This report contains the census results for the State as a whole, covering the following topics: age, sex, marital status, living arrangements, usual residence, migration, nationality, foreign languages, ethnic or cultural background, Irish language and housing.
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Population, Marital Status and Age |
- CDD01. Population by province, county or city and sex, 1841 to 2011
- CDD02. Population by age group and sex, 1926 to 2011
- CDD03. Population by constituency, 2006 and 2011
- CDD04. Population of each province, county and city with actual and percentage change, 2006 and 2011
- CDD05. Population in the aggregate town and rural areas, classified by sex, age group and detailed marital status
- CDD06. Population of each province, county and city, classified by sex, age group and detailed marital status
- CDD07. Population of each province, county and city, classified by sex and detailed marital status
- CDD08. Population of each province, county and city, classified by sex and age group
- CDD09. Population by sex and single year of age
Living Arrangements and Family Units |
- CDD10. Number of private households, persons in private households and average number of persons per private household in each province, county and city
- CDD11. Persons, males and females enumerated in communal establishments, classified by type of establishment
- CDD12. Number of private households and persons in private households, classified by composition and size
- CDD13. Number of private households and persons in private households, in each province, county and city, classified by composition and size
- CDD14. Private households in each province, county and city classifed by type of household
- CDD15. Private households and persons in private households, classified by sex, marital status and age group of reference person
- CDD16. The elderly population, distinguishing the number and percentage living alone in private households
- CDD17. Family units in private households, classified by type of family unit and number of children
- CDD18. Family units with one child only in private households, classified by type of family unit and age group of child
- CDD19. Family units with two or more children in private households, classified by type of family unit, age group of youngest child and age group of eldest child
- CDD20. Females usually resident and present in the State on census night, classified by age group, marital status and number of children born alive
Usual Residence, Place of Birth, Nationality and Foreign Language |
- CDD21. Visitors from abroad enumerated in communal establishments, classified by country of usual residence
- CDD22. Persons usually resident and present in the State on census night, classified by sex, place of birth and age group
- CDD23. Population usually resident and present in the State, classified by province, county or city, place of birth and sex
- CDD24. Persons, males and females aged one year and over, usually resident and present in the State on census night, classified by usual residence one year ago and nationality
- CDD25. Persons aged one year and over, usually resident and present in the State on census night, who lived outside the State for one year or more, classified by age group, place of birth, year of taking up residence in the State and country of previous residence
- CDD26. Persons usually resident and present in the State on census night, classified by nationality and age group
- CDD46. Population usually resident and present in the State who speak a language other than English or Irish, classified by language spoken, age group and place of birth
- CDD47. Population usually resident and present in the State who speak a language other than English or Irish, classified by nationality, sex and ability to speak English
- CDD48. Population usually resident and present in the State who speak a language other than English or Irish, classified by ability to speak English, age group and place of birth
Ethnicity, Irish Language and Religion |
- CDD27. Persons usually resident and present in the State on census night, classified by ethnic or cultural background and age group
- CDD28. Irish Travellers in each province, county and city, classified by sex
- CDD29. Irish Travellers classified by sex, age group and marital status
- CDD30. Irish Travellers in private households in each Province, County and City, classified by household type
- CDD31. Persons, males and females aged 3 years and over, classified by age group and ability to speak Irish
- CDD32. Irish speakers aged 3 years and over in each county and city within the Gaeltacht classified by frequency of speaking Irish and age group
- CDD33. Persons aged 3 years and over in each county and city within the Gaeltacht, who speak Irish daily within the education system, classified by sex, age group and frequency of speaking Irish outside the education system
- CDD34. Persons aged 3 years and over in each county and city within the Gaeltacht, classified by ability to speak Irish and age group
- CDD35. Persons, males and females, classified by religious denomination with actual and percentage change, 2006 and 2011
- CDD36. Population in each province and county, classified by religion, 1891 to 2011
- CDD37. Population usually resident and present in the State, classified by sex, religion and nationality
Housing |