profits of companies (including corporate bodies) before taxB.2 (Pt)40,25936,70143,96249,02349,89646,925
   5. Self employed earnings B.3 (Pt)11,0269,3258,4107,9217,4777,319
       of which:       
       5(a) Withdrawals from quasi-corporations2D.4221,173724891748792776
   6. Adjustment for stock appreciation B.2 (Pt)-1791,086-318-98-82561
   7. Rent of dwellings (actual and imputed)B.2 (Pt)8,5785,7745,8276,7996,3566,901
       of which imputed rent 6,5874,3014,2914,9724,5844,978
   8. Rent element in land annuities 111010
Remuneration of employees:D.1 (Pt)      
   9. Wages and salaries(D.11+D.12) Pt76,23569,43364,42764,15164,56266,581
  10. Employers' contribution to social insuranceD.12 (Pt)5,8495,2505,0135,3144,9575,273
  12. Statistical discrepancy -1891,501-1,719-1,654-1,728-1,761
  13. Net value added at factor cost (B.1n-D.29+D.39)144,333131,135128,188134,659134,458134,827
  14. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-25,837-28,517-26,425-32,127-31,526-27,286
 (net to abroad)      
  15. Net national product at factor cost 118,496102,618101,763102,532102,932107,541
  16. National (i.e. non EU) taxesD.2 (Pt)22,11518,13217,96017,59818,18719,019
  17. National (i.e. non EU) subsidiesD.3 (Pt)-1,922-1,889-1,789-1,584-1,548-1,508
  18. Net national income at market pricesB.5*n138,689118,860117,933118,546119,571125,051
2 This represents the earnings of the owners of large non incorporated businesses (e.g. large partnerships) which are similar in their economic and financial behaviour to companies of an equivalent size.
Table 1.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 1     
Description ESA Code2008-20132008-20092009-20102010-20112011-20122012-2013
Value added from agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt1.9-25.025.323.8-5.70.2
   Income from self-employment and other trading income B.3 (Pt)1.9-31.733.030.4-7.3-0.1
   Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)
Non-agricultural value added (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt-1.2-10.0-
   Profits etc.1B.2 (Pt) & B.3 (Pt)0.5-11.49.410.00.0-3.1
   Remuneration of employeesD.1 (Pt)-2.6-9.0-
   Net national product at factor cost -1.9-13.4-
   Net national income at market pricesB.5*n-2.0-14.3-
1 i.e. Items 4 to 8 in Table 1
Table 2 Net Value Added at Factor Cost by Sector of Origin and Gross National Income at Current Market Prices  
(Note the sectors here are based on NACE Rev. 2. For further details see the background notes)     
       € million
Description ESA Code200820092010201120122013 1
19. Agriculture, forestry and fishing
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt2,7542,0652,5873,2023,0203,027      
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)566571599611618629      
          Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt2,1891,4941,9882,5912,4032,399      
20. Industry (including building)             
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt40,96635,42432,83736,50436,00332,040      
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)20,98616,30614,19113,64313,28313,403      
          Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt20,08218,44519,02123,26522,79518,264      
          Adjustment for stock appreciation(B.2 & B.3) Pt-101673-375-403-75373      
20a. Industry              
             Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt30,15031,76430,68334,51833,60429,541      
             Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)11,86910,61210,0259,9439,84510,014      
             Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt18,38220,47921,03224,97823,83419,153
             Adjustment for stock appreciation(B.2 & B.3) Pt-101673-375-403-75373
20b. Building and construction       
             Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt10,8173,6602,1541,9862,4002,499
             Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)9,1185,6934,1663,7003,4383,388      
             Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt1,699-2,034-2,012-1,713-1,039-889      
21. Distribution, transport, software and communication        
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt33,60531,30633,15133,34334,16336,661
          Remuneration of employeesD.1 (Pt)20,50118,92218,43218,68319,15619,935
          Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt13,18211,97014,66214,35615,01416,538      
          Adjustment for stock appreciation(B.2 & B.3) Pt-7841357305-7188      
22. Public administration and defence       
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)6,2425,8555,4075,2224,9694,893
23. Other services (including rent)       
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt60,95454,98555,92658,04158,03059,967
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)34,35433,60031,41031,91832,11033,624      
          Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt26,60021,38424,51626,12325,91926,343      
26. Statistical discrepancy (= Item 12) -1891,501-1,719-1,654-1,728-1,761
27. Net value added at factor cost B.1n-D.29+D.39144,333131,135128,188134,659134,458134,827      
28. plus Provision for depreciation P.51c23,89422,24721,83521,83023,04823,657      
          Agriculture, forestry and fishing  864852795769778788
          Industry (including building)  6,5796,5286,4336,2276,3035,947
             Industry  6,0246,0105,9865,8475,9635,682
             Building and construction 555518447380340265      
          Distribution, transport, software and communication  6,0405,8705,9466,1096,7957,256      
          Other services  10,4128,9968,6628,7249,1729,666
29. Gross value added at factor cost B.1g-D.29+D.39168,227153,382150,023156,489157,506158,484
30. Non product taxesD.291,7781,8441,8841,9002,0952,298      
31. Non product subsidiesD.39-2,442-2,359-2,172-2,196-2,120-1,990
32. Gross value added at basic pricesB.1g167,563152,866149,735156,192157,481158,792
33. Product taxesD.2120,58316,49716,30415,93916,33416,968
34. Product subsidies D.31-1,276-1,249-1,111-1,088-1,061-968
35. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g186,870168,114164,928171,042172,755174,791
36. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-25,837-28,517-26,425-32,127-31,526-27,286
 (net to abroad)      
37. Gross national product at current market prices 161,033139,597138,503138,915141,229147,505
38. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7971,7191,4941,7001,6321,450      
39. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-247-209-229-240-242-247
40. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g162,583141,107139,768140,376142,619148,709      
Table 3 Gross Value Added at Factor Cost by Sector of Origin and Gross National Income at Current Market Prices  
(Note the sectors here are based on NACE Rev. 2. For further details see the background notes)     
       € million
Description ESA Code200820092010201120122013 1      
41. Agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt3,6182,9173,3813,9723,7983,815       
42. Industry (including building)(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt47,54541,95239,27042,73142,30637,987       
42a. Industry(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt36,17337,77436,66940,36539,56635,223       
42b. Building and construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt11,3724,1772,6012,3662,7402,764       
43. Distribution, transport, software and communication (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt39,64637,17639,09739,45240,95843,917       
44. Public administration and defence(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt7,7847,3756,8716,6836,4626,303       
45. Other services (including rent) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt69,82462,46163,12365,30465,70968,223       
47. Statistical discrepancy (= Item 12) -1891,501-1,719-1,654-1,728-1,761       
48. Gross value added at factor cost B.1g-D.29+D.39168,227153,382150,023156,489157,506158,484       
49. Non product taxesD.291,7781,8441,8841,9002,0952,298       
50. Non product subsidies D.39-2,442-2,359-2,172-2,196-2,120-1,990       
51. Gross value added at basic pricesB.1g167,563152,866149,735156,192157,481158,792       
52. Product taxesD.2120,58316,49716,30415,93916,33416,968       
53. Product subsidies D.31-1,276-1,249-1,111-1,088-1,061-968       
54. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g186,870168,114164,928171,042172,755174,791       
55. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-25,837-28,517-26,425-32,127-31,526-27,286       
 (net to abroad)             
56. Gross national product at current market prices  161,033139,597138,503138,915141,229147,505       
57. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7971,7191,4941,7001,6321,450       
58. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-247-209-229-240-242-247       
59. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g162,583141,107139,768140,376142,619148,709       
Table 3.1 Annual Percentage Change in the Main Constituents of Table 3
 Description ESA Code2008-20132008-20092009-20102010-20112011-20122012-2013
Agriculture, forestry and fishing(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt1.1-19.415.917.5-4.40.5      
Industry (including building)(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-4.4-11.8-6.48.8-1.0-10.2      
        Industry (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-0.54.4-2.910.1-2.0-11.0      
        Building and construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-24.6-63.3-37.7-      
Distribution, transport, software and communication (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt2.1-      
Public administration and defence (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-4.1-5.2-6.8-2.7-3.3-2.5      
Other services (including rent)(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-0.5-      
Gross value added at factor cost B.1g-D.29+D.39-1.2-8.8-
Gross value added at basic prices B.1g-1.1-8.8-
Gross domestic product at current market pricesB.1*g-1.3-10.0-
Gross national product at current market prices  -1.7-13.3-
Gross national income at current market prices B.5*g-1.8-13.2-
Table 4 Gross Value Added at Constant Factor Cost by Sector of Origin and Gross National Income at Constant Market Prices
(chain linked annually and referenced to year 2012) 
(Note the sectors here are based on NACE Rev. 2. For further details see the background notes)  
       € million
Description ESA Code200820092010201120122013 1
60. Agriculture, forestry and fishing 4,3234,0673,9773,9543,7984,008
61. Industry (including building) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt46,85841,84542,28543,32842,30641,706
         Industry(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt39,65437,48139,00740,43339,56638,641
         of which 2       
         Chemicals and pharmaceuticals 10,22512,57715,77717,55817,49717,549
         Computers and Instrument engineering 5,6253,8882,7522,6972,8152,143
         Medical and dental instruments and supplies 2,2952,2202,3032,3502,2212,179
        Building and construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt6,3454,6133,4022,9162,7403,065
62. Distribution, transport, software and communication (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt43,37940,77340,69240,53540,95838,839
        of which             
       Software and communication15,76416,08016,51316,93217,79615,694
63. Public administration and defence(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt7,8597,4356,9856,6326,4626,319
64. Other services (including rent) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt64,42963,03063,37764,00765,70967,274
66. Statistical discrepancy ........-1,728-1,314
67. Gross value added at constant factor costB.1g-D.29+D.39160,649153,286153,138158,259157,506156,831
68. Non product taxesD.291,9371,9761,8801,8442,0952,267
69. Non product subsidies D.39-2,100-2,280-2,284-2,274-2,120-1,963
70. Gross value added at constant basic pricesB.1g160,525152,974152,732157,822157,481157,135
71. Product taxesD.2121,51017,29216,99916,55916,33416,883
72. Product subsidies D.31-1,149-1,137-1,084-1,078-1,061-963
73. Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g180,593169,088168,622173,297172,755173,055
74. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-27,968-30,394-27,759-33,662-31,526-27,125
 (net to abroad)      
75. Gross national product at constant market prices  152,149138,784140,781139,717141,229145,929
 76. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7831,7361,5001,7341,6321,443
 77. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-219-220-262-242-242-246
78. Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g153,709140,291142,016141,207142,619147,127
2The three sectors distinguished correspond to NACE Rev 2 classes 20 & 21; 26; 32.5.
..Chain linked series not additive except for 2012 and 2013
Table 4.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 4
Description ESA Code2008-20132008-20092009-20102010-20112011-20122012-2013
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-1.5-5.9-2.2-0.6-3.95.5      
Industry (including building) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-2.3-      
Industry(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-0.5-      
      of which1        
      Chemicals and pharmaceuticals 11.423.025.411.3-0.30.3      
      Computers and Instrument engineering -17.6-30.9-29.2-2.04.4-23.9      
      Medical and dental instruments & supplies -1.0-      
Building and construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-13.5-27.3-26.2-14.3-6.011.9      
Distribution, transport, software and communication(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-2.2-6.0-0.2-0.41.0-5.2      
       of which             
      Software and communication-      
Public administration and defence (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-4.3-5.4-6.0-5.1-2.6-2.2      
Other services (including rent) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt0.9-      
Gross value added at constant factor cost B.1g-D.29+D.39-0.5-4.6-0.13.3-0.5-0.4      
Gross value added at constant basic pricesB.1g-0.4-4.7-0.23.3-0.2-0.2      
Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g-0.8-6.4-0.32.8-0.30.2      
Gross national product at constant market prices -0.8-8.81.4-      
Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g-0.9-8.71.2- 
1The three sectors distinguished correspond to NACE Rev 2 classes 20 & 21; 26; 32.5. 
Table 5 Expenditure on Gross National Income at Current Market Prices
       € million
Description ESA Code200820092010201120122013 1
79. Personal consumption of goods and services P.3 (Pt)94,71283,56582,44782,96982,46783,334
         of which:            
         79(a) Final consumption expenditure of Households and NPISHs90,65579,43977,98778,49977,73078,740      
         79(b) Final consumption expenditure of government4,0574,1264,4604,4704,7374,594
80. Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)30,77529,65026,43726,11125,92225,956      
81. Gross domestic fixed capital formationP.51 (Pt) & P.5345,22133,08226,10624,84126,92326,541
82. Value of physical changes in stocks P.51 (Pt) & P.52-330-1,490-569780288837
         of which        
        82(a) Net additions to the breeding stocks2-44-551983-20
83. Exports of goods and services 2P.6150,180146,363157,811167,086182,506184,056
84. less Imports of goods and services 2 P.7-133,876-121,555-129,023-132,398-147,079-147,694
85. Statistical discrepancy (= - Item 12) 189-1,5011,7191,6541,7281,761
86. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g186,870168,114164,928171,042172,755174,791
87. Net factor income from the rest of the world D.1 & D.4-25,837-28,517-26,425-32,127-31,526-27,286      
 (net to abroad)      
88. Gross national product at current market prices 161,033139,597138,503138,915141,229147,505      
89. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7971,7191,4941,7001,6321,450
90. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-247-209-229-240-242-247
91. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g162,583141,107139,768140,376142,619148,709
2Excluding factor income flows
Table 5.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 5
 Description ESA Code2008-20132008-20092009-20102010-20112011-20122012-2013
Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)-2.5-11.8-1.30.6-0.61.1      
Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)-3.3-3.7-10.8-1.2-0.70.1 
Gross domestic physical capital formationP.5-9.4-29.6- 
     of which              
     Gross domestic fixed capital formationP.51 (Pt) & P.53-10.1-26.8-21.1-4.88.4-1.4 
Exports of goods and services P.64.2-      
Imports of goods and services P.72.0- 
Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g-1.3-10.0-      
Gross national product at current market prices -1.7-13.3- 
Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g-1.8-13.2-      
Table 6 Expenditure on Gross National Income at Constant Market Prices
(chain linked annually and referenced to year 2012)      
       € million
Description ESA Code200820092010201120122013 1
92. Personal consumption of goods and services P.3 (Pt)88,40483,64684,41383,43482,46781,797      
         of which:             
         92(a). Final consumption expenditure of Households and NPISHs 84,34179,42679,71878,86977,73077,422      
         92(b). Final consumption expenditure of government 4,0254,2104,6954,5614,7374,375      
93. Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)30,21529,15127,06926,49025,92226,273      
94. Gross domestic fixed capital formation P.51 (Pt) & P.5340,53532,22526,41825,65026,92326,275      
95. Value of physical changes in stocksP.51 (Pt) & P.52-328-1,471-577782288861
         of which:              
         95(a). Net additions to the breeding stocks 3-57-702183-21      
96. Exports of goods and services2 P.6162,128155,661165,266174,329182,506184,565
97. less Imports of goods and services2P.7-147,917-134,360-138,414-137,572-147,079-148,031      
98. Statistical discrepancy (= - item 66) ........1,7281,314
99. Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g180,593169,088168,622173,297172,755173,055      
100. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-27,968-30,394-27,759-33,662-31,526-27,125      
 (net to abroad)            
101. Gross national product at constant market prices 152,149138,784140,781139,717141,229145,929      
102. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7831,7361,5001,7341,6321,443      
103. EU TaxesD.2 (Pt)-219-220-262-242-242-246
104. Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g153,709140,291142,016141,207142,619147,127      
2Excluding factor income flows
..Chain linked series not additive except for 2012 and 2013
Table 6.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 6
Description ESA Code2008-20132008-20092009-20102010-20112011-20122012-2013
Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)-1.5-5.40.9-1.2-1.2-0.8      
Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)-2.8-3.5-7.1-2.1-2.11.4 
Gross domestic physical capital formationP.5-7.5-23.2- 
      of which              
     Gross domestic fixed capital formationP.51 (Pt) & P.53-8.3-20.5-18.0-2.95.0-2.4 
Exports of goods and servicesP.62.6-      
Imports of goods and servicesP.70.0-9.23.0- 
Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g-0.8-6.4-0.32.8-0.30.2      
Gross national product at constant market prices-0.8-8.81.4- 
Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g-0.9-8.71.2-      
Table 7 Gross National Disposable Income and its Use
       € million
Description ESA Code200820092010201120122013 1
105. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g186,870168,114164,928171,042172,755174,791
106. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-25,837-28,517-26,425-32,127-31,526-27,286
 (net to abroad)      
107. Gross national product at current market prices 161,033139,597138,503138,915141,229147,505
108. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7971,7191,4941,7001,6321,450
109. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-247-209-229-240-242-247
110. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g162,583141,107139,768140,376142,619148,709
111. Current transfers from the rest of the world       
          less current transfers to the rest of the world (excluding EU subsidies and taxes)D.7 (Pt)-2,704-2,933-2,679-2,643-2,592-2,641
112. Gross national disposable income B.6g159,879138,174137,089137,732140,027146,067
113. Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)94,71283,56582,44782,96982,46783,334
114. Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)30,77529,65026,43726,11125,92225,956
115. Total consumption expenditure P.3125,486113,215108,884109,080108,389109,290
116. Gross national savingsB.8g34,39324,95928,20628,65231,63836,777
117. Provision for depreciation P.51c23,89422,24721,83521,83023,04823,657
118. Net national savings B.8n10,4992,7126,3716,8228,59013,120
Table 7.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 7
Description ESA Code2008-20132008-20092009-20102010-20112011-20122012-2013
Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g-1.3-10.0-      
Gross national product at current market prices -1.7-13.3- 
Gross national disposable income B.6g-1.8-13.6- 
Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)-2.5-11.8-1.30.6-0.61.1      
Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)-3.3-3.7-10.8-1.2-0.70.1
Total consumption expenditureP.3-2.7-9.8-3.80.2-0.60.8
Gross national savings B.8g1.3-27.413.01.610.416.2
Provision for depreciationD.7 (Pt)-0.2-6.9-
Net national savings B.8n4.6-74.2134.97.125.952.7
Table 13 Consumption of Personal Income at Current Market Prices
      € million
Description 200820092010201120122013 1
Food, beverages and tobacco 17,56216,35715,76816,26416,34916,225
Food (excl. meals out) 7,9467,3267,0087,3327,5307,722
Non-alcoholic beverages 549529498606656645
Alcoholic beverages (total incl pubs)6,9666,3276,2536,2776,1906,120
Tobacco 2,1002,1752,0092,0481,9731,738
Clothing and footwear 3,8543,6273,2933,1062,9842,906
Housing (rent, local government charges, repairs and decorations)16,88614,56814,17914,65715,04015,905
  of which imputed rent 12,48610,5029,98210,17210,40911,025
Fuel and power (excluding motor fuels) 3,4653,0513,0813,1613,3873,471
Household equipment and operation 5,4264,0323,6623,4053,3163,187
Durable household goods 3,5192,4892,1591,8241,6901,697
Non-durable goods and services 1,9061,5431,5031,5811,6261,490
Transport and communication 14,22211,78212,26312,74612,62912,280
Personal transport equipment 3,7421,9882,4142,3772,1612,157
Operation of personal transport equipment (incl. motor fuels) 4,8364,4664,8595,3225,4555,092
Public transport 2,7262,6122,5112,6432,7442,872
Communication 2,9182,7152,4792,4042,2682,158
Recreation, entertainment and education 8,0467,7898,1787,7407,5977,516
Equipment and accessories 2,8412,4592,5672,3552,1872,208
Services (incl. education) 5,2055,3305,6115,3855,4095,308
Miscellaneous goods and services 22,59220,10219,69419,94519,41220,339
Professional services (incl. medical goods and services) 8,6559,2889,2018,6838,8858,684
Goods (n.e.s.)3,9163,1102,9413,1723,1863,068
Services (n.e.s.) 7,8317,3117,1117,1207,2408,195
FISIM (financial services indirectly measured)2,190394441971100392
Expenditure outside the State 6,3535,2854,9754,4784,2474,294
less Expenditure by non-residents-3,693-3,027-2,646-2,532-2,493-2,790
158. Personal consumption of goods and services at current market prices94,71283,56582,44782,96982,46783,334
159. Taxes on personal income and wealth 25,20723,80122,80623,99024,91225,671
160. Total personal expenditure 119,918107,367105,253106,959107,379109,005
Table 13.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 13
Description 2008-20132008-20092009-20102010-20112011-20122012-2013
Non-alcoholic Beverages3.3-3.6-5.921.88.2-1.8
Alcoholic beverages-2.6-9.2-1.20.4-1.4-1.1
Clothing and footwear-5.5-5.9-9.2-5.7-3.9-2.6
Fuel and Power0.0-
Household equipment and operation-10.1-25.7-9.2-7.0-2.6-3.9
Transport and communication-2.9-
Recreation, entertainment and education-1.4-3.25.0-5.4-1.8-1.1
Miscellaneous goods and services-2.1-11.0-2.01.3-2.74.8
Expenditure outside the State-7.5-16.8-5.9-10.0-5.21.1
Expenditure by non-residents-5.5-18.0-12.6-4.3-1.511.9
Personal consumption of goods and services-2.5-11.8-1.30.6-0.61.1
Table 14 Consumption of Personal Income (except Taxes on Personal Income and Wealth) at Constant Market Prices
(chain linked annually and referenced to year 2012)     
      € million
Description 200820092010201120122013 1
Food, beverages and tobacco17,34816,05516,04616,48616,34915,841
Food (excl. meals out)7,5007,1327,1157,3727,5307,671
Non-alcoholic beverages569555530623656637
Alcoholic beverages (total including pubs)6,7716,0116,2376,3166,1905,844
Clothing and footwear3,0193,2223,2323,0972,9842,993
Housing (rent, local government charges, repairs and decorations)13,74314,20414,64815,00615,04015,026
   of which imputed rent10,01010,19510,30210,42210,40910,396
Fuel and power (excluding motor fuels)3,7243,6113,6193,4413,3873,425
Household equipment and operation4,6813,6403,5243,3443,3163,291
Durable household goods2,8462,1592,0041,7611,6901,790
Non-durable goods and services1,7951,4581,5061,5821,6261,501
Transport and communication15,51013,12813,15813,16012,62912,451
Personal transport equipment3,1471,7582,2642,3342,1612,220
Operation of personal transport equipment (including motor fuels)5,8765,8105,6615,6775,4555,220
Public transport3,2192,9102,7312,7802,7442,775
Recreation, entertainment and education8,0567,8548,2227,8477,5977,387
Equipment and accessories2,2652,1202,3622,2392,1872,301
Services (including education)5,7915,7695,8605,6105,4095,086
Miscellaneous goods and services19,75719,50819,52019,07519,41219,957
Professional services (including medical goods and services)9,0049,4109,4498,6518,8858,623
Goods (n.e.s.)3,3052,7402,7823,0573,1863,142
Services (n.e.s.)7,6677,2227,1547,2227,2408,095
FISIM (financial services indirectly measured)9411311210410097
Expenditure outside the State7,1085,6705,2594,6314,2474,189
less Expenditure by non-residents-3,893-3,204-2,773-2,608-2,493-2,763
161. Personal consumption of goods and services at constant market prices88,40483,64684,41383,43482,46781,797
Chain linked series not additive except for 2012 and 2013
Table 14.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 14
Description 2008-20132008-20092009-20102010-20112011-20122012-2013
Non-alcoholic Beverages2.3-2.5-4.517.45.4-3.0
Alcoholic beverages-2.9-
Clothing and footwear-
Fuel and Power-1.7-3.00.2-4.9-1.61.1
Household equipment and operation-6.8-22.2-3.2-5.1-0.9-0.8
Transport and communication-4.3-
Recreation, entertainment and education-1.7-2.54.7-4.6-3.2-2.8
Miscellaneous goods and services0.2-1.30.1-
Expenditure outside the State-10.0-20.2-7.3-12.0-8.3-1.3
Expenditure by non-residents-6.6-17.7-13.5-5.9-4.410.8
Personal consumption of goods and services-1.5-5.40.9-1.2-1.2-0.8
Table 15 Gross Domestic Physical Capital Formation at Current Market Prices
      € million
Description 200820092010201120122013 1
Fixed capital
Other building and construction (including land rehabilitation etc.)10,0426,4714,3214,0784,9336,618
Costs associated with transfer of land and buildings1,836637444356352487
Transport equipment4,7504,6213,8743,2053,5492,223
Agricultural machinery352179156203310327
Other machinery and equipment3,9512,8272,5923,2752,8974,243
Artistic originals193149163180122114
Research and development5,4906,8976,7627,2328,9307,149
Gross domestic fixed capital formation45,22133,08226,10624,84126,92326,541
Changes in stocks      
Value of physical changes in stocks on farms15-13-162-52198122
Value of physical changes in EU intervention stocks079-32-44-160
Value of physical changes in other stocks-345-1,556-374876106715
Total value of physical changes in stocks-330-1,490-569780288837
162. Gross domestic physical capital formation at current market prices44,89131,59225,53825,62127,21127,378
Table 16 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation by Sector of Use at Current Market Prices
      € million
 Description 200820092010201120122013 1
Agriculture, forestry and fishing1,999681559644714784
Fuel and power products1,9902,0211,6981,2711,3781,783
Manufacturing products5,5465,6774,4734,1914,6206,365
Building and construction3671061518-1313
Market services31,53821,82617,02916,43017,85515,042
     Dwellings (incl. transfer costs)15,4557,9265,0374,0353,2263,496
    Other market services13,28411,52910,34311,32013,59010,896
Non-market services3,7802,7712,3332,2882,3702,554
163. Gross domestic fixed capital formation at current market prices45,22133,08226,10624,84126,92326,541
Table 17 Gross Domestic Physical Capital Formation at Constant Market Prices
(chain linked annually and referenced to year 2012)
      € million
Description 200820092010201120122013 1
Fixed capital
Other building and construction (including land rehabilitation etc.)8,2376,1194,4414,1954,9336,432
Costs associated with transfer of land and buildings671292224279352479
Transport equipment4,7374,5513,8823,2523,5492,198
Agricultural machinery387192164212310342
Other machinery and equipment4,2492,9412,7313,4492,8974,336
Artistic originals169138160180122107
Research and development5,4606,8516,8257,6108,9307,127
Gross domestic fixed capital formation40,53532,22526,41825,65026,92326,275
Changes in stocks      
Value of physical changes in stocks on farms21-16-190-56198111
Value of physical changes in EU intervention stocks063-30-43-160
Value of physical changes in other stocks-291-1,320-333769106750
Total value of physical changes in stocks-328-1,471-577782288861
164. Gross domestic physical capital formation at constant market prices 40,09530,78525,85926,44727,21127,137
Chain linked series not additive except for 2012 and 2013
Table 18 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation by Sector of Use at Constant Market Prices
(chain linked annually and referenced to year 2012)
      € million
Description 200820092010201120122013 1
Agriculture, forestry and fishing1,872669572662714790
Fuel and power products1,8031,9551,7501,3101,3781,757
Manufacturing products5,4145,6524,5394,3564,6206,364
Building and construction4021131720-1312
Market services27,68221,15517,17116,93317,85514,822
Dwellings (incl. transfer costs)11,8227,4084,9684,0493,2263,399
    Other market services12,66711,36910,46011,74413,59010,791
Non-market services3,3132,7012,3782,3712,3702,531
165. Gross domestic fixed capital formation at constant market prices 40,53532,22526,41825,65026,92326,275
Chain linked series not additive except for 2012 and 2013
Annex 1
ESA codes
The item codes in the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) are displayed in the second column of the tables.  The ESA 2010 presentation is being used in the CSO releases on institutional sector accounts and is also used by Eurostat in their releases and publications on national accounts. The inclusion of the ESA 2010 codes here makes comparisons with these publications more explicit. A full list of all the codes in the ESA 2010 system can be found in Chapter 23 of the ESA 2010 manual.[1]
ESA codes and descriptions of variables reported in this release
B.1Value added
B.1*Domestic product (B.1*g =gross domestic product; B.1*n = net domestic product)
B.2Operating surplus
B.3Mixed income (i.e. income of self employed)
B.5*National income
B.6Disposable income
B.9Net lending / net borrowing
D.1Compensation of employees
D.11Wages and salaries
D.12Employers’ social contributions
D.2Taxes  (on production and imports)
D.21Taxes on products
D.29Other taxes on production
D.3Subsidies (on production and imports)
D.31Subsidies on products
D.39Other subsidies on production
D.4Property income (which includes distributed income of corporations and reinvested earnings)
EDP D.41Interest including flows on swap interest
D.422Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations
D.51Taxes on income
D.611Actual social contributions
D.62Social benefits other than social transfers in kind
D.63Social transfers in kind
D.7Other current transfers
D.9rCapital transfers
D.91Capital taxes
D.92Investment grants
D.99Other capital transfers
EDP B.9Net lending / net borrowing adjusted for flows on interest rate swaps
NPAcquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
P.12Output for own final use
P.131Payments for other non-market output
P.2Intermediate consumption
P.3Final consumption expenditure
P.5Gross capital formation
P.51Gross fixed capital formation
P.51cConsumption of fixed capital
P.52Changes in inventories
P.53Acquisitions less disposals of valuables
P.6Exports of goods and services
P.7Imports of goods and services
1The ESA 2010 manual is Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 in the European system of national and regional accounts in the Community). Chapter 23 (Classifications) of the manual begins at page 511.

Background Notes


This release contains the first detailed results of the main National Accounts aggregates and their
components for 2013. It includes revisions for all years from 2008 to 2012. The estimates for the
most recent years, especially 2013, are based on provisional indicators for the different
aggregates and are subject to revision. (A preliminary estimate of the 2013 outturn was already
provided in the quarterly accounts release for Q4).

National accounts are compiled in the EU according to the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA) framework. In 2014, the new ESA 2010 framework will replace the current ESA 95 version and all EU member states are required to adopt ESA 2010 by September 2014.  ESA 2010 is the European version of the current UN mandated international standards for national accounts statistics, the System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008.  The results for all years in this release are published on an ESA 2010 basis. For Ireland, the ESA 2010 change with the greatest impact on gross domestic product (GDP) is the new treatment of research and development (R&D) expenditure.  Under ESA95, R&D expenditure was treated as an ancillary cost to the main production of an enterprise. Under ESA2010, R&D expenditure is recognised as capital investment.

In addition to the ESA 2010 changes, the results include additional estimates for illegal economic activities in line with the requirement from the European statistical agency, Eurostat to include such estimates in the National Accounts before September 2014.

Nace Classification

In compliance with EU regulations the NACE Rev. 2 classification system is used in tables 2 to
4. This change was introduced in the National Income and Expenditure 2011 release. The NACE Rev. 2 replaces the national classification system which was used up to NIE10.

The results for the economy continue to be shown for five sectors whose titles remain the same as
in previous releases and publications. However the contents of the sectors conform to the NACE
Rev. 2 system.

One of the main changes resulting from the NACE Rev. 2 classification is that the “Publishing”
industry has been reclassified from “Industry” to the sector “Distribution, transport, software and
communication”. This latter sector now also contains the “Hotels and catering sector” which had
previously been included in the “Other Services” sector. The “Software” industry was also
included in “Other Services” in the old National Classification but is now part of the new category
“Distribution, transport, software and communication” in the NACE Rev 2 classification. The
overall effect on the tables has been that the “Distribution, transport, software and
communication” sector accounts now for a much larger share of the total GVA of the economy
than in the old national system while the sectors classified as “Industry” and “Other Services”
account for a lower share.

In tables 2 to 4 the following is the correspondence with the relevant sections of Nace Rev. 2:

Agriculture, forestry and fishing Section A
Industry Sections B to F
Distribution, transport, software and communication Sections G to J
Public Administration and Defence Section O
Other Services Sections K to N and P to U

For further information click on the following link Nace Rev. 2 classification of industrial activity


In Ireland, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices is calculated using two approaches
viz. the income and expenditure approaches. The main components of the income estimate are (1)
profits of companies and of the self-employed, (2) remuneration of employees (wages, salaries,
pensions and employers’ contributions to social insurance) and (3) rent of dwellings (imputed in
the case of owner-occupied). Adjustments are made in respect of stock appreciation (to eliminate
the effect of price changes on the level of stocks). On the expenditure side estimates are made of
personal expenditure on consumers’ goods and services, expenditure by public authorities on
current goods and services, gross domestic fixed capital formation and the value of physical
changes in stocks. The value of exports is then added and imports are deducted.

The two approaches (income and expenditure) should theoretically give the same answer.
However, they will always diverge to some extent as they are measured using different data
sources. The components of the two original estimates are shown unadjusted. The official level
of GDP is taken to be an average of the expenditure and income estimates and a balancing item is
displayed which is half of the difference between the two estimates. This is the amount by which
both estimates have to be adjusted to agree with the official level of GDP.


At constant prices, two measures (output and expenditure) are used. These measures are being
produced using annual chain linked indices. On the output side, for each pair of successive years,
the volume growth measures at a detailed level are weighted together using value added weights
of the first year. Similarly, on the expenditure side, annual growth estimates are weighted by
previous year expenditure weights. The average of the two measures is the official growth
measure used. The change over a period of years is then calculated by linking together the annual
changes. The estimates in this release are referenced to 2012 values.


The revenue from the margin on lending and borrowing by financial intermediaries (mostly
banks) is called financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM). This margin is
taken as the output of non-invoiced services produced by these financial intermediaries and has
been included in the calculation of GDP since the publication of the 2004 annual results and the
Q1 2005 quarterly results in July 2005.

The estimates in this release are based on more detailed and more recent data than that available at the time of publishing the quarterly estimates for 2013. In particular they incorporate revisions to the Balance of Payments figures for recent years and revised unit value indices for merchandise trade.

Quarterly Accounts

A quarterly national accounts release incorporating these latest annual results for the quarters of 2013 and earlier years is also being published today. This includes an estimate for the first quarter of 2014. The previously published estimates for the quarters of earlier years are also revised.


Gross Value Added at factor cost

is equal to the sum of the values of the goods and services (or parts thereof) produced in the country without deducting an amount in respect of capital consumption (i.e. depreciation). It excludes taxes on production and includes subsidies on production.

Net Value added at factor cost

is equal to Gross Value Added at factor cost minus depreciation.

Gross Domestic Product at market prices

is equal to Gross Value Added at factor cost plus taxes on production less subsidies on production. It represents total expenditure on the output of goods and services produced in the country and valued at the prices at which the expenditure is incurred.

Gross National Product at factor cost

is equal to Gross Value Added at factor cost plus net factor income from the rest of the world and represents the total of all payments for productive services accruing to the permanent residents of the country. Some income accrues to Irish residents as a result of economic activity abroad or property held abroad while some income arising in the state is paid to non-residents.

Gross National Income at market prices

is equal to Gross National Product at market prices plus EU subsidies less EU taxes.  This is more commonly described as being equal to Gross Domestic Product plus net primary incomes from abroad.

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