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CSO statistical release, , 11am

Quarter 3 2013

€ million
Merchandise BalanceInvisibles BalanceCurrent Account Balance
Q3 20138,946-5,5223,425
Q3 20129,312-7,1212,191
Q1-Q3 201326,193-18,6747,521
Q1-Q3 201227,752-23,3974,355

Current account surplus of €3.4bn in 3rd Quarter

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The Balance of Payments current account surplus in the third quarter of 2013 was €3,425m, an increase of €1,234m on the third quarter of 2012 - see Table 1. A surplus of €8,946m on merchandise was offset by a deficit of €5,522m on invisibles in the quarter. Other points of note are:

Current account (see Table 2a)

  • Compared with the third quarter of 2012, merchandise exports at €20,604m decreased by €908m while merchandise imports at €11,658m decreased by €543m.
  • Services exports at €23,510m increased by €908m compared to the third quarter of 2012, mainly due to higher computer services and tourism and travel exports.  Services imports at €21,401m were unchanged.
  • Investment income earned abroad at €13,587m, decreased by €574m compared with one year earlier while investment income payable to foreign investors at €20,717m decreased by €1,211m.

Financial account (see Tables 2b and 3

  • Direct investment in Ireland increased by €3,551m in the third quarter of 2013. An increase of €6,270m in reinvested earnings in Ireland was offset by a decrease in equity of €1,182m and a decrease in other capital of €1,537m.  Direct investment abroad increased by €4,259m in the quarter largely due to an increase of €3,485m in reinvested earnings.
  • Within Portfolio investment, increased investment in Irish equity of €27,269m was partly offset by increased investment in overseas equity of €9,368m in the quarter.
  • Other investment assets decreased by €7,846m in the third quarter of 2013 mainly due to a decrease of €7,539m in loans, currency and deposits assets.  Other investment liabilities decreased by €10,624m in the quarter.
Table 1 Summary of Current, Capital and Financial Account Balances € million
Period     Balance on Current Account Balance on Capital Account Direct InvestmentPortfolio InvestmentOther 2 InvestmentReserve AssetsBalance on Financial AccountNet errors and omissions
Merchandise 1 Invisibles   
 Services IncomeCurrent TransfersTotal   
1998Year17,510-8,820-9,3821,319-16,883 627 840 4,422-8,4667,459-2,2801,135-2,602
1999Year22,170-10,176-12,9451,177-21,944 226 560 11,359-14,342-9741,746-2,2111,425
2000Year27,266-13,889-14,750994-27,645 -379 1,182 22,957-5,358-9,037-1428,420-9,223
2001Year30,494-13,259-18,295305-31,249 -757 703 6,241-25,15819,039-441-319372
2002Year35,442-13,779-23,664707-36,736 -1,295 512 19,444-37,97919,2633431,070-287
2003Year32,604-11,091-21,947432-32,606 -2 93 15,270-39,97721,5671,770-1,3721,280
2004Year31,423-10,203-22,481393-32,291 -867 279 -23,09514,28711,4301,1773,801-3,212
2005Year28,218-9,303-24,870265-33,908 -5,690 264 -36,99252,698-17,6651,472-4875,912
2006Year25,031-6,797-24,033-506-31,336 -6,304 223 -16,6348,13513,182874,7701,311
2007Year19,811-1,121-27,825-990-29,936 -10,124 39 2,602-7,28316,744-1212,051-1,966
2008Year23,811-7,670-25,155-1,154-33,979 -10,169 47 -24,167-45,74986,128-7816,132-6,010
2009Year32,469-6,900-27,907-1,424-36,231 -3,763 -1,252 -64922,626-23,11679-1,0606,074
2010Year35,751-6,639-25,918-1,412-33,969 1,782 -673 15,44685,965-94,14057,276-8,384
2011Year36,681-1,699-31,797-1,183-34,679 2,002 -263 17,77526,908-34,93732910,075-11,815
2012Year36,3683,206-31,117-1,207-29,118 7,250 -2,056 15,407-220-14,21012987-6,182
2008Quarter 1 4,573-1,663-6,125-781-8,569 -3,997 23 -3,1918,1823,140748,205-4,231
 Quarter 25,814-1,417-6,390-570-8,377 -2,563 47 -3,077-5,54118,414-469,749-7,233
 Quarter 35,809-1,294-7,106-386-8,786 -2,976 -19 -9,276-12,08321,835-394372,558
 Quarter 47,615-3,296-5,534583-8,247 -633 -4 -8,623-36,30742,739-67-2,2592,896
2009Quarter 1 8,085-2,500-6,998-910-10,408 -2,323 -18 -1,107-2,33142941-2,9695,309
 Quarter 29,001-2,040-7,435-725-10,200 -1,199 -16 1,148-15,77623,345-628,654-7,439
 Quarter 38,198-611-7,414-495-8,520 -322 -25 -7,50826,570-22,0203-2,9543,301
 Quarter 47,185-1,749-6,060706-7,103 81 -1,193 6,81814,163-24,87097-3,7914,903
2010Quarter 1 8,870-1,587-7,444-838-9,869 -999 35 4,54719,821-32,13132-7,7318,696
 Quarter 29,687-1,847-7,387-588-9,822 -135 -11 2,972-8,56816,773-1911,158-11,013
 Quarter 39,741-1,164-6,515-657-8,336 1,405 -1 -1,354-19,58125,635-764,624-6,027
 Quarter 47,453-2,041-4,572671-5,942 1,511 -696 9,28194,293-104,41768-775-40
2011Quarter 1 8,648-1,438-7,786-711-9,935 -1,286 9 8,2037,063-11,577653,754-2,477
 Quarter 29,554-188-8,241-521-8,950 603 -14 7,37322,344-28,928-29760-1,350
 Quarter 310,08469-8,009-562-8,502 1,582 -16 6,622-19,45615,888243,078-4,644
 Quarter 48,395-142-7,761611-7,292 1,103 -242 -4,42316,957-10,3202692,483-3,344
2012Quarter 1 8,401179-8,538-746-9,105 -705 45 11,949-46,26630,86412-3,4424,102
 Quarter 2 10,0391,531-8,090-612-7,171 2,869 -2,093 -4,32933,544-22,446-66,763-7,539
 Quarter 39,3121,258-7,812-567-7,121 2,191 -11 12,7426,812-17,76411,790-3,971
 Quarter 48,616238-6,677718-5,721 2,895 3 -4,9555,690-4,8645-4,1241,226
2013Quarter 1 7,458754-6,192-824-6,262 1,196 37 6,853-20,20610,270-2-3,0851,851
 Quarter 2 9,7891,512-7,695-707-6,8902,900 -36,589-7,064-25-1-501-2,396
 Quarter 38,9462,109-7,176-455-5,5223,425 -32-708166-2,779-4-3,325-68
1Adjusted for balance of payments purposes.
2Includes financial derivatives and also life insurance liabilities to non-residents. Occasionally includes large capital transactions which cannot be shown in the Capital Account Balance due to confidentiality constraints.
Table 2a Current and Capital Accounts  € million
Item Year Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3
Current Account     
Merchandise 1Cr85,00785,85221,68821,96221,51220,69019,69021,73820,604
  Tourism and Travel 2Cr3,0103,0225068421,0276475668641,211
  Financial servicesCr6,5947,0731,7781,6971,7581,8401,7561,9131,915
  Computer services 3Cr31,41335,6818,3578,9928,18810,1449,3529,9338,756
  Business servicesCr23,36925,9325,9976,6156,7356,5855,7746,5407,029
      Trade relatedCr8,1519,0331,9442,3652,4692,2551,7002,0202,046
      Operational leasingCr6,8127,4961,7611,8871,9531,8951,7901,8731,972
      Misc. business services 4Cr8,4039,4032,2922,3632,3132,4352,2832,6473,011
  Other services n.e.s.Cr594555138137139141139139139
IncomeCr57,12057,247 14,07115,03014,29913,847 13,43414,13113,718
 Db88,91788,363 22,60923,11922,11120,524 19,62521,82620,894
  Compensation of EmployeesCr539545 134137137137 137137131
Db685733 185177183188 164178176
  Investment IncomeCr56,58356,699 13,93614,89214,16113,710 13,29613,99313,587
Db88,23387,630 22,42422,94221,92820,336 19,46221,64820,717
      Direct investment incomeCr15,30517,481 4,3294,6454,1744,333 4,3754,5544,415
Db42,46343,418 11,92511,33210,8609,301 9,93211,16410,859
          Income on equityCr11,57413,782 3,3333,6733,2193,557 3,4613,6073,511
Db38,04938,832 10,81310,2259,6218,173 8,92410,0429,614
              Dividends & distributed Cr1,7452,682 30*** *1,30525
                  branch profitsDb14,41616,862 4,0454,3874,2684,162 4,1705,5283,343
              Reinvested earningsCr9,83011,100 3,303*** *2,3023,485
Db23,63221,969 6,7685,8385,3534,010 4,7534,5136,270
         Income on debtCr3,7313,699 996972955776 914947905
Db4,4134,584 1,1121,1061,2381,128 1,0081,1231,246
      Portfolio investment incomeCr23,58625,232 5,9696,6876,5456,031 6,1286,6896,605
Db30,75231,632 7,1068,3958,0298,102 6,9248,0887,642
          Income on equityCr5,3426,340 1,3501,8151,6901,485 1,5651,9211,776
 Db14,61818,607 3,6545,0244,8065,123 4,0655,3564,937
         Income on debtCr18,24518,892 4,6194,8724,8554,546 4,5634,7684,829
Db16,13613,025 3,4523,3723,2232,978 2,8602,7322,705
      Other investment incomeCr17,69013,986 3,6383,5603,4423,346 2,7932,7502,567
Db15,01712,581 3,3933,2153,0402,933 2,6062,3952,216
Current TransfersCr5,4055,562 1,2321,0721,1542,104 927738918
 Db6,5886,767 1,9781,6841,7201,385 1,7501,4441,372
Current Account - TotalCr229,000238,955 58,03461,06059,56660,295 55,65760,67758,750
Db226,999231,704 58,73858,19157,37557,400 54,46057,77855,325
Current Account Balance 2,0027,250 -7052,8692,1912,895 1,1962,9003,425
Capital Account Balance -263-2,056 45-2,093-113 37-3-32
Memorandum Item:            
 Government IncomeCr133115 23382331 284837
 Db4,3494,625 1,0891,1151,1871,234 1,1841,1521,157
1Adjusted for balance of payments purposes
2Under the credit item, passenger fare receipts of resident carriers from foreign visitors are excluded; such receipts are included under transport credits - see Background Notes.
3Covers exports and imports of software that was not incorporated as part of computer hardware or physical media but separately transmited by electronic means. The value of sales and purchases of additional software licences is also included.
4Covers mainly advertising, research and development and inter-affiliate management charges.
*Suppressed for confidentiality reasons
Table 2b Financial Account¹   € million
Item Year Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3
Direct Investment Abroad838-14,413 -4,962-4,337-512-4,602 -9,855702-4,259
In Ireland16,93729,820 16,911913,253-353 16,7085,8873,551
    EquityAbroad14,3791,665-1,346*** *7,990479
 In Ireland-29,82511,3484,2883,5372,707816 11,200614-1,182
    Reinvested EarningsAbroad-9,830-11,100-3,303*** *-2,302-3,485
In Ireland23,63221,9696,7685,8385,3534,0104,7534,5136,270
    Other CapitalAbroad-3,711-4,978 -313-465-1,098-3,102 -60-4,987-1,253
 In Ireland23,129-3,497 5,855-9,3665,194-5,180 754760-1,537
Portfolio InvestmentAssets-2,644-73,573 -62,13330,285-20,029-21,696 -56,9181,633-17,574
Liabilities29,55373,352 15,8673,25826,84127,386 36,712-8,69717,740
    EquityAssets6,272-11,467 -5,9215,6211,395-12,562 -15,939-9,861-9,368
 Liabilities61,33981,797 27,0518,39220,07026,284 33,0155,20027,269
     Debt InstrumentsAssets-8,916-62,106 -56,21224,664-21,424-9,134 -40,97911,494-8,206
 Liabilities-31,785-8,446 -11,185-5,1346,7711,102 3,697-13,897-9,529
        Bonds and notes Assets-2,463-55,606 -10,2631,385-11,900-34,828 -28,4271,419-4,064
 Liabilities-18,333-11,626 -9,829-3,8314,652-2,618 1,749-13,858-7,493
        Money market instruments Assets-6,454-6,499 -45,94823,279-9,52425,694 -12,55210,075-4,142
 Liabilities-13,4523,180 -1,356-1,3032,1193,720 1,948-39-2,036
Other InvestmentAssets13,81875,183 61,220-16,31664129,6381,57116,4927,846
Liabilities-48,756-89,393 -30,356-6,130-18,405-34,5028,699-16,517-10,624
     Loans, currency and depositsAssets12,37074,678 59,017-18,8592,53231,98815,61218,2457,539
 Liabilities-40,423-79,506 -29,968-289-24,712-24,537-12,263-8,389-5,690
     Other 2Assets1,448502 2,2022,543-1,892-2,351-14,041-1,752306
 Liabilities-8,331-9,886 -388-5,8416,308-9,96520,962-8,128-4,934
Reserve Assets 32912 12-615-2-1-4
     Monetary gold 00 0000000
     Special drawing rights 93-8 -6-5-25-1-2-3
     Reserve position in the IMF -1190 0000000
     Foreign exchange  35520 18-130-11-1
     Other 00 0000000
Balance on Financial Account 10,075987 -3,4426,7631,790-4,124 -3,085-501-3,325
Net errors and omissions -11,815-6,182 4,102-7,539-3,9711,226 1,851-2,396-68
Memorandum Item:            
Government financialAssets5,914-2,734 -753520-454-2,047 -9589-379
  transactionsLiabilities22,49120,475 5,4904,4988,5871,900 6,972-852-176
1Financial account transactions are categorised under two headings 'Assets' and 'Liabilities' for Portfolio Investment, Other Investment and Reserve Assets. For Direct Investment, a 'directional ' categorisation is used: 'Abroad' indicates direct investment by Irish investors in foreign companies; direct investment into Ireland is indicated by the heading 'In Ireland'. The sign convention used is: a minus sign in the 'Abroad' and 'Assets' columns means investments or acquisitions abroad (in enterprises, foreign securities, foreign deposits, etc.) by Irish investors exceeded their disinvestments or disposals in the period, while an entry without sign (less usual) means disinvestment exceeded investment; an entry without sign in the 'In Ireland' and 'Liabilities' columns means that investment transactions into Ireland or incurrences of liabilities to foreign investors exceeded disinvestment or extinctions of liabilities in the period, while a minus sign (less usual) indicates that disinvestment exceeded investment and liability extinctions exceeded incurrences.
2Includes financial derivatives; in the case of liabilities this category also includes life insurance liabilities to non-residents. Occasionally includes large capital transactions which cannot be shown in the Capital Account Balance due to confidentiality constraints.
*Suppressed for confidentiality reasons
Table 3 Current, Capital and Financial Accounts showing IFSC¹ and Non–IFSC activity € million
 20112012 20122013
Item Year Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3
Current Account - TotalCr229,000238,95558,03461,06059,56660,29555,65760,67758,750
Merchandise 2Cr85,00785,85221,68821,96221,51220,69019,69021,73820,604
Current TransfersCr5,4055,5621,2321,0721,1542,104927738918
Balance on Current Account 2,0027,250-7052,8692,1912,8951,1962,9003,425
Balance on Capital Account -263-2,05645-2,093-11337-3-32
Financial Account 4            
Direct investmentAbroad838-14,413-4,962-4,337-512-4,602 -9,855702-4,259
 In Ireland16,93729,82016,911913,253-353 16,7085,8873,551
        IFSCAbroad611-1,557-3073-226-1,374 -220-494-235
 In Ireland16,0558,96310,456-6,34810,302-5,447 7,1674,1792,769
        Non-IFSCAbroad227-12,855-4,932-4,410-286-3,227 -9,6351,196-4,024
 In Ireland88020,8566,4556,3562,9525,093 9,5411,708782
Portfolio investmentAssets-2,644-73,573-62,13330,285-20,029-21,696 -56,9181,633-17,574
 Liabilities29,55373,35215,8673,25826,84127,386 36,712-8,69717,740
        IFSCAssets-25,907-80,625-61,44025,162-22,532-21,815 -56,8123,842-16,549
 Liabilities46,05786,53628,4628,35823,20126,515 31,611-1,26620,108
        Non-IFSCAssets23,2637,053-6935,1232,504119 -106-2,209-1,025
 Liabilities-16,504-13,186-12,596-5,1003,639871 5,101-7,431-2,368
Other investment 5Assets13,81875,18361,220-16,31664129,638 1,57116,4927,846
 Liabilities-48,756-89,393-30,356-6,130-18,405-34,502 8,699-16,517-10,624
        IFSCAssets-25,61350,75247,828-15,315-9,28427,523 -5,90512,6054,714
 Liabilities-20,136-40,022-8,956-7,151203-24,118 27,122-17,903-9,386
        Non-IFSCAssets39,43224,43013,392-1,0019,9242,115 7,4763,8873,132
 Liabilities-28,618-49,371-21,4001,021-18,608-10,384 -18,4231,386-1,238
Reserve Assets 3291212-615 -2-1-4
Balance on Financial Account 10,075987 -3,4426,7631,790-4,124 -3,085-501-3,325
Net errors and omissions -11,815-6,182 4,102-7,539-3,9711,226 1,851-2,396-68
1From the start of 2000 new international financial service projects are no longer subject to the earlier certification and licensing procedures in operation for location in the IFSC and such projects can, therefore, locate anywhere in Ireland. Additions to existing IFSC projects, however, are still subject to the formal procedures. For statistical analysis purposes this table still shows the 'IFSC/non-IFSC' breakdown and the activities of all international financial service enterprises are covered under the IFSC heading.
2Adjusted for balance of payments purposes.
3Current transfers to and from IFSC enterprises relate solely to non-life insurance transactions (see Background Notes).
4See footnote 1 on Table 2b.
5Includes financial derivatives; in the case of liabilities this category also includes life insurance liabilities to non-residents. Occasionally includes large capital transactions which cannot be shown in the Capital Account Balance due to confidentiality constraints.
Table 4a Current and Capital Accounts showing geographical¹ detail   € million
 20112012 2012 2013
Item Year Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3
Current Account - TotalCr229,000238,955 58,03461,06059,56660,29555,65760,67758,750
 Db226,999231,704 58,73858,19157,37557,40054,46057,77855,325
  Merchandise 2Cr85,00785,85221,68821,96221,51220,69019,69021,73820,604
       EU Cr50,75153,24513,79813,88812,66512,89411,15513,35512,179
      Non-EU Cr34,25632,6077,8908,0748,8477,7968,5358,3838,425
       EU Cr47,42951,37612,32812,78112,57513,69212,16713,89713,126
      Non-EU Cr34,03838,9198,71510,21510,0279,9629,43910,17410,384
       EU Cr32,78330,1177,6817,8717,3547,2116,7986,6596,427
      Non-EU Cr24,33927,1286,3897,1586,9456,6366,6367,4717,291
Current TransfersCr5,4055,5621,2321,0721,1542,104927738918
       EU Cr4,6413,9237467088381,631793569724
      Non-EU Cr7631,637486364315472134168193
Balance on Current Account 2,0027,250-7052,8692,1912,8951,1962,9003,425
Balance on Capital Account -263-2,05645-2,093-11337-3-32
1The term ‘EMU’ means the area represented by the 17 Member States participating in Monetary Union. Until Quarter 2 2013 the term ‘EU’ relates to transactions between residents of Ireland and other residents of the EU27 area. With the expansion of the EU on 1 July 2013 to include Croatia, from Quarter 3 2013 the area covered is EU28.
2Adjusted for balance of payments purposes
Table 4b Financial Account¹ showing geographical² detail  € million
  20112012 20122013
Item Year Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3
Direct InvestmentAbroad838-14,413-4,962-4,337-512-4,602-9,855702-4,259
 In Ireland16,93729,82016,911913,253-35316,7085,8873,551
 In Ireland30,10816,7075,4776073,6826,9415,7065,6892,746
 In Ireland-13,17213,11211,434-5999,571-7,29411,002198805
       EU Abroad-17,630-6,037-3,418-191532-2,960-1,231-1,121-3,160
 In Ireland28,69420,65210,1186435,5234,36810,2105,3432,789
      Non-EU Abroad18,468-8,376-1,544-4,147-1,044-1,641-8,6231,823-1,099
 In Ireland-11,7569,1676,793-6357,730-4,7216,498544763
Portfolio InvestmentAssets-2,644-73,573-62,13330,285-20,029-21,696-56,9181,633-17,574
       EU Assets26,848-37,868-30,19820,126-21,476-6,320-16,1392,812-14,526
      Non-EU Assets-29,493-35,705-31,93510,1591,447-15,376-40,779-1,179-3,048
Other Investment 3Assets13,81875,18361,220-16,31664129,638 1,57116,4927,846
       EU Assets9,493154,67176,8834,68129,15643,9514,56615,3123,464
      Non-EU Assets4,325-79,490-15,664-20,997-28,516-14,313-2,9941,1814,381
Reserve Assets 3291212-615-2-1-4
Balance on Financial Account 10,075987-3,4426,7631,790-4,124-3,085-501-3,325
Net errors and omissions -11,815-6,182 4,102-7,539-3,9711,226 1,851-2,396-68
1See footnote 1 on Table 2b.
2The term ‘EMU’ means the area represented by the 17 Member States participating in Monetary Union. Until Quarter 2 2013 the term ‘EU’ relates to transactions between residents of Ireland and other residents of the EU27 area. With the expansion of the EU on 1 July 2013 to include Croatia, from Quarter 3 2013 the area covered is EU28.
3Includes financial derivatives; in the case of liabilities this category also includes life insurance liabilities to non-residents. Occasionally includes large capital transactions which cannot be shown in the Capital Account Balance due to confidentiality constraints.

Background Notes


The balance of payments (BOP) is a statistical statement that summarises, for a specific time period, the economic transactions of the residents of an economy with the rest of the world.

The balance of payments presentation consists of three tables or accounts, the Current Account, the Capital Account and the Financial Account. The current account consists of trade in merchandise and services, income inflows and outflows and current transfers. The capital account covers capital transfers and the acquisition and disposal of non-produced, non-financial assets. The financial account is concerned with transactions in foreign financial assets and liabilities, distinguishing the functional type of investment i.e. direct, portfolio and other investment (including transactions in financial derivatives) and reserve assets.

BOP transactions, in principle, should be recorded on an accruals basis using market valuation. In practice, the collection system (see below) is designed to adhere to this approach and, for the most part, the valuations reported are either market values or a close approximation.

For more detailed methodological information see the BOP Quarterly Statistical Compilation Methodology (PDF 240KB) mpilation Methodology‌.

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