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Census 2006 Reports
Census 2006 Volume 11 - Disability, Carers and Voluntary Activities
Census 2006 Volume 11 - Disability, Carers and Voluntary Activities
Volume 11 - Disability, Carers and Voluntary Activities- Entire Volume (PDF 1MB)
Table of contents and general details (PDF 28KB)
Appendix 1 - Census Form (PDF 316KB)
Appendix 2-8 Definitions (PDF 105KB)
Press Release (PDF 126KB)
Interactive Tables
Tables C1101 - C1140 Disability
C1101. Population in the Aggregate Town and Aggregate Rural Areas of each Regional Authority Area, classified by type of disability and sex
C1102. Population in each Province, County and City, classified by type of disability and sex
C1103. Population in each town with a population of 1,500 or more, classified by type of disability and sex
C1104. Population classified by single year of age and type of disability and sex
C1105. Population with a disability, classified by single year of age, the number of disability types and sex
C1106. Population classified by age group, marital status, type of disability and sex
C1107. Population with a disability, usually resident and present in the State, classified by nationality, type of disability and sex
C1108. Population usually resident and present in the State and Percentage of Disabled Population, classified by nationality, age group and sex
C1109. Population aged 15 years and over, classified by principal economic status, age group, type of disability and sex
C1110. Population aged 15 years and over with a disability, classified by principal economic status, age group, marital status and sex
C1111. Population aged 15 years and over with a disability, classified by type of disability, principal economic status and sex
C1112. Labour Force Participation Rate of Population aged 15 years or over with a disability, classified by type of disability and sex
C1113. Population at work aged 15 years and over, classified by intermediate occupational group, type of disability and sex
C1114. Population at work aged 15 years and over, classified by broad industrial group, type of disability and sex
C1115. Population with a disability, classified by socio-economic group, type of disability and sex
C1116. Population with a disability, classified by social class, type of disability and sex
C1117. Population with a disability, classified by socio-economic group, age group and sex
C1118. Population with a disability, classified by social class, age group and sex
C1119. Population aged 15 years and over with a disability, classified by socio-economic group, age at which full-time education ceased and sex
C1120. Population aged 15 years and over with a disability, classified by social class, age at which full-time education ceased and sex
C1121. Population aged 15 years and over, classified by type of disability, age at which full-time education ceased and sex
C1122. Population aged 15 years and over, classified by type of disability, highest level of education completed and sex
C1123. Population aged 15 years and over with a disability, who attained a third level qualification after completing 2 or more years of study, classified by type of disability, subject in which qualification is held and sex
C1124. Population aged 15 years and over with a disability and at work, school or college, usually resident and present in the State, classified by type of disability, means of travel and sex
C1125. Population enumerated in communal establishments, classified by type of establishment, type of disability and sex
C1126. Population with a disability enumerated in communal establishments, classified by type of establishment, age group and sex
C1127. Population in private households, usually resident and present in their usual residence, classified by household type, type of disability and sex
C1128. Population with a disability in private households, usually resident and present in their usual residence, classified by household type, age group and sex
C1129. Population with a disability in private households, classified by status in family nucleus, type of disability and sex
C1130. Population with a disability in each Province, County and City, classified by type of disability, sex and distinguishing the number and percentage living alone in private households
C1131. Population aged 15 years and over with a disability in each Province, County and City, classified by age group, sex and distinguishing the number and percentage living alone in private households
C1132. Population in permanent housing units, classified by nature of occupancy, type of disability and sex
C1133. Family units with at least one child with a disability, in private households, classified by type of family unit and number of children with a disability
C1134. Population, enumerated as children in family units in private households, classified by age group, type of disability and sex
C1135. Rented private dwellings in permanent housing units, in which there are one or more usual residents with a disability, classified by type of accommodation and nature of occupancy
C1136. Persons with a disability in private households in permanent housing units classified by age group
C1137. Persons with a disability in private households in permanent housing units classified by age group and motor car availability
C1138. Persons with a disability in private households in permanent housing units classified by age group, personal computer ownership and access to the internet
C1139. Population aged 15 years and over and present in the State, classified by nationality, type of disability and sex
C1140. Population aged 15 years and over usually resident and present in their usual residence, classified by birthplace, type of disability and sex
Tables C1141 - C1168 Carers
C1141. Carers aged 15 and over in the Aggregate Town and Aggregate Rural areas of each Regional Authority Area, classified by number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and sex
C1142. Carers aged 15 years and over in each Province, County and City, classified by number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and sex
C1143. Carers aged 15 years and over in each town with a population of 1,500 or more, classified by number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and sex
C1144. Carers classified by age group, marital status, number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and sex
C1145. Carers usually resident and present in the State, classified by sex, nationality and the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided
C1146. Carers aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status, age group, number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and sex
C1147. Carers aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status, marital status, number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and sex
C1148. Carers aged 15 years and over classified by principal economic status, the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and sex
C1149. Labour force participation rate of carers aged 15 years and over classified by the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and sex
C1150. Carers aged 15 years and over and at work, classified by intermediate occupational group, the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and sex
C1151. Carers aged 15 years and over and at work, classified by broad industrial group, the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and sex
C1152. Carers classified by sex, socio-economic group and the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided
C1153. Carers classified by sex, social class and the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided
C1154. Carers aged 15 years and over classified by sex, the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and age at which full-time education ceased
C1155. Carers aged 15 years and over classified by sex, the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and highest level of education completed
C1156. Carers aged 15 years and over who attained a third level qualification after completing two or more years of study, classified by sex, the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided and subject in which qualification is held
C1157. Carers enumerated in communal establishments classified by sex, type of establishment and the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided
C1158. Carers usually resident in private households, classified by sex, household type and the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided
C1159. Carers usually resident in private households classified by sex, household type and age group
C1160. Carers usually resident in private households classified by sex, status in family nucleus and the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided
C1161. Carers usually resident in private households classified by sex, status in family nucleus and age group
C1162. Carers usually resident in permanent housing units, classified by sex, nature of occupancy and the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided
C1163. Persons in rented private dwellings in permanent housing units, in which there are one or more usually resident carers, classified by type of accommodation, nature of occupancy and the number of hours per week of unpaid help provided
C1164. Carers in private households in permanent housing units, classified by age group
C1165. Carers in private households in permanent housing units, classified by age group and motor car availability
C1166. Carers in private households in permanent housing units, classified by age group, personal computer ownership and access to the Internet
C1167. Private households in permanent housing units classified by household size, the number of persons with a disability in the household and the number of carers in the household
C1168. Private households in permanent housing units classified by household composition, the number of persons with a disability in the household and the number of carers in the household
Tables C1169 - C1173 Voluntary Activities
C1169. Population aged 15 years and over classified by voluntary activity, age group and sex
C1170. Population aged 15 years and over classified by voluntary activity, socio-economic group and sex
C1171. Population aged 15 years and over classified by voluntary activity, social class and sex
C1172. Population aged 15 years and over in each Province, County and City classified by voluntary activity and sex
C1173. Population aged 15 years and over in each town with a population of 1,500 or more, classified by voluntary activity and sex