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CSO statistical release, , 11am

Information Society Statistics - Households


Households with access to the internet
% of households

87% of households have access to the internet at home

Figure 1 Percentage of households with internet access
go to full release

Summary of main findings:

  • It is estimated that 87% of households had access to the internet at home in 2016, an increase of 2 percentage points compared with 2015. See table 1a.
  • The main reasons stated for not having a household internet connection were Lack of skills (40%) and Do not need internet (38%). See table 1c.
  • In 2016, 82% of internet users used the internet in the 3 months prior to interview. See table 2a.
  • Email (83%) was the most common activity carried out on the internet by individuals. The next most common activities selected were Finding information on goods and services (82%), followed by Social networking (70%) and Internet banking (64%). See table 3.
  • The most common types of goods or services purchased by internet users were Clothes or sports goods (42%). The next most common types of internet purchases were Other travel arrangements (40%) and  Holiday accommodation and Tickets for events, both at 38%. See table 4a.
  • 45% of internet users stated that they used storage space on the internet to store files electronically, a marginal increase on 2015 (44%) and an increase of 10 percentage points when compared with 2014. See table 5.

Households: Type of internet access used

In 2016, 87% of households had an internet connection, an increase of 15 percentage points since 2010. Data for 2016 indicates that fixed broadband was the most common type of internet access in the household (79% compared with 45% using mobile broadband). Internet access via narrow broadband connection was just 2%. Fixed broadband connection was highest in the Dublin region at 91%. See tables 1a and 1b and figure 2.

In 2016, of the 13% of households with no internet access, 40% reported that this was due to a Lack of skills. Further barriers reported included Equipment costs too high (12%) and Access costs too high (8%), while 38% of households without internet access reported that this was because they Do not need internetSee table 1c.

Type of internet accessMobile broadbandFixed broadbandNarrowband connection
Table 1(a) Households with internet access, 2010 to 2017
             % of households
Desktop/portable computer permanently in the home%Unweighted sample%Unweighted sample%Unweighted sample%Unweighted sample%Unweighted sample%Unweighted sample%Unweighted sample%Unweighted sample
Household composition
 1 adult, no dependent children421,478511,169551,714551,810561,731601,702661,631661,424
 2 adults no dependent children662,139721,727742,771782,686762,879812,475851,714861,609
 3 or more adults no dependent children851,214881,033901,576921,534941,624951,463871,295901,301
 1 adult with dependent children6140476336785008253286404883619353095494
 2 adults with dependent children871,945931,592952,551952,775962,205972,314982,487992,429
 3 or more adults with dependent children9064695508969069594695786968359760498628
Number of persons at work in the household
Internet type
 No internet02,25601,42101,96701,84001,72701,37801,0930953
 Unknown internet100155100113100228100208100121100104*19*16
 Densely populated772,352832,174853,056863,301873,417893,267902,896922,895
 Intermediate populated731,836791,534812,596832,444832,009861,997891,893901,660
 Thinly populated673,638742,657784,366804,538784,203813,886833,472853,330
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Households represent all private households with at least one occupant aged 16-74.
Note 3: * Sample occurrence too small for estimation, i.e., less than 30.
Table 1(b) Households with internet access classified by type of internet access and characteristics of the household, 2017
   % of households
   Fixed broadband1Mobile broadband2Narrowband connection (either mobile or fixed)3Type of connection unknownUnweighted sample
Household composition     
 1 adult, no dependent children 695210916
 2 adults no dependent children 8543101,373
 3 or more adults no dependent children 8449011,168
 1 adult with dependent children 765710467
 2 adults with dependent children 9049002,396
 3 or more adults with dependent children 885100612
Number of persons at work in the household     
 0 7546101,313
 1 8149002,397
 2 8950002,682
 3+ 915200540
 Densely populated 8850102,600
 Intermediate populated 8048101,683
 Thinly populated 7048302,885
 Border 725310718
 Midlands 724500341
 West 842710630
 Dublin 9355002,139
 Mid-East 836110769
 Mid-West 824500581
 South-East 805510809
 South-West 833611945
1Examples include e.g. DSL, ADSL, VDSL, cable, optical fibre, satellite, public Wi-Fi connections.
2Connection via mobile phone network with minimum 3G. e.g. UMTS, using (SIM) or USB key, mobile phone or smartphone as modem.
3Less than 3G, GPRS, dial-up access over older type telephone.
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Households represent all private households with at least one occupant aged 16-74.
Note 3: More than one type of internet access may be given by households.
Table 1(c) Households without internet access classified by reasons for not having household internet access, 2017
% of households without internet access
    Do not need internetLack of skills Equipment costs too highAccess costs too highAccess elsewhereNot available in the areaPrivacy security concernsOtherUnweighted sample
Household composition         
 1 adult, no dependent children 494511119547508
 2 adults no dependent children 514710877710236
 3 or more adults no dependent children 4244106105412133
 1 adult with dependent children ********27
 2 adults with dependent children [13][19][22][15][14][31][7][26]33
 3 or more adults with dependent children ********16
Number of persons at work in the household         
 0  474813105468641
 1  433512121511410238
 2  3626148221721166
 3+  ********8
 Densely populated  384311148059238
 Intermediate populated  41421811130515179
 Thinly populated  504312891257536
 Border  49391610106313157
 Midlands  6250282281712257
 West  6045235925125
 Dublin  3243131390410165
 Mid-East  43422211141071277
 Mid-West  52341066746101
 South-East  404066154410128
 South-West  354912139869143
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Households represent all private households with at least one occupant aged 16-74.
Note 3: More than one reason may have been given by respondents.
Note 4: * Sample occurrence too small for estimation, i.e., less than 30.
Note 5: Figures in parentheses [ ] indicate percentages based on small numbers (sample size 30 to 49), and are, therefore, subject to a wide margin of error.

Individuals: Frequency of use of the internet

In 2016, an estimated 82% of individuals used the internet in the 3 months prior to the interview, compared with 80% in 2015. 96% of individuals in the 16-29 years age group used the internet within the last 3 months, compared with 52% of individuals in the 60-74 years age group. 99% of Students used the internet within the previous 3 months, while 91% of households with 2 or more persons at work in the household used the internet within the last quarter. 41% of individuals in the 60-74 years age group have never used the internet. See table 2a and figure 3.

70% of individuals used the internet every day while 10% used the internet at least once a week but not every day. Daily usage of the internet has increased 9 percentage points since 2013. 96% of Students accessed the internet on a daily basis. See table 2b.

Of the 16-29 years age category, 92% accessed the internet every day, compared with 32% of the 60-74 years age category. 84% of individuals in the 30-44 years age group accessed the internet every day, an increase of 5 percentage points when compared with the same age cohort in 2015. See table 2b.

77% of individuals in the Dublin region accessed the internet every day, compared with 61% of individuals in the West region and 57% of individuals in the Border region. See table 2b.

Frequency of useUsed within last 3 monthsUsed but not in the last 3 monthsNever used the internet
Table 2(a) Individuals' use of the internet classified by broad frequency of use, 2011 to 2017
                       % of individuals
    Used within last 3 months  Used but not in the last 3 months  Never used the internet 
    2011201220132014201520162017 2011201220132014201520162017 2011201220132014201520162017
State75777880808281 4544333 21181816171516
 Male  73777878798179 3544333 23181818181617
 Female  76777981818383 4544433 19181715151414
Age group
 16-29  93929396959695 4432211 3352324
 30-44  87899092929493 3443312 10765545
 45-59  65707674757679 4656444 31241920212017
 60-74  38404643455248 5756676 58534951494146
Principal economic status
 At work  84888888898989 3333222 149910999
 Unemployed  74737676767679 5868463 21191816191918
 Student  97949899999996 1311001 1420113
 Home duties  57636664647069 6857654 37302929302527
 Retired  43504952516049 6776777 51434442423344
 Other  51505150535760 7889667 43424141413733
 Border  64727073777575 7665454 28222422192121
 Midland  74697677788081 2553323 25271919191817
 West  74757575757676 3545353 23202120222021
 Dublin  81828587868787 4643323 15131110111010
 Mid-East  81848083828478 2332223 17131715171420
 Mid-West  72747679808382 3645433 25202116161415
 South-East  69737575768282 4546433 28222220191515
 South-West  73757876778080 4645432 23201920201717
Type of household internet connection
 Broadband  89909191919191 2323222 9877777
 Narrowband  85858685908492 4546233 121110108136
 No internet  20181919131414 11161311101010 69676970777776
 Unknown internet  39514045333124 2677520 58445349636976
Household composition
 1 adult, no dependent children 59626065636864 5676554 36323429322732
 2 adults no dependent children 68707474737575 4534444 28252422232020
 3 or more adults no dependent children 77787980827980 2444333 21181716151818
 1 adult with dependent children 81818489879190 111285534 8786966
 2 adults with dependent children 87899092939391 3443321 10765468
 3 or more adults with dependent children 80838285878686 3553322 17131312111212
Number of persons at work in the household
 0  57565862596559 6876776 36363532352836
 1  75798181828383 4544333 21161515151414
 2  87899091929191 2332212 10887688
 3+  87888887909191 2323111 1191011987
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74 who use the internet.
Table 2(b) Individuals' use of the internet classified by detailed frequency of use, 2013 to 2017
 % of individuals
  Every day  At least once a week (but not every day) At least once a month (but not every week) Didn't use in last 3 months
20132014201520162017 20132014201520162017 20132014201520162017 20132014201520162017
State 6165677070 141211109 33332 2221201819
 Male 6164666969 13121198 43332 2221211921
 Female 6266687071 141211109 34233 2119191717
Age group
 16-29 7986909292 127443 22111 84545
 30-44 7477798484 14121197 33212 108867
 45-59 5754565963 1415151313 55444 2426252421
 60-74 2826293231 1412121312 44475 5457554852
Principal economic status
 At work 7274767980 13111198 33222 1212111111
 Unemployed 5656616165 161613119 45344 2424242421
 Student 9194989694 64122 11000 21114
 Home duties 4645475251 1715141314 35354 3436363031
 Retired 2934343732 1615131512 44575 5148494151
 Other 3331404047 13139129 57355 4950474340
 Border5155605757 1513141312 56456 3027232525
Midland6064666766 131071013 34532 2423232019
West5760596165 1413131310 42322 2525252424
Dublin7174767779 1210876 23232 1513141313
 Mid-East6365687265 141412910 34233 2017191622
Mid-West5861646968 1313131111 45334 2421201718
 South-East5461627073 16111297 53232 2625241818
South-West 6162656872 141110107 33222 2224242020
Type of internet connection
Broadband 7375777777 1513121111 33333 999910
Narrowband 6367706971 1816151417 62544 141510158
No internet 109788 66443 35223 8181878686
Unknown internet 222620** 141412** 451** 605567**
Household composition
 1 adult, no dependent children 4450515352 121110119 44243 4035373236
 2 adults no dependent children 5859606060 1212101111 43344 2626272525
 3 or more adults no dependent children 6469726971 128986 43232 2120182120
 1 adult with dependent children 6274748079 181312109 45123 161113910
 2 adults with dependent children 7274798181 16141299 33322 108779
 3 or more adults with dependent children 6470717477 15121298 44332 1815131414
Number of persons at work in the household
 0 3944454943 1513111210 45355 4238423542
 1 6365677071 1513121110 33332 1919181717
 2 7579808182 11101087 32221 1098910
 3+7375808383 129767 33211 12131099
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74 who use the internet.
Note 3: * Sample occurrence too small for estimation, i.e., less than 30.

Individuals: Internet access by type of device used

Mobiles or smartphones were used to access the internet by 83% of individuals. 96% of individuals in the 16-29 years age group used a mobile phone or smartphone to access the internet while 50% of individuals in the 60-74 years age category used this device type to access the internet. Laptops or netbooks were used by 66% of individuals to access the internet, while Tablets were used by 37% for internet access. Desktop computers were used by 25% of individuals while 8% of individuals used Smart TVs to go online in 2016. See table 2c and figure 4.

Table 2(c) Individuals who recently used the internet (in the last 3 months) away from home or work classified by type of device used, 2017
           % of individuals
 Mobile phone (or smartphone)Mobile phone (or smartphone) via mobile phone networkMobile phone (or smartphone) via wireless network Portable computer1Portable computer via mobile phone networkPortable computer via wireless network Other devices Didn't access the internet via mobile device away from home or workUnweighted sample
State877466 481245 9 86,022
Male887567 501347 12 82,347
Female867265 471143 7 93,675
Age group            
16-29978474 511347 13 2729
30-44927971 501246 10 52,243
45-59816761 461042 7 121,810
60-74584743 441139 4 261,240
Principal economic status            
At work907969 501346 10 63,642
b Unemployed866364 441537 8 9339
Student978274 611358 15 1275
Home duties786257 37834 4 14821
Retired564443 43939 5 28708
Other786259 40737 5 14237
Border867461 451639 5 8589
Midlands866846 331524 4 12352
West826867 551750 4 8531
Dublin928380 56954 14 51,866
Mid-East827557 38736 10 13636
Mid-West826969 551152 12 12512
South-East877054 351331 6 7746
South-West876560 521346 8 8790
Household composition            
1 Adult no dependent children796756 441239 8 13905
2 Adults no dependent children786860 511346 9 131,212
3 or more adults no dependent children887871 511148 10 8972
1 Adult with dependent children927762 321229 8 6422
2 Adults with dependent children907569 521248 10 62,044
3 or more adults with dependent children927769 451241 8 6467
Number of persons at work in the household            
No persons at work in the household766056 401135 6 161,237
One person at work in the household857063 461242 8 92,023
Two persons at work in the household918071 531349 12 52,293
Three or more persons at work in the household928474 531150 10 6469
1Examples include laptop, tablet, etc.
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74 who used the internet in the last 3 months.
Note 3: More than one type of device used may have been given by respondents.

Individuals: Internet activities

Of the internet activities surveyed in 2016, the most popular activity was Email (83%). The next most common internet activity in 2016 was Finding information about goods and services (82%), followed by Social networking (70%) and Internet banking (64%). See table 3 and figure 5.

Online activities analysed by age group shows Email (sending/receiving emails) and Finding information on goods and services were the top 2 activities carried out by all age groups over 30 years of age. Those aged 30 to 44 reported the highest use of Email at 86%, while 78% of the 60-74 years age group used Email. See table 3 and figure 5.

Individuals aged 16 to 29 years were more likely to engage in online leisure or recreation activities, such as Social networking (91%), Listening to music (72%), Uploading self-created content (65%) and Watching internet streamed TV (55%), when compared to other age groups. See table 3 and figure 5.

Table 3(a) Individuals who recently used the internet (in the last 3 months) classified by types of internet activities, 2017
    % of individuals
 Finding information on goods and servicesE-mail1Social networking2Internet bankingReading or downloading online newsServices related to travel Uploading self created content3Internet telephoning/ video callsSeeking health related information
Age group
Principal economic status
At work888873816961495148
Home duties827471565542444149
Type of household Internet connection
No internet756451353823201522
Unknown internet000000000
Household composition
1 adult, no dependent children888462686348384343
2 adults no dependent children868563726958414747
3 or more adults no dependent children878577727056595444
1 adult with dependent children837783575440554246
2 adults with dependent children878774756753485050
3 or more adults with dependent children788181665344534639
Number of persons at work in the household
1Sending/receiving e-mails.
2Examples include creating user profiles, posting messages or other contributions to Facebook, Twitter, etc.
2Includes uploading text, photos, music, videos, software, etc. to any website to be shared.
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74 who used the internet in the previous 3 months.
Table 3(a) contd. Individuals who recently used the internet (in the last 3 months) classified by types of internet activities, 2017
    % of individuals
 Selling of goods or servicesBuying or renewing existing insurance policiesParticipating in professional networks4Looking for a job or sending a job applicationPosting opinions on civic or political issues via websitesMaking appointment with health practitionerTaking part in online consultations or voting on civic or political issuesBuying or selling of investment services5Arranging credit with financial institutions6
Age group
Principal economic status
At work2624221299622
Home duties16134968311
Type of household internet connection
No internet8741612100
Unknown internet000000000
Household composition
1 adult, no dependent children2016191477522
2 adults no dependent children2022181199722
3 or more adults no dependent children22162020108511
1 adult with dependent children21129181110403
2 adults with dependent children2622171299622
3 or more adults with dependent children191291576511
Number of persons at work in the household
4Examples include creating user profiles, posting messages or other contributions to LinkedIn, etc.
5Includes buying or selling shares, bonds, funds or other investment services.
6Includes taking a loan or mortgage or arranging credit from banks or other financial providers.
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74 who used the internet in the previous 3 months.

Individuals: Internet purchases

Clothes or sports goods were the most popular online purchase in 2016, purchased by 42% of individuals. The next most common types of internet purchases made by individuals in the last 12 months (prior to interview) were Other travel arrangements (40%), and Holiday accommodation and Tickets for events, both at 38%.  See table 4a and figure 6.

There are clear differences between age groups in the types of goods and services bought online. The largest difference was for Clothes or sports goods, with 51% of individuals aged 16 to 29 years purchasing these, compared to 12% of those aged 60 to 74. See table 4a and figure 6.

Of those individuals who had bought over the internet in the last 3 months, 41% had made 3 to 5 purchases, compared with 38% of individuals purchasing only once or twice online. 22% of individuals purchased online 6 or more times in the previous 3 months - 14% made between 6 and 10 purchases online and 8% purchased 11 times or more over the internet. See Table 4c.

Type of online purchaseType of online purchase
Clothes,sports goods43.5
Tickets for events37.1
Holiday accommodation36.6
Other travel arrangements36.4
Household goods21.4
Telecommunication services18.7
Electronic equipment17.3
Video games,software,software upgrades9.5
Food, Groceries7.7
Computer hardware3.5
E-learning material3.2
Table 4(a) Individuals that use the internet classified by types of purchases made online during the last 12 months, 2017
    % of individuals
   Clothes or sports goodsHoliday accommodation Other travel arrangements1Tickets for events Household goodsTelecommunication servicesElectronic equipment2 Books, magazines and newspapers3E-books4E-magazines/ e-newspapers4
State4437 3637 211917 1772
Male 3636 3736 202224 1772
Female 5137 3638 231611 1872
Age group             
16-29 5731 3446 172022 1673
30-44 5147 4643 312420 2082
45-59 3334 3230 171614 1662
60-74 1421 2315 1087 1452
Principal economic status             
At work 4846 4544 252320 2092
Unemployed 2815 1614 13914 1121
Student 5722 2846 101622 1763
Home duties 4028 2626 271310 1451
Retired 1423 2415 888 1562
Other 1914 1314 1689 721
Border 3826 2428 191211 1241
Midland 4328 2029 182711 1131
West 5040 4037 221720 1972
Dublin 4641 4545 252522 2083
Mid-East 4033 2935 181211 1662
Mid-West 4238 3835 121720 1493
South-East 4032 3329 201817 1551
South-West 4642 3940 251417 21102
Type of household internet connection             
Broadband 4437 3738 221918 1872
Narrowband 1915 211 18.10 510
No internet 1411 139 203 610
Unknown internet 00 00 000 000
Household composition             
1 adult, no dependent children 2628 2926 141714 1472
2 adults no dependent children 3643 4237 171818 1882
3 or more adults no dependent children 4737 3944 131721 1873
1 adult with dependent children 4621 2031 241711 1541
2 adults with dependent children 5142 4141 312218 2082
3 or more adults with dependent children 4426 2728 181714 1142
Number of persons at work in the household             
0 2315 1616 13911 1041
1 4034 3333 201816 1862
2 5347 4747 272420 2193
3+ 5239 4047 161821 1672
1Includes travel tickets, car hire, etc. Excludes holiday accommodation.
2Includes cameras, audio-visual equipment, etc.
3Includes all online purchases of books, magazines and newspaperse-books. Includes e-books, e-magazines and e-newspapers downloaded or accessed from websites or apps.
4Downloaded or accessed from websites or apps
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74 who made purchases online in the last 12 months.
Note 3: More than one type of purchase may be given by respondents.
Table 4(a) contd. Individuals that use the internet classified by types of purchases made online during the last 12 months, 2017 
              % of individuals 
   Films/music5Films/music downloaded or accessed from websites/apps Video games, software and software upgrades6Computer software7 downloaded or accessed from websites/apps  Food and GroceriesComputer hardwareE-learning material MedicineOther
State1512 105 843 18
Male 1714 127 753 19
Female 1411 72 923 17
Age group            
16-29 2016 137 854 17
30-44 1915 125 1144 29
45-59 118 64 632 18
60-74 53 21 222 18
Principal economic status            
At work 1815 105 1043 29
Unemployed 75 106 422 27
Student 2015 138 465 .6
Home duties 97 82 823 17
Retired 43 31 221 07
Other 98 73 431 38
Border 96 104 423 19
Midland 85 61 723 09
West 1614 117 853 27
Dublin 2117 126 1243 17
Mid-East 1411 74 623 19
Mid-West 129 73 344 19
South-East 128 84 743 310
South-West 1513 93 653 18
Type of household internet connection            
Broadband 1612 105 843 18
Narrowband 73 00 000 04
No internet 63 10 201 03
Unknown internet 00 00 000 00
Household composition            
1 adult, no dependent children 1310 73 623 19
2 adults no dependent children 1412 64 734 19
3 or more adults no dependent children 1815 104 642 17
1 adult with dependent children 118 94 633 17
2 adults with dependent children 1713 126 1144 28
3 or more adults with dependent children 139 126 633 16
Number of persons at work in the household           
0 76 84 432 16
1 1411 94 743 28
2 1915 115 1144 19
3+ 1815 95 523 19
5Films/music downloaded or accessed from websites or apps.
6Includes computer software downloaded or accessed from websites or apps.
7Includes computer and video games and software upgrades.
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74 who made purchases online in the last 12 months.
Note 3: More than one type of purchase may be given by respondents.
Table 4(b) Individuals who made purchases online in the last 12 months classified by problems encountered when buying online, 2017
% of individuals
Problems encountered
 Speed of deliveryTechnical failure of the website1Foreign retailer did not sell to IrelandPoor customer serviceWrong or damaged goods/services deliveredFinal costs higher than indicatedPoor information re guarantees/other legal rightsProblems with fraudulent activityOtherNo problems encountered
State 107643322179
Male 118744322178
Female 96543322279
Age group
16-29 105742322180
30-44 118644332176
45-59 88553223280
60-74 56332222284
Principal economic status
At work 108644322177
Unemployed 138342110.80
Student 94633313182
Home duties 96433221281
Retired 53441332482
Other 98464254176
Border 610111122184
Midland 7324311.186
West 1110634233075
Dublin 119854432176
Mid-East 74232211186
Mid-West 106656224175
South-East 93331223181
South-West 116863212377
Type of household internet connection
Broadband 107643322179
Narrowband 130000002086
No internet 115044043272
Unknown internet 0000000000
Household composition
1 adult, no dependent children 810654332276
2 adults no dependent children77633232280
3 or more adults no dependent children107753222177
1 adult with dependent children155564322176
2 adults with dependent children117543322179
3 or more adults with dependent children76422311283
Number of persons at work in the household
0 94543123182
1 107553322278
2 108644322178
 3+ 85742323078
1During ordering or payment.
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74 who made purchases online in the last 12 months.
Note 3: More than one reason may be given by respondents.
Table 4(c) Individuals who purchased over the internet in the last 3 months classified by number of purchases made in this period, 2016 to 2017
         % of individuals
 Number of internet purchases made Unweighted sample
1 to 2 3 to 5 6 to 10 More than 10
20162017 20162017 20162017 20162017
State 3833 4141 1417 89 3,033
Male 3833 4142 1317 88 1,114
Female 3733 4241 1417 79 1,919
Age group
16-29 4632 4045 1117 37 490
30-44 3231 4340 1518 1110 1,389
45-59 3836 4139 1416 89 803
60-74 4344 4038 1314 54 351
Principal economic status
At work 3431 4342 1418 99 2,094
Unemployed 4844 2437 2212 68 120
Student 5333 3545 915 37 187
Home duties 3838 4339 1414 59 366
Retired 4442 3939 1115 63 193
Other 3938 4126 827 1210 73
Border 3937 4541 1116 66 249
Midland 4243 3536 1310 1011 179
West 3735 4940 1117 47 280
Dublin 3328 4241 1621 1010 990
Mid-East 3840 3838 1814 69 280
Mid-West 4630 3643 1216 611 238
South-East 3638 4739 1118 65 378
South-West 4331 3846 1014 810 439
Type of household internet connection
Broadband 3833 4141 1417 89 3,006
Narrowband ** ** ** ** 5
Unknown internet ** ** ** ** 22
No internet 00 00 00 00 0
Household composition
1 adult, no dependent children 3738 3937 2014 511 348
2 adults no dependent children 4032 3843 1218 107 515
3 or more adults no dependent children 4333 4044 1317 47 471
1 adult with dependent children 3838 4238 1217 87 224
2 adults with dependent children 3531 4341 1317 911 1,237
3 or more adults with dependent children 3734 4638 1221 56 238
Number of persons at work in the household
0 4643 3633 1317 67 368
1 3932 4144 1416 79 999
2 3632 4341 1618 69 1,408
3+ 3532 4342 1319 97 258
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74 who made purchases online in the previous 3 months.
Note 3: * Sample occurrence too small for estimation, i.e., less than 30.

Individuals: Internet storage and file sharing

Data for 2016 indicates that 45% of internet users used storage space on the internet to save files (documents, pictures, music, videos) - a marginal increase on 2015 (44%) and an increase of 10 percentage points compared with the same period in 2014. The 16-29 and 30-44 years age groups were the largest users of storage space on the internet as a method of saving files in 2016, at 56% and 50% respectively. By comparison, only 21% of individuals in the 60-74 age category used such storage. See table 5 and figure 7.

Table 5 Individuals that use the internet to store files electronically classified by personal characteristics, 2015 to 2017
 % of individuals who used the internet in the last 3 months
 201520162017Unweighted sample 2017
Age group
Principal economic status
At work4749563,642
Home duties282637821
Household composition
1 adult, no dependent children384043905
2 adults no dependent children4543481,212
3 or more adults no dependent children484857972
1 adult with dependent children374246422
2 adults with dependent children4547572,044
3 or more adults with dependent children424446467
Number of persons at work in the household
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74.
Note 3: Files include documents, pictures, music, video or other files.

Individuals: Awareness of internet security and privacy

Respondents were asked about providing personal information online and how they managed access to their personal information on the internet. Personal details (name, date of birth, identity card number, etc.), contact details (home address, phone number, e-mail address, etc.) and payment details (credit or debit card details, bank account number, etc.) had been provided by up to two-thirds and over of all individuals who had used the internet in the 12 months prior to interview. Other personal information (person's photos, current location, health-related information, employment, income, etc.) was provided by 18% of individuals. See Table 6.

Regarding activities carried out to manage personal information online in 2016, 32% of individuals who had used the internet in the last 12 months restricted access to personal information for advertising purposes. 30% of individuals surveyed checked that any websites requesting personal information were secure websites. 32% of individuals limited access to their user profile or content on social networking sites. See Table 7.

Table 7 Individuals who carried out computer1 or software related activities in the last 12 months, classified by personal characteristics, 2016 to 2017
                             % of individuals
 Copying or moving files or folders Using word processing software Creating presentations or documents2 Using spreadsheet software Using advanced functions to organise and analyse data3 Using software to edit photos, video or audio files Writing code in a programming language Transferring files between computers or other devices Installing software or apps Changing the settings of any software4 Unweighted sample 2017
State4851 5055 3440 3142 2124 2730 56 4346 5053 3237 6,135
Male5353 5358 3843 3545 2428 3033 89 4951 5558 3843 2,406
Female4348 4853 3137 2739 1821 2526 33 3741 4548 2732 3,729
Age group
16-295762 5966 4757 3254 2134 3641 810 5559 6269 3951 732
30-445255 5358 3741 3645 2628 3134 67 4851 5658 3742 2,262
45-594142 4649 2830 2935 1918 2021 33 3537 4041 2527 1,843
60-742928 3237 1317 1520 97 1110 11 2220 2525 1515 1,298
Principal economic status
At work5456 5660 3843 3847 2628 3032 66 4851 5557 3641 3,685
Unemployed3144 3247 1831 1630 918 2026 36 3038 4147 2131 345
Student7273 7680 6977 4068 2942 4551 1313 6970 6970 4855 276
Home duties2324 2629 1112 916 55 1215 11 2121 3031 1519 837
Retired3025 3434 1212 1416 86 129 11 2320 2726 1616 747
Other2527 3031 1612 1614 97 1212 41 2222 3243 2123 245
Border4344 4747 2632 2535 1619 2422 32 3739 4752 2932 602
Midlands4033 4753 3331 2635 1613 2829 84 4034 5453 3332 358
West5358 5057 3342 3246 2224 2029 56 5656 5056 3540 542
Dublin5959 6165 4449 4151 3031 3433 88 5354 6163 4246 1,901
Mid-East3734 4142 2631 2834 1719 2425 55 3231 4344 2425 652
Mid-West4762 4658 3145 2648 1535 2845 58 3956 4355 2346 520
South-East4444 4446 3130 2733 1821 2831 35 4141 4445 3233 757
South-West4251 4755 3037 2336 1419 2123 43 3541 3940 2429 803
Type of household Internet connection
 Broadband4851 5156 3540 3142 2225 2830 56 4447 5154 3338 6,002
 Narrowband** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 24
 No internet2619 2526 1314 1918 107 1110 61 1718 2520 1413 109
 Unknown internet** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 0
Household compostion
1 Adult no dependent children4649 4754 3136 3040 1924 2425 66 4042 4650 2936 926
2 Adults no dependent children4549 5055 3037 3140 2224 2430 66 4045 4750 3136 1,249
3 or more adults no dependent children5258 5664 4250 3249 2332 3139 68 4955 5361 3345 987
1 Adult with dependent children3841 4349 2732 2135 1519 2622 44 3235 4648 2728 430
2 Adults with dependent children5052 5256 3541 3443 2324 2830 65 4648 5253 3537 2,069
3 or more adults with dependent children4642 4644 3632 2734 1518 2920 45 4338 5047 3033 474
Number of persons at work in the household
No persons at work in the household3432 3836 2522 1923 1313 1919 44 3128 3637 2125 1,283
One person at work in the household4447 4753 3036 2739 1822 2427 56 4042 4849 3134 2,062
Two persons at work in the household5759 5864 4147 3950 2729 3335 66 5053 5660 3843 2,316
 Three or more persons at work in the household5658 5660 4349 3549 2332 3534 65 5357 6062 3745 474
1Includes mobile device related activities.
2Including integrating text, pictures, tables or charts.
3Examples include sorting, filtering, using formulas, creating charts, etc.
4Including operational systems or security programs.
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74 who use the internet.
Note 3: * Sample occurrence too small for estimation, i.e., less than 30.
Note 4: Respondents may have selected more than one option.

Background Notes

About the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) household survey

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) household survey covers a range of topics related to the use of ICT by households and individuals. The ICT questionnaire focuses on the use of ICT for non-work related activities. The survey was conducted in the 1st Quarter of 2016 and asked respondents about their ICT activities over the previous 12 months. Each year, the survey includes a specific group of questions relating to a particular area of ICT. In 2016, additional questions relating to the Security and Privacy were included.

Reference period

A module on Information communication technology (ICT) is included in the Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) in the three months from January to March each year (Quarter 1). The questionnaire asks questions about ICT activities for the reference period of twelve months prior to the interviews taking place.

Purpose of survey

The annual ICT Household survey by the QNHS contributes to the EU requirement under Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society (OJ L143, 30.04.2004, p. 49). The QNHS began in September 1997, replacing the annual April Labour Force Survey (LFS). The purpose of the survey is the production of quarterly labour force estimates and occasional reports on special social topics. The ICT Household questionnaire is conducted in Quarter 1 as part of the QNHS. The annual ICT household survey is one of the special module subjects that make up the ad-hoc module surveys appended onto the main QNHS Labour Force Survey.


The QNHS grossing procedure aligns the distribution of persons covered in the survey with independently determined population estimates at the level of sex, five-year age group and region.

Statistical significance

All estimates based on sample surveys are subject to error, some of which is measurable. Where an estimate is statistically significantly different from another estimate it means that we can be 95% confident that differences between those two estimates are not due to sampling error. Unless otherwise stated, changes and differences mentioned in the text have been found to be statistically significant at the 95% confidence level

Survey Questionnaire

The 2016 ICT household questionnaire is available at

ICT (Households and Individuals) 2016 Questionnaire (DOC 82KB)

Detailed Methodology and Background notes available at

Information Society Statistics - Households

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