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Domestic Building Energy Ratings (Quarterly Release)

A Building Energy Rating (BER) is an indication of the energy performance of a dwelling (represented in units of kWh/m2/year). The BER certificate indicates the annual primary energy usage and carbon dioxide emissions associated with space heating, water heating, ventilation, lighting, and associated pumps and fans. The energy use is calculated on the basis of a notional family with a standard pattern of occupancy – so the data in these releases give average primary energy use or carbon dioxide emissions and are not based on actual data.

Environment Taxes (Annual Release)

Environment taxes are aimed at reducing activities which are harmful to the environment. An environment tax is defined by Regulation (EU) 691/2011.

Energy taxes includes taxes on energy production and energy products, including taxes on fuels for transport and stationary purposes. By definition Carbon taxes are included as an Energy tax rather than a Pollution tax, largely to aid international comparability. In Ireland’s case, taxes on transport fuels make up the bulk of energy taxes.

Transport taxes includes taxes related to the ownership and use of motor vehicles. In Ireland this mainly relates to Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT) and Motor tax.

Pollution taxes includes taxes levied on emissions to air and water, management of solid waste and noise. Carbon taxes are not included in this category.

Resource taxes are taxes linked to the extraction or use of natural resources. Taxes on land are generally not included, nor are taxes designed to capture the resource rent from the extraction of natural resources.

QNHS Environment Module (Occasional Release)

The CSO conducts a Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS), which aims to produce labour force estimates. Occasional modules on special topics are added to the survey, and in 2014 a questionnaire on the behaviour of households in relation to waste management and energy use was included. The results of the survey show how behaviours vary depending on variables such as household composition, type of dwelling, and region.

Material Flow Accounts (Annual Release)

The general purpose of economy-wide material flow accounts (MFA) is to describe the interaction of the domestic economy with the natural environment and the rest of the world economy in terms of flows of materials. Only flows crossing the system boundary, as inputs between the environment and the economy or as outputs between the economy and the environment, are counted. Material flows within the economy are not taken into account.
Material inputs to the economy cover extractions of materials (excluding water and air) from the natural environment and imports of goods. Material outputs are disposals of materials to the natural environment and exports of goods and waste.

Air Emissions (Annual Release)

These environmental accounts categorise emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants by economic sector. The figures presented in these accounts are based on the air emissions inventories submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency annually to the United Nations under the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).

The three main greenhouse gases included in these accounts are carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). As greenhouse gas emissions from human activities increase, they build up in the atmosphere, warming it through the greenhouse effect. Because many of the major greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere for tens to hundreds of years after being released, their warming effects on the climate persist over a long time and can therefore affect both present and future generations.

  • Carbon dioxide emissions are the result of burning fossil fuels such as coal, turf and petroleum for heat, power and transport. Industrial processes such as cement production also emit CO2.
  • Nitrous oxide emissions arise from nitrogen fertilisers used in agriculture and a small number of industrial processes.
  • Methane emissions are caused by the digestive systems of ruminant animals, waste water treatment plants and landfill sites.
Environmental Indicators (Biennial Release)

The CSO publishes a set of Environmental Indicators every two years. These indicators are taken from nine domains to give an overview of Ireland’s environment. The indicators present time series data for Ireland and compare Ireland with other EU countries.

The nine domains are:

  • Air
  • Greenhouse gases and climate change
  • Water
  • Land Use
  • Energy
  • Transport
  • Waste
  • Biodiversity and heritage
  • Environmental economy
Sustainable Development Indicators (Biennial Release)

Sustainable development has the objective of achieving continuous improvement in quality of life and well-being by linking economic development, protection of the environment and social justice. The CSO has developed a set of Sustainable Development Indicators in consultation with other government departments and agencies. The indicators are presented under the following four domains:

  1. Global indicators
  2. Economy
  3. Social
  4. Environment
Business Energy Use (Annual Release)

The Business Energy Use (BEU) survey is an annual survey which collects information on a broad range of energy products used to operate businesses in the industry and services sectors. The data collected will be used to estimate total final energy consumption and cost in the various sectors of the Irish economy.

Waste Generation

The CSO conducted a Waste Generation Survey in 2012 and 2014. The survey data were combined with EPA data and are being validated against National Waste Collection Permit Office data.

Principal Statistics

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