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Census 2011 Reports
Census 2011 Profile 5 Households and Families - Living Arrangements in Ireland
Census 2011 Profile 5 Households and Families - Living Arrangements in Ireland
Profile 5 - Households and Families - Entire Document (PDF 17,234KB)
Profile 5 Contents, Foreword and Commentary (PDF 2,253KB)
Statistical Tables and Appendices including Extract from 2011 Questionaire (PDF 857KB)
Press Release for Profile 5 - Households and Families (PDF 116KB)
Interactive Tables
CD501 Population in each province, county and city classified by detailed marital status
CD502 Average number of persons per private household in each province, county and city
CD503 Persons enumerated in communal establishments, 2006 and 2011
CD504 Private households classified by household composition and number of persons per household
CD505 Private households and persons in private households in each province, county and city classified by type of household
CD506 Private households and persons in private households classified by age group and marital status of reference person
CD507 Private households classified by type of family unit, age group of children and number of children per family unit
CD508 Family units with one child only in private households classified by type of family unit and age group of child
CD509 Family units with two or more children in private households classified by type of family unit, age group of eldest child and age group of youngest child
CD510 Population usually resident and present in the State classified by nationality and age group and showing actual change and percentage change 2006-2011
CD511 Private households in permanent housing units in each province, county and city classified by type of private accommodation
CD512 Private households in permanent housing units in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area of each province, county and city classified by period built and nature of occupancy
CD513 Private households in permanent housing units in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area of each province, county and city classified by period built and number of rooms occupied
CD514 Private households in permanent housing units in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area of each province, county and city classified by period built and type of central heating
CD515 Private households in permanent housing units in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area of each province, county and city classified by period built and type of water supply
CD516 Private households in permanent housing units in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area of each province, county and city classified by period built and type of sewerage facility
CD517 Enumerated population classified by marital status and age group, 1926 - 2011
CD518 Population of each province, county and city classified by detailed marital status and age group
CD519 Population in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area of each province, county and city classified by detailed marital status and age group
CD520 Population in the regional authority areas classified by detailed marital status and age group
CD521 Population in towns by size classified by detailed marital status and age group
CD522 Persons in private households in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area in each province, county and city classified by type of household
CD523 Private households and persons per private household in each province, county and city classified by household composition
CD524 Private households and persons per private household in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area classified by household composition
CD525 Private households and persons per private household classified by household composition and age group
CD526 Private households and persons per private household classified by household composition and age group of reference person
CD527 Private households and persons per private household classified by household composition and marital status of reference person
CD528 Private households and persons per private household classified by marital status of reference person and age group of reference person
CD529 Percentage of population living alone in private households and persons per private household in each province, county and city classified by age group
CD530 Private households with persons aged 18 years and under and number of persons per household in each province, county and city classified by age group
CD531 Private households and persons per household in towns by size classified by household composition
CD532 Average number of persons per private household in permanent housing units since 1946 in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area of each province, county and city
CD533 Average number of persons per private household in permanent housing units in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area of each province, county and city
CD534 Private households and persons per private household in permanent housing units in each province, county and city classified by household composition
CD535 Private households and persons per private household in permanent housing units in the aggregate town and aggregate rural areas classified by household composition
CD536 Private households and persons per private household in permanent housing units classified by household composition and age group of reference person
CD537 Private households and persons per private household in permanent housing units classified by household composition and marital status of reference person
CD539 Private households and persons per private household in temporary housing units by household composition and age group
CD540 Private households and persons in private households in temporary housing units in each province, county and city classified by household composition
CD541 Persons in private households classified by family or non-family households, marital status and age group
CD542 Family units in private households classified by children per type of family unit and age group of child
CD543 Family units with one child only in private households classified by age group of child
CD544 Family units with two or more children in private households classified by age group of eldest child and age group of youngest child
CD545 Family units in private households classified by type and size of family unit and number of persons in household
CD546 Family units in private households classified by number of children in family and age group of parent
CD547 Family units in private households classified by age of husband, number of children in household and age of wife in relation to husbands age
CD548 Family units in private households classified by town size
CD549 Females usually resident and present in the State in the aggregate town and aggregate rural areas classified by, age group, marital status and number of children born alive
CD550 Females aged 15 years and over usually resident and present in the State in each province, county and city classified by average number of children born alive and age group
CD551 Females aged 15 years and over usually resident and present in the State classified by, average number of children born alive, age group and nationality
CD552 Females aged 15 years and over usually resident and present in the State classified by, average number of children born alive, age group and ethnic or cultural background
CD553 Population aged 15 years and over in private households classified by principal economic status, and status in family nucleus
CD554 Population aged 15 years and over in private households enumerated as husbands and wives, or couples and lone parents, classified by principal economic status
CD555 Population aged 15 years and over, classified by age group and marital status, 1996 to 2011
CD556 Population, classified by age group and marital status
CD557 Population aged 15 years and over in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area classified by marital status and age group
CD558 Population aged 15 years and over classified by marital status and social class
CD559 Population aged 15 years and over classified by marital status and principal economic status
CD560 Population aged 15 years and over classified by marital status and type of private accommodation
CD561 Population aged 15 years and over classified by marital status and nature of occupancy
CD562 Population aged 15 years and over classified by marital status and status in family nucleus
CD563 Population aged 15 years and over classified by marital status and highest level of education completed
CD564 Population aged 15 years and over that are usually resident and have lived outside Ireland for a period of one year or more classified by marital status
CD565 Divorced and separated population aged 15 years and over classified by number of children in household and age group, 2006 and 2011
CD566 Divorced and separated population aged 15 years and over, classified by household composition, 2006 and 2011
CD567 Divorced and separated population aged 15 years and over, classified by nature of occupancy and type of accommodation, 2006 and 2011
CD568 Divorced and separated population aged 15 years and over, classified by principal economic status, 2006 and 2011
CD569 Family units in private households by the average number of children in the family unit classified by household composition and age group of eldest child
CD570 Family units in private households by position in family cycle with children classified by household composition and age group of youngest child
CD594 Family units in private households by position in family cycle classified by household composition
D571 Number of family units in private households comprising of couples, with and without children classified by number of children in the household
CD572 Number of family units in private households comprising of couples, with and without children classified by aggregate town and aggregate rural area and marital status
CD573 Number of family units in private households comprising of couples, with and without children classified by household composition
CD574 Number of family units in private households comprising of couples, with and without children classified by nature of occupancy and type of accommodation
CD575 Number of family units in private households comprising of couples, with and without children classified by social class
CD576 Number of family units in private households comprising of couples, with and without children classified by principal economic status
CD577 Family units in private households with lone parents with children classified by type of family unit, number of children in household and age group
CD578 Family units in private households with lone parents with children classified by type of family unit, number of children in household and marital status
CD579 Family units in private households with lone parents with children classified by type of family unit, number of children in household and household composition
CD580 Family units in private households with lone parents with children classified by type of family unit, number of children in household, nature of occupancy and type of accommodation
CD581 Family units in private households with lone parents with children classified by type of family unit, number of children in household and social class
CD582 Family units in private households with lone parents with children classified by type of family unit, number of children in household and principal economic status
CD583 Population aged 18 years and over still living with their parents in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area, classified by principal economic status and age group
CD584 Number of private households classified by household composition, household size, total persons in the household and average household size
CD585 Number of one person private households in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area classified by age group and detailed marital status
CD586 Number of one person private households in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area classified by nature of occupancy and type of accommodation
CD587 Number of one person private households in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area classified by social class
CD588 Number of one person private households in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area classified by principal economic status
CD589 Non-family private households , classified by household type, number of persons in household and age group
CD590 Non-family private households, classified by household type and detailed marital status
CD591 Non-family private households, classified by household type, nature of occupancy and type of accommodation
CD592 Non-family private households, classified by household type and social class
CD593 Non-family private households, classified by household type and principal economic status of the reference person
CD595 Females aged 15-44 years in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area, classified by whether or not they have had children and detailed marital status
CD596 Females aged 15-44 years in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area, classified by whether or not they have had children and highest level of education completed
CD597 Females aged 15-44 years in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area, classified by whether or not they have had children and social class
CD598 Females aged 15-44 years in the aggregate town and aggregate rural area, classified by whether or not they have had children and principal economic status