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Q3 2005-Explanatory Notes

The purpose of this survey is to provide benchmark indicators for the e-Europe 2005 Action Plan. The Seville European Council adopted this plan in 2002. It is a high-profile policy initiative, both at EU level and nationally, which aims to develop broadband networks and access to information throughout the European Union.

Eurostat provided us with a final version of the sample questionnaire, from which we developed this specification. All but two (i.e. TELEQD and TELEQE) of the questions in the questionnaire stem from the Eurostat specification.

Information, Communication and Technology Questionnaire

Individual questions


I will now ask you some questions on your computer and internet usage?

1- Yes
2- No


When did you most recently use a computer?
1. Within the last 3 months
2. Between 3 months and a year ago
3. More than 1 year ago
4. Never used one


When did you last take a training course (of at least 3 hours) on any aspect of computer use?

NOTE: This includes any type of training course, including work-related courses, lessons, or courses undertaken privately.

1- Within the last 3 months
2- Between 3 months and a year ago
3- Between 1 and 3 years ago
4- More than 3 years ago
5- Never


On average, how often have you used a computer in the last 3 months?

1. Everyday or almost every day
2. At least once a week (but not every day)
3. At least once a month (but not every week)
4. Less than once a month


Where have you used a computer in the last 3 months?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.

1- At home
2- At place of work (other than home)
3- At place of education
4- At another person’s home
5- At other places (e.g. airport, hotel, internet café, etc.)


When did you most recently use the internet?

1. Within the last 3 months
2. Between 3 months and a year ago
3. More than 1 year
4. Never used it


Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.

1. Using a search engine to find information
2. Sending e-mails with attached files (documents, pictures etc.)
3. Posting messages to chatrooms, newsgroups or an online discussion forum
4. Using the Intenet to make telephone calls
5. Using peer-to-peer file sharing for exchanging movies, music, etc.
6. Creating a web page
7. None of the above


On average how often did you access the Internet in the last 3 months?

1- Every day or almost every day
2- At least once a week (but not every day)
3- At least once a month (but not every week)
4- Less than once a month


Where have you accessed the Internet in the last 3 months (using a computer or any other means)?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.

1- At home
2- At place of work (other than home)
3- At place of education
4- At another person’s home
5- At other places


Have you accessed the Internet in any of the following places in the last 3 months (using a computer or any other means)?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, where applicable

1- Public library
2- Post Office
3- Public Office town hall, government agency
4- Community or voluntary organisation
5- Internet Café


Is the device you use to access the Internet at home protected by any of the following?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.
Note: Option 4 implies no other option is selected

1- A virus checking program
2- A hardware or software firewall
3- Don’t know
4- No, none of the above


Has your virus checking program or firewall been installed or upgraded in the last 3 months (including automatic updating)?
1- Yes
2- No


In the last 3 months, have you used online authentication on the Internet for private use, such as a password, PIN or digital signature?
1- Yes
2- No


Have you used the Internet in the last 3 months for any of the following activities relating to communication?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.
Note: Option 4 implies no other option is selected

1- Sending or receiving e-mails
2- Telephoning over the Internet/Videoconferencing
3- Other communication-related activities (use of chat sites etc.)
4- No, none of the above


Have you used the Internet in the last 3 months for any of the following activities relating to information search and on-line services?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.
Note: Option 8 implies no other option is selected

1- Finding information about goods and services
2- Using services related to travel and accommodation
3- Listening to Web radios/watching web television
4- Playing/downloading games, images or and music
5- Downloading software
6- Reading/downloading online newspapers/news magazines
7- Looking for a job or sending job applications.
8- No, none of the above


Have you used the Internet in the last 3 months for any of the following activities relating to the purchasing and selling of goods and services or banking?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.
Note: Option 5 implies no other option is selected

1- Internet banking
2- Other financial services (e.g. share purchasing)
3- Purchasing/ordering goods or services (excl. shares/financial services)
4- Selling goods or services (e.g. via auctions)
5- No, none of the above


Have you used the Internet in the last 3 months for any of the following activities relating to interaction with public authorities?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.
Note: Option 4 implies no other option is selected

1- Obtaining information from public authorities web sites
2- Downloading official forms
3- Sending filled in forms
4- No, none of the above


Have you used the Internet in the last 3 months for any of the following activities relating to training and education?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.
Note: Option 4 implies no other option is selected

1- Formalised educational activities (school, university etc.)
2- Post educational courses
3- Other educational courses related specifically to employment opportunities
4- No, none of the above


Have you used the Internet in the last 3 months for any of the following health-related activities, including on behalf of family or friends?

Note: Option 5 implies no other option is selected

1- Seeking health-related information (e.g. injury, disease, nutrition, improving health, etc.)
2- Making an appointment online with a practitioner
3- Requesting a prescription online from a practitioner
4- Seeking medical advice online from a practitioner
5- No, none of the above


In the last 12 months, have you encountered any of the following security problems through using the Internet?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.
Note: Option 6 implies no other option is selected

1- Computer virus resulting in loss of information or time
2- Fraudulent payment (credit or debit) card use or any other financial problem
3- Abuse of personal information sent on the Internet
4- ‘Spam’ – unsolicited emails sent to you
5- None of the above, but other
6- None at all


Have you used the Internet at places outside your main work premises in the last 3 months for any of the following work related activities?

1- Finding information relating to your work or business
2- Accessing files on the employer’s server
3- Communication (exchanging and accessing e-mails)
4- No, none of the above

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.
Note: ‘work-related activities’ refer to activities related to employment. Activities relating to educational courses are not included.
Note: Option 4 implies no other option is selected


Would it be possible for you to work at home/away from your employer’s premises without using the Internet?

1- Yes
2- No


On average, how many hours per week do you use a computer while working away from your employer’s premises?

Enter hrs [Range 001-140]
00: hours vary, can’t give usual hours
140: 140 hours or more


When did you most recently buy or order goods or services for private use over the internet (excluding manually typed e-mails)?

1. Within the last 3 months
2. Between 3 months and a year ago
3. More than 1 year ago
4. Never bought or ordered


What were the main reasons for not buying/ordering any goods or services for your own private use in the last 12 months?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.

1- Have no need
2- Prefer to shop in person/ like to see product/ loyalty to shops/ force of habit
3- Lack of skills
4- Too expensive
5- Too long delivery times
6- Problematic to receive ordered goods at home
7- Security concerns, i.e. worried about giving credit card details over the Internet
8- Privacy concerns, i.e. worried about giving personal details over the Internet
9- Trust concerns, i.e. concerned about receiving and/or returning goods, complaint/ redress concerns
10- Don’t have a payment card allowing payment over the Internet
11- Speed of the Internet connection is too slow
12- Other



What types of goods and services did you order over the Internet for private use in the last 12 months?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.

1- Food/Groceries
2- Household good (e.g. furntiure, toys, etc.)
3- Films/music
4- Books/magazines/ Newspapers /E-learning material
5- Clothes/sports goods
6- Computer software (incl. Video games)
7- Computer hardware
8- Electronic equipment (incl. Cameras)
9- Share purchases/Financial services/Insurance
10- Travel and holiday accommodation
11- Tickets for events
12- Lotteries or betting
13- Other


What problems have you encountered when making purchases over the Internet in the last 12 months?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.
Note: Option 11 implies no other option is selected

1- Difficulties finding information concerning guarantees
2- Speed of delivery longer than indicated
3- Delivery costs higher than indicated
4- Final price higher than indicated
5- Wrong goods delivered
6- Damaged goods delivered
7- Lack of security of payments
8- Complaints and redress were difficult
9- No satisfactory response received after complaint
10- Other
11- No problems encountered

Household questions

PERMIT2 Ask one member per household
May I ask you a few questions on technology usage in the household?

1- Yes
2- No


Does the household or any member of it, have any of the following permanently in the dwelling?

Note: Laptops brought home temporarily from work not included
Note: A handheld or palmtop computer is a battery powered wallet-sized computer that can be held in one hand, including electronic organisers
Note: Option 9 implies no other option is selected
Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.

1- TV
2- Mobile phone
3- Games console
4- DVD player
5- Desktop computer
6- Portable computer (laptop)
7- Handheld computer (palmtop)
8- No, none of the above


Does the household have…?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable

1- A satellite dish
2- Cable TV
3- Digital TV
4- No, none of the above


Does the household have an Internet enabled mobile phone (WAP, GPRS, UMTS, etc.)?
1- Yes
2- No


Ask all
Does any member of this household have access to the Internet at home? (regardless of whether it is used)

1- Yes
2- No
3- Don’t know


On which of these devices is the Internet accessed at home?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable

1- Desktop computer
2- Portable computer (laptop)
3- Handheld computer
4- TV set with specific internet device (e.g. digital TV or set top box)
5- Internet-enabled mobile phone alone (WAP, GPRS, UMTS)
6- Games console
7- Other means (i.e. none of the above)
8- Don’t know


What types of Internet connection are used?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.

1. Modem (dial-up access over normal telephone line) or ISDN
2. DSL (e.g. ADSL, SHDSL, etc.)
3. Other broadband connection (e.g. cable UMTS, etc.)
4. Mobile phone over narrowband (WAP, GPRS, etc.)
5. Don’t know


What are the main reasons for this household not having access to the Internet at home?

Note: Multiple responses to be recorded, when applicable.

1- Have access to Internet elsewhere
2- Don’t want Internet (because content, harmful, etc.)
3- Don’t need Internet (because not useful, not interesting, etc.)
4- Equipment costs too high
5- Access costs too high (telephone, etc.)
6- Lack of skills
7- Physical disability
8- Privacy or security concerns
9- None of the above, but other

End questionnaire